20:00 -!- nelchael changed the topic of #gentoo-java to: Java on Gentoo Linux | Java Team meeting - right now, agenda: http://tinyurl.com/gq368 | http://java.gentoo.org/ | This is a low traffic channel, please be patient | For Java issues not related to Gentoo, please refer to ##java | Java Bugs: http://tinyurl.com/n9qb | http://overlays.gentoo.org/svn/proj/java/ | Java 1.5 support is here! http://tinyurl.com/fqsdj 20:01 <@ nichoj> ah, guess its about that time 20:01 <@ wltjr> guess it's meeting time, all jokes aside 20:01 <@ nichoj> karltk, zx: ping 20:01 * nichoj starts looking for stray javaites 20:02 <@ wltjr> I would like to welcome all to the Java Meeting, and with that I had it over to our astute leader, nichoj 20:03 * wltjr starts a round of applause 20:03 * nelchael clap, clap, clap 20:03 <@ Betelgeuse> \o/ \o/ 20:04 <@ sanchan> unlord: still 403 :-) refreshing :-) 20:05 <@ nichoj> alright, let us start with a quick attendence 20:05 <@ nichoj> I'll skip over peeps I know are alive already 20:05 <@ nichoj> geki_: ping 20:05 * wltjr checks his own pulse 20:05 < unlord_> sanchan: I haven't even left for the county fair yet 20:05 <@ nichoj> Caster: ping 20:06 <@ wltjr> unlord_: he was just checking since you are in a time warp :) 20:06 <@ sanchan> unlord: just joking 20:07 <@ wltjr> if you are present and have not spoken in the past few minutes or etc, please say something or hold up your hand for attendance :) 20:07 <@ nelchael> I've updated the agenda to include a list of ebuilds with 'eant ... || die ...' 20:07 <@ GurliGebis> :P 20:07 <@ wltjr> or prepare to be kicked from the channel :o 20:07 <@ nichoj> well, while we give the other minions time to get here, I suppose we can start with the 'personel update' action. I'll start er off 20:07 <@ wltjr> just kiddin about the boot 20:08 <@ nichoj> basically, I've been working on smoothing the rough edges of the new system 20:08 <@ wltjr> nichoj: is there a command to ping everyone on the channel? 20:08 <@ nichoj> with the intent of getting it ready for stabilization 20:08 <@ nichoj> wltjr: not really 20:08 <@ nichoj> !herd java 20:08 < jeeves> nichoj: (java) betelgeuse, compnerd, gurligebis, karltk, nelchael, nichoj, sanchan, wltjr, zx 20:09 <@ nichoj> in particular, I've been hacking java-config-1 a lot, learned python while I was at it ;) 20:09 <@ nichoj> things are a lot saner now 20:10 <@ wltjr> is there any estimated time for the EOL of java-config-1 or shall it always remain? 20:10 <@ nichoj> like, you only can use 1.4 JDKs with java-config-1. JREs don't get registered with it, neither do 1.5+ JDKs 20:10 <@ nichoj> wltjr: it will remain as long as there are generation-1 ebuilds 20:10 <@ nichoj> so, basically everything in the tree would have to be migrated, and then a migrated version would have to be stablized for each package/slot 20:11 <@ nichoj> as you might imagine, it might take awhile for that to happen 20:11 <@ wltjr> nichoj: are new packages allowed to be gen 1 then? is there a time frame for a gen 1 package freeze? 20:11 <@ nelchael> my turn: getting resin up to date, splitting Sun's JWSDP into smaller pieces, taking care of several ebuilds, general migration stuff 20:11 <@ nichoj> wltjr: we shouldn't be adding new ebuilds which are using generation-1 20:11 <@ nelchael> wltjr: they are not 20:12 <@ nichoj> I wasn't quite done ;) 20:12 <@ nelchael> nichoj: oops - had that line ready :] sorry 20:12 <@ nelchael> wltjr: repoman will (soon?) check for use of gen1 eclasses 20:12 <@ nichoj> and lastly, I've been poking at the eclasses, so that they are a bit more user friendly, guiding the user to what they should be doing when something goes wrong 20:13 <@ nichoj> for example, the error you get for generation-1 packages when VMHANDLE isn't present is a lot nicer now 20:13 <@ nichoj> of course, we still get people confused about what to do, but such is life :) 20:13 <@ nichoj> I'm done now ;) 20:14 <@ nichoj> nelchael: anything else to add? 20:14 < gnul> quick question: what defines a generation-1 package? 20:14 <@ nelchael> nichoj: no - I'm taking care of several ebuilds, but help wherever I can 20:14 <@ wltjr> are there any time lines for the core java stuff, barring any major bugs or etc that would hold it back from being stabilized 20:14 <@ nelchael> gnul: java-* eclass - without -2, so java-pkg is gen1, java-pkg-2 is gen2 20:15 <@ nelchael> wltjr: we'll talk about that later - check the agenda 20:15 <@ wltjr> sry 20:15 <@ nichoj> nelchael: what type of time committment do you see yourself doing? 20:16 <@ nelchael> nichoj: I'm changing something usually on weekends or in work, so basicly few hours daily 20:17 <@ nichoj> nelchael: can you please try to be on irc during those times, please? ;) 20:17 <@ nelchael> nichoj: I try, but I can't use it too often in work 20:17 <@ nichoj> alrighty 20:18 <@ nichoj> if you don't have anything else, let us hear from the next person? 20:18 <@ nelchael> I'm done 20:18 <@ GurliGebis> I don't have anything 20:18 <@ Betelgeuse> robilad: Just in time for the java team meating ;D 20:19 <@ wltjr> GurliGebis: whatcha working on? guestimated time you can contribute routinely 20:19 <@ Betelgeuse> Well I could as well go next. ;D 20:19 <@ nichoj> ah, let us also welcome GurliGebis :) who will be helping out with migrating stuff 20:19 <@ GurliGebis> thanks :) 20:19 <@ GurliGebis> right now I'm waiting for a working version of TestNG from upstream 20:19 * wltjr hands GurliGebis: Hawaiian Lay 20:20 <@ GurliGebis> so I can get an ebuild written :) 20:21 <@ nichoj> GurliGebis: alrighty. how much time do you see yourself working on java stuff? 20:21 < robilad> Betelgeuse: yo ;) 20:21 <@ GurliGebis> working on porting gentoo java stuff, or working with java in general? :) 20:22 <@ wltjr> GurliGebis: gentoo stuff 20:22 <@ nichoj> as wltjr said 20:22 <@ wltjr> GurliGebis: just a guestimate, you won't be held to it or etc 20:23 <@ GurliGebis> right now not so much, but I plan on starting out tomorrow actually :-) 20:23 <@ GurliGebis> haven't had much time yet for it 20:23 <@ wltjr> GurliGebis: couple of times a week? 2-3 hours or so per week? 20:23 <@ GurliGebis> nahh, more 20:24 <@ wltjr> GurliGebis: 24/7/365 :) 20:24 <@ GurliGebis> I plan on dedicating some time in the weekends :) 20:24 <@ GurliGebis> nahh 20:24 <@ nichoj> I think we get the idea :) 20:24 <@ nichoj> Betelgeuse: alright, let us have it :) 20:24 <@ wltjr> another weekend warrior :) 20:25 <@ Betelgeuse> Well it seems I am the "oldest" one around. ;D 20:25 <@ GurliGebis> but currently I write java code about 8 hours a day ;) 20:25 <@ nichoj> scary :) 20:25 * wltjr listens to the wisdom 20:25 <@ Betelgeuse> Any way I have this role play during the week of being an officer. 