Firstly, fellow developer please review this eclass patch and read on if you are interested in what it actually does. Java developers: The following patch adds 3 new values to our package.env PVR and CATEGORY being the easy ones. These are being added because I think they should be there and they will help with implementing a paludis re-emerge-everything-java script. the 3rd BUILD_DEPEND records the packages/jars that have been passed as parameters to our java functions ( jar-from, getjars, getjar ) and also have --build-only specified. The format is exactly like package.env's DEPEND variable. The main reason for this patch is to allow Serkan to add --build-only dependencies to the classpath for java-dep-check. java-config support is not currently planned but this may change if need be. Here are some example package.env files. # more /var/tmp/portage/app-office/hourglass-0.7.2/image/usr/share/hourglass/package.env DESCRIPTION="A PSP (personal software process) time tracking utility written in Java" GENERATION="2" SLOT="0" CATEGORY="app-office" PVR="0.7.2" CLASSPATH="/usr/share/hourglass/lib/hourglass.jar" DEPEND="log4j.jar@log4j:jcommon.jar@jcommon-1.0:jdom.jar@jdom-1.0" VM=">=virtual/jre-1.5" BUILD_DEPEND="ant.jar@ant-core" TARGET="1.5" SOURCE="1.5" JAVADOC_PATH="/usr/share/doc/hourglass-0.7.2/html/api" JAVA_SOURCES="/usr/share/hourglass/sources//" MERGE_VM="sun-jdk-1.7" MERGE_COMPILER="javac" # more /var/tmp/portage/dev-java/sbaz-1.25/image/usr/share/sbaz/package.env DESCRIPTION="A system used by Scala enthusiasts to share computer files with each other." GENERATION="2" SLOT="0" CATEGORY="dev-java" PVR="1.25" CLASSPATH="/usr/share/sbaz/lib/sbaz.jar" DEPEND="scala-library.jar@scala" VM=">=virtual/jre-1.5" BUILD_DEPEND="servlet-api.jar@servlet-api-2.4:ant-contrib" TARGET="1.5" SOURCE="1.5" MERGE_VM="sun-jdk-1.7" MERGE_COMPILER="javac