Hi, As I mentioned in the thread "[gentoo-java] caucho-services, burlap and hessian mess" I'm going to deprecate 1.4 - there was not much feedback on that topic ;) Current plan is: * migrate 5 remaining packages to generation 2 (or if masked remove them) - current list (as of today): http://dev.gentoo.org/~nelchael/java-generation-2/not-migrated-20080713 * make generation 1 eclasses die instead of QA violation warning * change eclasses that have >?=virtual/jdk-1.4.* (java-gnome and php4_4-sapi) * rev bump every package with >?=virtual/jdk-1.4.*: * if package has soft dependency on 1.4 (>=1.4) - raise it to 1.4 - that's the easy case * if package has hard dependency on 1.4 (=1.4) - try to compile with 1.5, eventually patch it to work * if package refuses to compile/work with >1.4 - package.mask, slate for removal * get all rev bumped packages stabilized (if package has stable version in corresponding SLOT) * remove old versions of touched packages * remove java5 use flag * start dropping generation 1 from the tree: * make old eclasses a stub - so unmerge works * remove generation 1 bits from JDK ebuilds * package.mask java-config-1* * remove virtual/jdk-1.4.1 * clean up dev-java/* - prune old versions (for example currently: java-config-wrapper - 3 stable versions in same SLOT) What that huge change means to us? As you may (or may not) know Sun is stopping support for 1.4 soon, so we need to move away from it. Also if we focus on modern JDK versions (1.5, 1.6 and soon 1.7) we'll have less work, as most major changes occurred between 1.4 and 1.5. Basically whatever is 1.5 compatible should work with 1.6 and 1.7. Note: that does NOT mean that I'm proposing to remove JDK 1.4 from the tree - it will stay to people who need it can still use it. On the other hand few months after Sun EOLs 1.4 we *should* consider dropping 1.4 JDKs. If there are no objections I'm going to start the big changes around Friday (18 July). I'm planning also to get a heads-up announcement in GMN for July. I'm also asking everybody for help: when the process starts please start fixing ebuilds too - changing 370 packages is not an easy task to take alone. Jean-Noël: Eclipse is quite special case here: as 3.2* requires both: 1.4 and 1.5 - could you start the process of stabilizing ? -- Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC555551 desktop-misc, java, apache, ppc, vim, kernel, python...