20:25 * nelchael goes to get some popcorn 20:25 * wltjr salutes 20:25 <@ Betelgeuse> Ends 05.01.2007. ;D 20:25 <@ Betelgeuse> Any way I have the weekends to do some stuff. 20:26 * nichoj marks down in calender 20:26 <@ Betelgeuse> I usually just look at the bugs list and do what seems like something easy to fix. 20:26 * wltjr pre-orders some champagne and beer 20:26 <@ Betelgeuse> Then I try to keep stuff like azureus up2date. 20:27 <@ Betelgeuse> That's about it atm. I have 18 minions btw. ;D 20:27 <@ wltjr> pimp 20:27 <@ nelchael> wltjr: check out my overlay for x11-themes/pimp-my-kde ;) 20:28 * wltjr looks for a pimp-my-gnome :( 20:28 * nelchael stabs gnome 20:28 <@ nichoj> btw, I'm keeping notes here: https://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/java/wiki/September_2006_Meeting_Notes 20:28 <@ nelchael> nichoj: ROTFL 20:28 <@ nelchael> "old man betelgeuse" 20:28 <@ nichoj> :) 20:29 <@ nelchael> can you add Caster too ? 20:29 * wltjr welcomes Caster with a Hawaiian Lei 20:29 <@ nichoj> he's not responding atm, so.... 20:29 <@ nelchael> is it possible for more than one person to edit it? 20:29 <@ nelchael> Caster: ping? 20:29 <@ nichoj> probably 20:29 <@ nichoj> Betelgeuse: is that all? 20:30 <@ wltjr> Betelgeuse: sir 20:30 <@ Betelgeuse> nichoj: Yup. 20:30 <@ Betelgeuse> Attention! ;D 20:30 <@ wltjr> :) 20:30 <@ Betelgeuse> wltjr: at ease 20:30 * wltjr slouches 20:30 <@ nichoj> wltjr: gee, I'm hesitant to ask, but what have you been up to? :) 20:30 <@ Caster> hello 20:30 <@ Caster> sorry for delay :) 20:30 < christel> heey Caster! 20:30 * wltjr hands Caster the mike 20:30 <@ nichoj> Caster: no worries, we'll still just catching up 20:31 <@ nelchael> Caster: it's ok, good to have you here 20:31 <@ Caster> I will need to catch up too :) 20:31 <@ nelchael> Caster: https://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/java/wiki/September_2006_Meeting_Notes 20:31 <@ nichoj> while you do so, lets hear from the illustrious wltjr 20:31 <@ wltjr> Caster: would you like a moment or two then to compose your thoughts ;0 20:31 <@ wltjr> ok ok 20:31 < christel> oops, sorry for talking in the middle of your meeting :o 20:31 <@ nelchael> wltjr: tomcat-addict? ;) 20:32 <@ wltjr> sooo, after learning about the Tomcat nightmares ;) I will be also taking over maintaining servletapi and jasper packages, in conjunction with Tomcat 20:32 <@ nelchael> christel: cool - you'll be listed under 'Other' ;) on https://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/java/wiki/September_2006_Meeting_Notes 20:32 < christel> lol 20:32 <@ wltjr> since jasper and servletapi use Tomcat's sources 20:32 <@ wltjr> unfortunately I have been short on time, but that should improve a bit shortly 20:33 <@ wltjr> enough to give me like 1-2 hours for Gentoo luv per day ideally :), but that depends on if I have to provide help to Tomcat users during the day for what ever reason :) 20:33 <@ wltjr> I would also like to help sanitize our jdbc drivers, and etc, starting with Jaybird :) for firebird since it was my very first ebuild even before Tomcat, almost 1yr before hitting tree ;( 20:34 <@ wltjr> specifically coming up with a naming scheme for the jdbc drivers, which nichoj and I have briefly discussed here and there over time 20:34 <@ wltjr> I am pretty package focused right now, I can help others a bit by emerging packages on amd64, can't spend to much time testing them for usability or etc unless it's a few minutes 20:35 <@ wltjr> however, you won't see my participating in the core gentoo java stuff till I get more time, sorry bout that, tomcat is a time killer 20:35 <@ wltjr> once i get past Tomcat and etc I would also like to contribute to if not take over Netbeans, as it does not have a maintainer or much love for quite some time 20:36 <@ nelchael> !meta netbeans 20:36 <@ wltjr> for any interested there was a Netbeans 5.5 beta I started hacking on in migration overlay 20:36 < jeeves> nelchael: Package: dev-util/netbeans Herd: dev-tools, java Maintainer: dev-tools, java Description: NetBeans is dedicated to providing rock solid software development products (NetBeans IDE, NetBeans Platform) that address the needs of developers, users and the businesses who rely on NetBeans as a basis for their products. NetBeans is also a vibrant community where people from just about any country you can think of, have the ability ask quest 20:36 <@ wltjr> pretty sure that about covers it, aside from my unexplainable obnoxious behaviour, which I blame entirely on SpanKY's teachings :) 20:37 <@ nichoj> lol 20:37 <@ wltjr> oh yeah, forgot about Tomcat connectors 20:37 <@ wltjr> will be taking over mod_jk as well, and looking into mod_ajp_proxy or etc for apache 2.2, pretty much anything to do with Tomcat, will involve me at some point 20:38 * wltjr goes off to cry 20:38 <@ nichoj> :) 20:38 <@ nichoj> alrighty, let us here what's up in the world of the newly minted Caster 20:38 <@ Caster> wow this was quite a confession 20:38 * nelchael goes to cvs rm -f tomcat to cheer wltjr up 20:38 <@ wltjr> am I clean of all my sins now ;) 20:39 * wltjr YELLS Hey Priest, I don't swing that way, get your hands off me 20:39 * nichoj rolls his eyes 20:39 <@ wltjr> what is SpanKY doing in a confessional 20:39 <@ wltjr> Caster: plz take the freakin mike 20:39 <@ nichoj> Caster: for our sake, please :) 20:39 <@ nelchael> Caster: save us! 20:39 < predatorfrea> Could I prod someone to add a categories file to the gcj overlay and migrated overlay? 20:40 < predatorfrea> That way I can sync it with paludis and not have it go boom :) 20:40 <@ Betelgeuse> predatorfreak: geki_ 20:40 <@ nelchael> predatorfreak: later -> yes, now -> no. 20:40 <@ Caster> okay so first thanks for the warm welcome :) I hope I will be useful and breaking stuff as little as possible :P 20:40 <@ wltjr> predatorfreak: after meeting plz ;) 20:40 < predatorfrea> wltjr: Didn't know there was a meeting :) 20:40 <@ Betelgeuse> predatorfreak: no problem ;D 20:40 <@ nelchael> predatorfreak: /topic ? 20:40 <@ Caster> I guess I will continue the work on ant stuff, maybe take it as maintainer? 20:41 * wltjr quietly points towards topic 20:41 < predatorfrea> nelchael: I'm blind :P 20:41 <@ nelchael> predatorfreak: don't worry - I'm too ;) 20:41 <@ Caster> and also solving bugs, porting stuff to generation 2, improving java-config/eclasses with nichoj... as usual :) 20:41 * unlord_ lurks 20:41 <@ Betelgeuse> Caster: Well I don't see ant being complex enough to warrant to a designated maintainer. 