I wrote a patch to add pkg_preinst to java-utils-2 to check the jars in the images for problems in the jars but it can later be used for other stuff too. If there are no objections we will need to modify the following ebuilds as not to change their behavior. I will do this in behalf of the maintainers in question so that all the changes go in at the same time. betelgeuse@pena /mnt/checkouts/java/scripts $ bash find-function-usage-in-inheriting-ebuilds.sh --can-add --no-default java-pkg-2 pkg_preinst perl-module.eclass: dev-perl/Inline-Java/Inline-Java-0.50.ebuild perl-module.eclass: dev-perl/Inline-Java/Inline-Java-0.51.ebuild perl-module.eclass: dev-perl/Inline-Java/Inline-Java-0.52.ebuild betelgeuse@pena /mnt/checkouts/java/scripts $ bash find-function-usage-in-inheriting-ebuilds.sh --can-add --no-default java-pkg-opt-2 pkg_preinst perl-module.eclass: app-pda/pilot-link/pilot-link-0.12.2.ebuild perl-module.eclass: dev-util/subversion/subversion-1.3.2-r3.ebuild perl-module.eclass: dev-util/subversion/subversion-1.3.2-r4.ebuild The script can be found in https://overlays.gentoo.org/svn/proj/java/scripts/find-function-usage-in-inheriting-ebuilds.sh Regards, Petteri