20:42 <@ Betelgeuse> Of course you can be the one who always does the work on it. ;D 20:42 <@ wltjr> Caster: but there are many more packages, I am sure we can find a few for you :) 20:42 <@ Caster> okay 20:42 < christel> nelchael: should list me as official java team groupie *nods* since i admire you guys loads for being such a wicked team 20:43 <@ GurliGebis> ahh, christel, there you are :) 20:43 <@ nelchael> christel: ROTFL.... let me get up from floor first 20:43 <@ Caster> ant is now 20 packages instead of two :) 20:43 <@ nichoj> Caster: so how much time do you think you'll be hacking? 20:43 <@ wltjr> christel: nichoj, Betelguese will be signing autographs after the meeting :) 20:43 < christel> GurliGebis: im still trying to track down a useable copy for you! :) 20:43 <@ GurliGebis> thanks :) 20:43 < christel> lol 20:44 <@ GurliGebis> :) 20:44 <@ Betelgeuse> Caster: Probably should think about having a separate category for them then. ;D 20:44 <@ nelchael> Caster: so maybe instead of ant maintainer, all-things-ant-related maintainer? 20:44 <@ Caster> yeah 20:44 <@ nelchael> Betelgeuse: check my mail about splitting dev-java ;) 20:44 * nichoj adds that to the agenda 20:44 <@ Caster> nichoj: 1-2 hours/day is fine I guess, probably not as much time as there was during holidays 20:44 <@ nelchael> nichoj++ 20:45 <@ nichoj> Caster: alrighty 20:46 <@ nichoj> sanchan: still around? 20:46 <@ Betelgeuse> nichoj: Probably should add the FOSS java stack as my specialty as I seem to be the only one looking after that stuff atm. 20:46 <@ wltjr> sanchan: leave her alone, she is sick ;) we would like to hear from ya when you have time :) 20:46 <@ sanchan> nichoj : yes 20:46 <@ Caster> Betelgeuse: don't forget geki 20:47 <@ sanchan> I'm here 20:47 <@ nichoj> sanchan: alright, let us here it :) 20:47 <@ sanchan> well 20:47 <@ Betelgeuse> Caster: yeah, of course 20:47 <@ sanchan> I planned to continue the porting of tinyos 1.x on portage 20:47 <@ Betelgeuse> Caster: I mean maintaining to stuff already in portage. 20:47 <@ sanchan> most of the remaining ebuilds are java packages 20:48 <@ sanchan> one of them is a branch of jython 20:48 <@ Caster> right 20:48 <@ sanchan> There are requests for porting tinyos 2.x too 20:49 <@ sanchan> I'm usually away during the weekends 20:49 <@ sanchan> but I usually have 1 -2 hours /day for gentoo as a whole 20:50 <@ sanchan> most of the time reporting bugs... 20:50 <@ sanchan> I'm working of beecrypt ebuild, it need some java lovin 20:50 <@ sanchan> tinyos need also to be ported to other jdk than ibm one. 20:51 <@ sanchan> rxtx package can be a good candidate for solving most of the issues 20:51 <@ sanchan> I'm a very slow developer 20:51 <@ sanchan> so don't expect an high commit rate 20:52 <@ nichoj> that is fine 20:52 <@ nichoj> sanchan: anything else to add? 20:53 <@ sanchan> mmm I think I can take a look at bugs assigne to java team and try to do what I can 20:53 <@ sanchan> and test java ebuilds under x86 and amd64 20:53 <@ sanchan> not much more to say 20:53 <@ nichoj> good deal 20:53 <@ nichoj> well, I think that's everyone that's alive at the moment 20:53 <@ nelchael> so.. who's missing? 20:53 <@ nelchael> karltk, zx .. ? 20:53 <@ nichoj> karltk, zx, compnerd 20:54 <@ Betelgeuse> The mummies. ;D 20:54 <@ nichoj> compnerd's online now, but he never comes in here anymore, it seems 20:54 <@ nichoj> unlord_: still alive? 20:55 <@ Betelgeuse> nichoj: Oh yes, I forgot to mention that I am a Gentoo approved recruiter now. ;D 20:55 <@ nelchael> christel: so you're now The Official Java Team Groupie (TM) 20:55 <@ nichoj> Betelgeuse: very cool 20:55 <@ wltjr> christel: plz recruit other groups with no morals 20:55 <@ wltjr> s/groups/groupies 20:55 <@ nelchael> !seen ali_bush 20:55 < jeeves> ali_bush (n=chatzill@203-173-178-130.bliink.ihug.co.nz) was last seen quitting from #gentoo-java 1 day, 7 hours, 10 minutes ago stating ("Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox]"). 20:56 < christel> :D 20:56 <@ nichoj> well, I suppose we can move on with the agenda 20:57 <@ nichoj> please update the agenda with archs you have access to 20:57 <@ GurliGebis> nichoj, link to agenda? 20:57 <@ nichoj> https://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/java/wiki/September_2006_Meeting_Outline 20:58 <@ nichoj> we should be golden with x86, since I'd imagine everyone has x86 20:58 < christel> mips, ppc, x86, sparc and alpha 20:58 <@ nichoj> amd64 should be pretty good too 20:58 <@ GurliGebis> thats all I have access to 20:58 < christel> (if you need me to ever test something, i can so totally do that for you since im a official groupie) 20:58 <@ nichoj> ppc and ppc64 has been seriously lacking recently 20:58 <@ Caster> arches go up in developers list or down ? 20:59 <@ nichoj> fortunately, nelchael and I have recently acquired mac hardware 20:59 <@ wltjr> someone on -dev was trying to get my to work on hppa also 20:59 <@ wltjr> something about giving me access to some hppa server or etc? 20:59 <@ nichoj> he got a G4 (ppc), and I got G5 (ppc and ppc64) 20:59 <@ GurliGebis> I have x86-fbsd 20:59 <@ nichoj> I was about to mention that 20:59 <@ GurliGebis> could you add that? (don't want to create a user right now) 21:00 <@ wltjr> I don't think I have time, so anyone interested in hppa, I believe there is a gentoo hppa dev server, you can get access to as a gentoo dev 21:00 <@ nichoj> but, we should be able to get access to other archs that we (gentoo) has access, ie ia64 21:00 <@ nichoj> sparc should be probably be dropped for now, since there isn't a sane jdk at the moment 21:00 <@ nichoj> GurliGebis: head to #gentoo-overlays, and I'll get them to give you an account :) 21:00 <@ GurliGebis> not right now 21:01 <@ GurliGebis> a bit busy with a few things 21:01 <@ GurliGebis> will do later 21:01 <@ nichoj> fair enough. I just requested it. you shuld hear from someone at some point 21:01 <@ GurliGebis> :) 21:02 <@ nichoj> but since we are talking about archs... something that's been troublesome is that arch ends up lagging way behind ~arch 21:02 * Caster goes to read -dev in fear what was made up in the welcome mail :P 21:02 <@ nichoj> my guess is that's a result of not having enough peeps, and the ones we do most likely run ~arch 21:02 <@ nichoj> I run ~arch everywhere I do anything for java, for example 21:03 <@ nichoj> so, I was thinking we should try to do something like arch-testers 21:03 <@ nelchael> nichoj: I've got over 10 servers with java - all x86 21:03 <@ nichoj> or arch-testers who specialize in java 21:03 <@ GurliGebis> :) 21:03 <@ Betelgeuse> nichoj: helps, but the what I do is to always look at the keywords when touching a package to see if I should file a stabilization request. 21:04 <@ nichoj> Betelgeuse: of course, that is good 21:04 <@ nichoj> I mean more like people that are specifically looking out to see what should get stablized 21:05 <@ Betelgeuse> nichoj: I have tried to advertise that to our users in the past with little success. 21:05 <@ Betelgeuse> nichoj: Well maybe it will have better success now. ;D 21:05 <@ nichoj> we can hope :) 21:05 <@ nichoj> that starts leading into how to get more people involved, but we'll talk about that in a bit 21:06 <@ nichoj> without any further ado, let us get talking about the new java system 21:06 <@ nelchael> we should decide when we start stabilizing new generation core packages 21:06 <@ Caster> nooooooow! 21:06 <@ nichoj> of course 21:07 <@ nelchael> Caster: no 21:07 <@ nichoj> before that, I think we want to figure out if there's anything that needs to be done before we want to stablize 21:07 <@ nelchael> a lot of tests 21:07 <@ Caster> :( 21:07 <@ wltjr> yeah i was going to ask earlier 21:07 <@ nichoj> I have one more release of java-config-1, java-config-2, and java-config-wrapper to do first 21:07 <@ nichoj> should get to those tonight 21:07 <@ nelchael> I've added gen2 to package.keywords on two servers - the rest is x86 - everything works 21:07 <@ wltjr> are new features going into the core gen2 java stuff or is that at a freeze? 21:07 <@ nelchael> but it has to be tested on a lot more configurations 21:07 <@ nichoj> so, on the short end, it would be at least 30 days from those releases 21:07 <@ wltjr> aside from bug fixes, or refinement for usability 21:08 <@ nelchael> 14/oct ? 21:08 <@ nelchael> as a start of stabilizing ? 21:08 <@ nichoj> the only thing I still want to improve is the upgrade guide and user guide 21:08 <@ nichoj> that's a good date to shoot for 21:08 <@ wltjr> ok, so there are no new features or etc being added 21:08 <@ nelchael> it's a saturday, so everyone of us will have some time 21:08 <@ nelchael> wltjr: yes 21:08 <@ Betelgeuse> nichoj: The jdk.conf file is still should be documented 21:08 <@ wltjr> just documentation, testing and refinement of the new core 21:09 <@ nelchael> wltjr: yes, and migration of ebuilds to gen2 21:09 <@ nichoj> well, ideally, I want to get the bare minimum packages we need to stablize 21:09 <@ wltjr> nelchael: sure, but migration of the ebuilds does not really pertain to stabilization of the core right? 21:09 <@ nichoj> ie, the 'core', and jdks 21:09 <@ wltjr> since the goal behind the core is to be pretty 100% for gen 2 use, but 100% for gen 1 stuff in tree already 21:10 <@ nichoj> and any packages that _need_ to be stablized too for things to continue working 21:10 <@ nelchael> wltjr: no, but if a lot of packages still is not migrated users won't benefit from it too much 21:10 <@ nelchael> nichoj: yes: the core first 21:10 <@ wltjr> nelchael: true, but we can't stick core + packages into tree, so it's core first 21:10 <@ nelchael> so one gets stable JDK 21:10 <@ nelchael> wltjr: yes 21:10 <@ nichoj> violently agreeing here I think :) 21:10 <@ wltjr> nelchael: and when core goes into tree, it's only working with gen 1 stuff, so if gen 2 ebuilds are not stablized or finalized etc, that's fine they won't be in the stable tree anyway 21:10 <@ nelchael> maybe we should write what 'core' is in notes? 21:11 <@ nelchael> wltjr: yeap :) 21:11 <@ nichoj> it's the set of packages in the package.keywords listing 21:11 <@ wltjr> nelchael: sure, because it seems like the core should be pretty close if not ready ow 21:11 <@ nelchael> nichoj: ok 21:11 <@ wltjr> more so with nichoj: java-config-1 refinements 21:11 <@ nichoj> we should be good with refines in the code, I think 21:12 <@ nichoj> like I said, should be releasing those tonight 21:12 <@ wltjr> so is oct 14th the target date? 21:12 <@ nelchael> so after core is stable: if, for example resin, is to be stabilized - with it will few other packages - we should stablilize what is needed 21:12 <@ nelchael> wltjr: I think so 21:12 <@ nichoj> oct 14th, lets do it 21:12 <@ nelchael> yay! 21:12 <@ wltjr> nelchael: yeah and I will be looking to stabilize tomcat as well as one of the first gen 2 packages since it has been out of date, about as long as 1.5 has been :) 21:13 <@ nichoj> ok, so what do we need to do to meet that goal? 21:13 <@ nelchael> wltjr: :) 21:13 <@ nichoj> we should get bugs filed this weekend 21:13 <@ nelchael> nichoj: fix all bugs in b.g.o wrt java-config 21:13 <@ wltjr> nichoj: test and refine I would assume, feature or major change freeze to the core 21:13 <@ nelchael> there's the tracker I created 21:13 <@ nichoj> # ? 21:14 <@ wltjr> nichoj: so what there are two scenarios to test right? upgrades and new installs on all archs? 21:14 <@ nelchael> nibug #143712 21:14 <@ nichoj> bug 143712 21:14 < jeeves> nichoj: https://bugs.gentoo.org/143712 nor, P2, All, nelchael@gentoo.org->java@gentoo.org, NEW, pending, [TRACKER] Generation 2 Java build system - stable ebuilds 21:14 <@ nichoj> nelchael: that is just for packages that need core to be stable before becoming stable 21:15 <@ nichoj> so, we setup a new 'new java system stablization' bug, which blocks that one 21:15 <@ nelchael> ok 21:15 <@ nichoj> have instructions for testing... ie point to java-upgrade 21:15 <@ nichoj> list scenarios to test 21:15 <@ nichoj> I'm sure new installs should be fine. it never has been a problem that I've seen 21:16 <@ nichoj> upgrades, of course, are trickier 21:16 <@ nichoj> I wonder what scenarios we want to test there 21:17 <@ nichoj> at the very least, should test installing every java package 21:17 <@ wltjr> I can think of to many to make it practical 21:17 <@ nichoj> I know 21:17 <@ nichoj> but should we test with having 1.5 unmasked early, and bad byte code? 21:17 <@ wltjr> no I would imagine there to be less upgrades with 1.5 already existing 21:18 <@ wltjr> as opposed to way older trees or etc 21:18 <@ nichoj> at this point, they have likely upgraded to new system anyways 21:18 <@ Caster> I think we need a tracker for stuff that is stable and breaks with new system 21:18 <@ nichoj> yep 21:18 <@ Caster> db... 21:18 <@ wltjr> someone with 1.5 already unmasked could have done that at so many different points, overlays, etc 21:18 <@ nichoj> right 21:18 <@ Caster> cyrus-sasl is now sorted 21:18 <@ Caster> not sure if all arches 21:18 <@ nichoj> app-accessibility/gnome-speech 21:18 <@ nichoj> dev-java/jarjar 21:18 <@ nichoj> kde-base/kdejava-3.5.2 21:18 <@ nichoj> that's what I had break on amd64 21:18 <@ Caster> ah yeah kdejava and qtjava 21:19 <@ nichoj> there's a lot more stable x86 things though 21:19 <@ wltjr> nichoj: those with 1.5 have already "voided the warranty" by breaking the seal so :) those upgrade scenarios should all be pushed to the side 21:19 <@ nichoj> indeed. shoudl be able to have sane path for them to follow to become blessed again 21:19 <@ Caster> heh and those with 1.5 for gen-1 stuff we shoot 21:20 <@ nichoj> ie the person who forced it on bugzilla :) 21:20 <@ Caster> and there was some bug where somebody had /opt/jdk1.5.0.7/ 21:20 <@ nichoj> yep 21:20 <@ Caster> no idea what that was :) certainly not from portage 21:20 <@ wltjr> nichoj: I agree on a path, but since their starting point can be in so many different places, the path is not likely to be the same for all, or as standard/similar as other upgrades 21:20 <@ nelchael> Caster: it was manual install 21:21 <@ nichoj> I think we got a pretty good idea of what needs to be done. let's try to get the tracker and whatnot filed this weekend 21:21 <@ nichoj> we could also probably announce the efforts to the gwn 21:21 <@ wltjr> nichoj: I would say, two paths, upgrade the standard way, everything in tree, or upgrade via an overlay 21:22 <@ nichoj> wltjr: I'm not so concerned with the overlays wrt stablization 21:22 <@ wltjr> nichoj: no I meant as to where they are coming from 21:22 <@ nichoj> I don't think I follow 21:22 <@ wltjr> nichoj: not suing it going forward as I was using this overlay, and now I am upgrading to the new system or etc 21:22 <@ wltjr> s/suing/using 21:23 <@ nichoj> I don't think we can really account for that 21:23 <@ wltjr> nichoj: that's what I was saying originally 21:23 <@ nichoj> ok :) 21:23 <@ wltjr> nichoj: since they could be coming from so many starting points, hard to make up a path to follow that would work 21:23 <@ wltjr> for all 21:23 <@ nichoj> so, any other thoughts / comments on stablization? 21:24 <@ nelchael> nope 21:24 <@ nichoj> alright, let's move onto how migration of the tree to new system is going 21:25 <@ wltjr> I migrated Tomcat :) 21:25 <@ wltjr> all seems well :) 21:25 <@ nichoj> sweet 21:25 <@ Caster> we need to improve docs 21:25 <@ Caster> nothing mentions --build-only 21:25 <@ wltjr> axxo: popped in earlier and gave a :( to the java5 useflag? 21:25 <@ Caster> and how to handle JAVA_PKG_STRICT 21:25 <@ nichoj> nelchael: in your java-generation-2, think you could do like a current symlink? 21:25 <@ nichoj> right 21:25 <@ nelchael> nichoj: yeap 21:25 <@ nichoj> Caster: interested in helping with getting those fixed? 21:26 <@ nichoj> :) 21:26 <@ nichoj> assuming your cvs works now 21:26 <@ wltjr> Betelguese: I believe made Tomcat strict ;) 21:26 <@ Caster> I just edit the docs there and it appears online? 21:26 <@ nichoj> essentially 21:26 <@ nelchael> Caster: yes 21:26 <@ Caster> ok 21:26 <@ nichoj> we can talk about it after the meeting 21:26 <@ Caster> right 21:26 <@ nichoj> http://overlays.gentoo.org/dev/nichoj/wiki/Development_Notes#GentooWebsite 21:26 <@ nichoj> fyi 21:27 <@ Caster> I still like wiki more 21:27 <@ nichoj> likewise 21:27 <@ nichoj> so, we have a few tools to help with migrating... 21:27 <@ nichoj> ie find-unported.py 21:27 <@ nichoj> I also was working on something that would give you exact atoms of unported stuff, so you could add to /etc/portage/package.mask 21:28 <@ nichoj> after you add that, you can try emerge -pvte world, to see what deps break :) 21:28 <@ nichoj> I was also going to do a quick script ot check package.env, and print things that are not generation-2 21:29 <@ Caster> oh that's two grep commands 21:29 <@ Caster> I used that :) 21:29 <@ nelchael> it's also important to get that repoman check 21:29 <@ nichoj> basically 21:29 <@ nichoj> yep 21:29 <@ nichoj> gotta step out for a sec, brb 21:29 <@ nelchael> ok 21:29 <@ Caster> one check if GENERATION line is missing, one check if it's GENERATION="1" 21:30 <@ wltjr> bathroom break for all, smoke if you got em :) 21:33 <@ nichoj> hmm, maybe java-config-2 should have --tools, to get tools.jar ? 21:33 <@ nichoj> like there's a --runtime 21:34 <@ Caster> yeah 21:34 <@ Caster> it would mean to put it in jvm's env file though 21:34 <@ nichoj> could try to look at ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar if its unspecified by default 21:34 <@ nelchael> looking at agenda: virtuals - i presume that the new style virtuals ? 21:34 <@ nichoj> because that's a pretty good place to assume it'll be 21:34 <@ nichoj> nelchael: not quite 21:35 <@ nelchael> nichoj: why? 21:35 <@ nichoj> well, yes, in that they'd use new style virtuals 21:35 <@ nichoj> but it's for like virtual/javamail, virtual/jaf, etc 21:35 <@ wltjr> servletapi :) 21:35 <@ nichoj> yep 21:35 <@ nelchael> servletapi ?! 21:35 * wltjr shakes fist at the FOSS java world and SUN ;) 21:35 <@ nichoj> it gets a little tricky, because there a few that the jdk provides 21:36 <@ Caster> javamail? more like pkg move from javamail-bin :P 21:36 <@ wltjr> Caster: there is open source javamail and Sun's javamail 21:36 <@ nichoj> for example, jdbc-rowset 21:36 <@ nelchael> Caster: there's also gnu- 21:36 <@ nichoj> jdbc2-stdext, etc 21:36 <@ nichoj> the former comes with 1.5, but there's a package for it too 21:36 <@ Caster> but gnu uses different package names prefixed with gnu. ? 21:36 <@ nichoj> the latter comes with 1.4, and there's a package for it too 21:37 <@ wltjr> nelchael: there are two servletapi's, neither packaged on their own, Tomcat's used to be reference implementation, but now is just an implementation Sun has their own reference imp via glass fish 21:37 <@ nelchael> a.. 21:37 <@ nichoj> a lot of the logic already in place for doing that magic, I think, its just commented out 21:37 <@ Caster> and xml apis + xerces 21:37 <@ nichoj> yep, that too 21:37 <@ Caster> mess :) 21:37 <@ wltjr> any lib someone would have a choice about 21:37 <@ nichoj> the only issue there was with the implementation, is that it had the possible packages fulfilling the virtual hard coded in the eclass 21:38 <@ nichoj> new style virtuals should be able to handle it 21:38 <@ nichoj> wltjr: yep 21:38 <@ Caster> it's better with the fact we are now jdk 1.4+ only 21:38 <@ wltjr> nichoj: yes and upstream not conforming to spec, and binding to a given implementation of spec 21:38 <@ nichoj> ideally, I'd like to be able to parse DEPEND/RDEPEND for the virtuals, and record them accordingly 21:38 <@ nichoj> but, portage peeps not like that 21:39 <@ Caster> I see an issue with this 21:39 <@ nichoj> so, aside from that, you'd need to call a method saying what virtuals are being used, so it can get recorded in package.env appropriately 21:41 <@ Caster> how to handle situation where 1.5 jdk is used for build, thus brings no deps that are bundled, and later someone tries to run it with 1.4 21:42 <@ nichoj> Caster: yes, that is the issue 21:42 <@ nichoj> I think depend-java-query figures it out 21:42 <@ Betelgeuse> I am off for today. 21:42 <@ Betelgeuse> Thanks for the fish. 21:42 <@ wltjr> Betelgeuse: l8r 21:42 <@ nichoj> Betelgeuse: later. we'll have some summary at some point 21:43 <@ Betelgeuse> nichoj: cool 21:43 <@ nichoj> so, let's take a look at the virtual stuff sometime after the meeting 21:44 <@ nichoj> it's not a huge rush, but as more time goes by, it becomes a bit obvious that we need to have this functionality 21:45 <@ wltjr> yes unless we find that more and more packages are binding to a given implementation and known not to work with another 21:45 <@ Caster> that won't issue with new-style 21:45 <@ nichoj> yep 21:45 <@ wltjr> then it would make it pretty useless, if every time someone switched an implementation it broke a pakage 21:46 <@ Caster> you wouldn't "switch" it 21:46 <@ Caster> just prefer for stuff that can work with any 21:46 <@ Caster> stuff that can't would depend on one particular one 21:46 <@ wltjr> users might want to 21:46 <@ Caster> they won't, such stuff won't use the virtual dep 21:46 <@ Caster> so users won't be able 21:47 <@ nichoj> I'd like to shelve talk of virtuals for now, we have other things to get to 21:47 <@ wltjr> yes 21:47 <@ nichoj> so, just keep it in the back of your head :) 21:47 <@ Caster> agreed :) 21:47 <@ nichoj> ah... documentation :) 21:47 <@ nelchael> docs now 21:47 * wltjr runs 21:47 * Caster hides 21:48 * nichoj lassos the stragglers 21:48 <@ wltjr> actually it's not that bad, I was just mentoining to someone else how I liked gentoo's docxml stuff 21:48 * nichoj gags on guidexml 21:48 <@ Caster> houston, we have a volunteer! 21:48 * nelchael stabs guidexml 21:48 <@ Caster> so as wltjr is the only one who likes it... 21:48 <@ wltjr> for as much web stuff as I do, I like it in ways better than say faclets or etc 21:48 <@ nelchael> but on the subject 21:48 <@ nichoj> like I was saying earlier, I'd like to get the end user cleaned up a bit 21:49 <@ nichoj> as you may know, it's under /doc/, so it's therefore, gdp's control 21:49 <@ Caster> it's a mess 21:49 <@ nelchael> I'm looking for someone to check resin-guide.xml 21:49 <@ nichoj> so changes need to be filed to them to get updates 21:49 <@ Caster> there's the java-old.xml which is for stable users 21:49 <@ wltjr> I need to update the tomcat guide, start on a connector guide, and ? 21:49 <@ Caster> but the new docs never point the stable user to the old docs 21:49 <@ Caster> must be confusing 21:49 * wltjr knows nothing about that stuff 21:49 <@ nichoj> nightmorph has been my main contact with docs peeps, so he probaby can be nudged for fixes :) 21:50 <@ Caster> how should one know that the doc he reads is not for him? 21:50 <@ nelchael> nichoj: I can ping rane too 21:50 <@ nichoj> doh 21:50 <@ wltjr> nichoj: I can make changes directly to tomcat-guide and commit right? 21:50 <@ nelchael> wltjr: it's in /proj/ - so yes 21:50 <@ nichoj> wltjr: should, since its under our space 21:51 <@ nichoj> we should file a bug for new guide to point at old guide 21:51 <@ nichoj> I'll be wallowing through user guide and upgrade guide to see what can be cleaned up 21:51 <@ nichoj> and filing appropriate bugs, etc 21:52 <@ nichoj> one doc I really want ot get done is the How to contribute / get involved doc 21:52 <@ nichoj> mostly, so when someone is like 'I want to help teh java team!', we can point them at it 21:52 <@ nichoj> instead of hand writing responses :) 21:52 <@ nelchael> any particular idea what it should contain? 21:53 <@ nichoj> lots of links to appropriate info 21:53 <@ nichoj> ie devmanual, using irc, mailing lists, etc 21:53 <@ wltjr> stuff like if possible instead of requesting a feature, make a patch and post that in bug report for new feature or etc 21:53 <@ nelchael> overlays.g.o/proj/java/ 21:53 <@ nichoj> right 21:53 <@ nelchael> links to 'how to become a dev' 21:53 <@ nichoj> right 21:53 <@ nichoj> I kind of want those docs improved in general 21:54 <@ nichoj> because I don't think most users understand what it involves 21:54 <@ nelchael> link to SpanKY's picture 21:54 * nelchael hides 21:54 <@ wltjr> nelchael: if a user asked you directly how could I help, what ever you would respond 21:54 <@ nichoj> my take is that a lot of people think you apply, join the team, and then start doing work 21:54 <@ nichoj> where as, its kind of the other way around 21:54 <@ nichoj> you do good work, get recognized, be asked to become a dev, then do more work :) 21:54 <@ wltjr> yes it's not a job, it's a volunteer effort 21:55 <@ nelchael> kind of never ending story 21:55 <@ nichoj> speaking of this, I have a backlog of people who emailed me that were interested... 21:55 <@ Caster> woo, bugzilla now obeys my will of "assign to" 21:55 <@ nelchael> Caster: yeap 21:55 <@ nichoj> I'm going to forward them to the alias 21:55 <@ wltjr> nichoj: make a generic email and reply to all if you can 21:55 <@ nichoj> so please, if you can, reply to some :) I've been slacking about getting to them 21:55 <@ Caster> talking bout alias 21:55 <@ wltjr> ok that will do as well 21:56 <@ nichoj> for people interested in particular packages, I've been wanting to get stuff written down in the maintainer notes 21:56 <@ Caster> can you add me to java alias? 21:56 <@ Caster> or I can myself somehow 21:56 <@ nelchael> Caster: yourself 21:56 <@ nelchael> look at /var/mail/alias/misc/ 21:56 <@ wltjr> I was added 21:56 <@ nichoj> Caster: http://overlays.gentoo.org/dev/nichoj/wiki/Development_Notes#Herds 21:56 <@ nichoj> see bottom bit 21:56 <@ wltjr> Caster: I think either way ;) 21:56 <@ nelchael> nichoj: who of us can mentor new devs? 21:57 <@ nichoj> 6 months + 21:57 <@ nelchael> me, you, Betelgeuse, GurliGebis, karltk, sanchan 21:57 <@ Caster> thanks nichoj, will do 21:57 <@ nelchael> nichoj: I know.. I'm just thinking loud about it 21:57 < genstef> GurliGebis: hi :) 21:57 <@ nichoj> karltk probably doesn't have the time 21:57 <@ nelchael> right - genstef too 21:57 <@ GurliGebis> hey genstef 21:57 < genstef> hey nelchael 21:57 <@ nelchael> genstef: hi :) 21:57 < genstef> GurliGebis: just gave you the same pw from sunrise 21:57 <@ wltjr> I think someone other than nichoj is up next, maybe him again, but he did last two :) me and caster :) 21:57 <@ nichoj> I think GurliGebis only recently became a ebuild dev, right? 21:58 <@ GurliGebis> yep 21:58 < genstef> nichoj: correct 21:58 <@ GurliGebis> genstef, I cannot remember that pw 21:58 <@ nichoj> so not GurliGebis yet 21:58 <@ GurliGebis> haven't used sunrise really 21:58 <@ nichoj> and sanchan probably isn't around enough to mentor 21:58 <@ wltjr> nelchael: so your up :) 21:58 <@ nelchael> wltjr: I've got Troll for desktop-misc now 21:58 <@ GurliGebis> nichoj, I have been a staff dev for a year now :) 21:58 <@ nelchael> but I can take another one 21:58 < genstef> GurliGebis: all right - new one coming 21:58 <@ nichoj> GurliGebis: I know, but we're talking about mentoring new ebuild devs, ie to join java ;) 21:59 <@ GurliGebis> ahh 21:59 <@ GurliGebis> :-) 21:59 <@ wltjr> will be like March or beyond before I can consider it ;) 21:59 < genstef> nichoj: can you not mentor new devs? 21:59 <@ nelchael> genstef: yeap 21:59 <@ wltjr> if I am even up to it at that point skill wise :o 21:59 <@ sanchan> I have to go, see you on monday 21:59 <@ nichoj> genstef: I can, and have 21:59 <@ wltjr> genstef: two now, back to back ;) 21:59 < genstef> cool :) 22:00 <@ wltjr> but hopefully he will not have to mentor all new java recruits 22:00 <@ nichoj> nelchael: resin guide was on your todo list, right? 22:00 <@ nelchael> nichoj: it still is - waiting for a review 22:00 <@ nichoj> nelchael: send it around the alias 22:00 <@ nelchael> rane said he'll do it 22:00 <@ nichoj> or maybe put it in docs of overlay? 22:00 <@ nelchael> it is there 22:00 <@ nichoj> ah 22:00 <@ nelchael> :) 22:01 <@ nichoj> so, next item... articles on gentoo/java :) 22:01 <@ nichoj> we could use a little press about how good our support is ;) 22:01 <@ nichoj> one of our users was working on a java livecd 22:01 * wltjr runs 22:01 <@ nichoj> so, that has a lot of potential I think 22:01 <@ Caster> yeah 22:01 <@ wltjr> yeah that would be interesting :) 22:02 <@ nichoj> I've had a short thread with him, so I'll forward it to the alias after the meeting 22:02 <@ wltjr> I would have loved one for a POS a while back 22:02 <@ Caster> now that he can put a jdk on it, heh 22:02 <@ nelchael> i've written few times about that on my blog 22:02 <@ nelchael> it reached a quite few people due to it being in planet.linux.pl 22:02 <@ nichoj> I think Betelgeuse was interested in articles too 22:02 <@ Caster> what's POS in this context? 22:02 <@ wltjr> Point of Sale 22:03 <@ Caster> ah, recently I heard POS when jakub was referring to bugzilla, probably different meaning 22:03 <@ wltjr> I guess technically a POSS, last one being system, but POS is the "buzz" word :) 22:03 <@ Caster> nelchael: but your blog isn't on gentoo planet? 22:03 <@ nichoj> so, if you guys have some 'success stories', we could maybe post them under the project space 22:03 <@ nelchael> Caster: no, as it's in Polish 22:03 <@ wltjr> sure, that's this meaning http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=POS 22:03 <@ Caster> ah 22:03 <@ nichoj> or know of people with them 22:03 <@ Caster> I have one 22:03 <@ nelchael> nichoj: I could produce an article about Java + Gentoo in my company 22:04 <@ nichoj> nelchael: that'd be great 22:04 <@ nichoj> I'm sure PR would appreciate it too :) 22:04 <@ nelchael> I'll talk about my boss on monday if it's ok with him 22:04 <@ nichoj> great 22:04 <@ Caster> "one day I wanted to use jacorb on gentoo for a school assignment and few months later I found myself having @gentoo.org mail" 22:04 <@ wltjr> if possible, in any article I think it should be mentioned allot of what is done for Java on Gentoo, can be applied to any *nix 22:04 <@ nichoj> yes 22:04 <@ nelchael> we have quite specialized products, so there aren't many clients - PR doesn't count so much 22:04 <@ wltjr> would be awesome if other distros or *nix ported the java system :) 22:05 <@ nichoj> nelchael: I meant gentoo pr 22:05 <@ nelchael> in such case - yes 22:05 <@ nelchael> :) 22:05 <@ Caster> other distros don't build from sources 22:05 <@ nichoj> I was talking to compnerd a bit ago, and that's kind of the plan for java-config-3 :) 22:05 <@ nichoj> Caster: yes they do 22:05 <@ nichoj> they just happen to package them before distribute them 22:05 <@ wltjr> Caster: it's not that aspect, but specifically java-config 22:05 <@ nichoj> ie rpm builds from source before building rpms 22:06 <@ Caster> so the abilty to have multiple VM's around, switching? 22:06 <@ wltjr> Caster: it can be used for more than just portage's use, considering most platforms lack any sort of java management tools for jre's, jdk's plugins, etc 22:06 <@ nichoj> robilad actually brought up debian was looking at doing something EXACTLY like java-config 22:06 <@ nichoj> something we could do maybe is 'being a good downstream' ? 22:06 <@ nichoj> ie our best practices 22:06 <@ nelchael> sounds interesting 22:06 <@ nichoj> to complement the being a good upstream doc I started 22:06 <@ wltjr> it would not surprise me if others got interested and implemented it if they find out about it or etc 22:07 <@ nichoj> yeah 22:07 <@ nichoj> I think if more people did 'good downstream', there would be less a need for 'good upstream' doc :) 22:07 <@ wltjr> really one of the things I liked early on about Gentoo was java-config and the other "tools" that many "enterprise" distros still lack 22:08 <@ nichoj> I think we're in a good position to document how to be a good upstream, and to get those changes made upstream 22:08 <@ wltjr> having run tomcat on RH from 7.x to 9, java was a PITA 22:08 <@ nichoj> more so as we gain more 'street cred' ;) 22:08 <@ nelchael> it's not so easy to change upstream attitude 22:08 <@ nelchael> consider NextApp 22:08 <@ nichoj> true 22:08 * wltjr is ready to whack a dev from another distro to up our 'street credit' :) 22:08 <@ nelchael> still no response 22:09 <@ nichoj> there are upstreams like that not in java too 22:09 <@ nelchael> yes 22:09 <@ nichoj> so, as you go through packaging stuff, keep in mind pet peeves and the like to add to the upstream doc 22:10 <@ nichoj> right now, its a bit unorganized, kind of a bullet point thing, but would like to clean it up at some point 22:10 <@ nelchael> can I add "drop maven - it's a PITA" ? 22:10 <@ nelchael> ;) 22:10 < robilad> heh 22:10 <@ nichoj> ie blog about certain aspects , and why it's a good practice 22:10 <@ nichoj> then consolidate into a comprehensive reference 22:11 <@ nichoj> nelchael: not yet ;) 22:11 <@ nelchael> a... :] ;) 22:11 <@ nichoj> well, shall we move onto qa stuff? 22:11 <@ nelchael> yes 22:12 <@ wltjr> I we have covered all aspects of docs etc 22:12 <@ nichoj> nelchael: you sent patches to zmedico for repoman? 22:12 <@ wltjr> s/I we/I think we 22:12 <@ nelchael> nichoj: yes 22:12 <@ nelchael> waiting for inclusion 22:13 <@ nichoj> cool 22:13 <@ nichoj> I think pcheck has a bit of potential too 22:13 <@ nelchael> he said something about modularizing repoman - that's what's holding it 22:13 <@ nichoj> I might take a stab at it sometime, now that I know a little python 22:13 <@ nichoj> probably a good step is to list the type of checks we would want to do 22:14 <@ nelchael> pcheck would do QA for java ebuilds, right? 22:14 <@ nichoj> that would be the idea 22:14 <@ wltjr> so no more eant ... || die ? 22:15 <@ nichoj> it's supposed to be modular already 22:15 <@ nelchael> so .. why not use modules in new repoman (when tey get implemented) ? 22:15 <@ nelchael> wltjr: nope 22:15 <@ nichoj> wltjr: eant has always died 22:15 <@ nichoj> nelchael: sure. it was more out of curiousity 22:15 <@ nelchael> ok 22:15 <@ wltjr> so nothing after it 22:15 <@ wltjr> just let it die 22:15 <@ nichoj> correct 22:15 <@ nelchael> yeap 22:15 <@ nichoj> wltjr: look at eant in java-utils-2 22:15 <@ nichoj> it already does ant blah || die "eant failed" 22:16 * wltjr pokes out his eyes 22:16 <@ nelchael> are we going to fix all those ebuilds, or fix them as time goes ? 22:16 * nelchael helps wltjr 22:16 <@ nichoj> it doesn't hurt anything having them, so there's not a rush 22:17 <@ nelchael> ok 22:17 <@ Caster> yeah better more dies than no die thanks to freaking subshells 22:17 <@ nichoj> alright, so I'll make a wiki page later with qa checks we might want to do 22:18 <@ nichoj> and we can look at implementing them at some point 22:18 <@ nelchael> ok - include there also the checks that are pending repoman inclusion 22:18 <@ nichoj> right 22:18 <@ nichoj> nelchael: we would I find those? 22:19 <@ nelchael> the patch is somewhere at gentoo-java@g.o archives 22:19 <@ nelchael> but I can send it your way too 22:19 <@ nichoj> alright 22:19 <@ nichoj> I'll dig it up 22:19 <@ nelchael> ok 22:19 <@ nichoj> oh, so as far as the eclipse plugin goes... 22:19 <@ nichoj> supposedly zx had done work on it, but it was unreleased 22:19 <@ nichoj> I never can get anything out of that sly dog about it though 22:19 <@ Caster> what plugin? 22:20 <@ nelchael> Caster: to write ebuilds under eclipse 22:20 <@ nelchael> (as I understand it) 22:20 <@ Caster> wow 22:20 <@ nichoj> yep 22:20 <@ nichoj> a user has also been interested, benny^work 22:20 <@ nelchael> doesn't Colorer handle bash scripts? 22:20 <@ Caster> would rock :) 22:20 <@ nichoj> not sure if he had any luck 22:20 <@ nichoj> nelchael: probably 22:20 * wltjr considers making one for Netbeans 22:20 <@ nichoj> but of course, syntax highlighting is only one bit 22:20 * wltjr spits on swt 22:21 <@ nichoj> would obviously want to do other things too 22:21 <@ nichoj> like, qa checks :) 22:21 <@ nelchael> wltjr: I didn't like netbeans - but that's just me 22:21 <@ nichoj> so, we'd want to reuse checks somehow... 22:21 <@ nelchael> via Jython - use those from repoman 22:21 <@ nichoj> yep, exactly 22:22 <@ nichoj> a nice benefit with an ide would be the ability to enforce conventions 22:22 <@ nichoj> by having qa checks for them 22:22 <@ nichoj> and having commit hooks to ensure bad things don't get committed 22:22 <@ nichoj> without hearing from either zx or benny, there isn't really much more I know about it 22:22 <@ nichoj> this was part of a plot karltk and I were hatching :) 22:23 <@ nelchael> ok, so for now - let's move along 22:23 <@ nichoj> this leads us to future plans ;) 22:23 <@ wltjr> install Ubuntu 22:23 <@ nichoj> although, I guess some of these are already future plans 22:23 <@ wltjr> ;) 22:23 <@ Caster> take over the world! 22:23 * nichoj stabs wltjr 22:23 <@ wltjr> sry, Debian 22:23 <@ nelchael> yeah - and something that is quite .... tricky - split of dev-java 22:23 * nichoj mutters 22:24 * nelchael helps nichoj with stabbing wltjr 22:24 <@ nichoj> iirc, I mostly agreed with the layout you suggested 22:24 <@ Caster> how many categories can we get without being hated? 22:24 <@ nelchael> Caster: many 22:24 <@ Caster> perl has two :) 22:24 <@ nelchael> but that's not a problem 22:24 <@ nichoj> only thing would be not to have like java-apps, they should be under appropriate app-foo 22:24 <@ nelchael> some devs opose package moves 22:24 <@ nichoj> it is a bit of a pita 22:24 <@ nichoj> since you have to update deps, etc 22:24 <@ nelchael> yes, but there's no other way 22:25 <@ nelchael> so either we do the moves or kill the idea 22:25 <@ nichoj> yep 22:25 <@ nichoj> I'm just saying 22:25 <@ nelchael> anyway: with *-jdk and *-jre it's easy - just fix the virtuals 22:25 <@ wltjr> maybe done for future stuff, but not new categories for now 22:26 <@ nelchael> wltjr: it's not that easy - dev-java/sun-jdk with 1.4 and 1.5 stuff and java-jvm/sun-jdk with 1.6 stuff? that's not a smart thing to do 22:27 <@ wltjr> nelchael: well for the jdk's sure 22:27 <@ nelchael> and for many more packages - consider for example freemarker 22:27 <@ wltjr> do herds having any correlation to the categories ? 22:27 <@ nelchael> it's now in dev-java, should be somewhere else 22:27 <@ nelchael> wltjr: loose 22:27 <@ nichoj> maybe we should reuse existing categories more? ie, someone thought to have vms and compilers in dev-lang 22:27 <@ nichoj> which is where stuff traditionally goes 22:27 <@ wltjr> ok, so can't use that as a reason then ;) 22:27 <@ nelchael> desktop-misc copes with software in x11-misc, net-misc and few others 22:28 <@ nelchael> nichoj: sounds good for me, but it's still a MOVE 22:28 <@ nichoj> yep 22:28 <@ wltjr> for now I would only move what could be done safely 22:28 <@ nichoj> I'm not opposed to them, was just saying it was a minor pain 22:28 <@ wltjr> which would be anything controlled by virtuals right? or even that will cause breakage? 22:29 <@ nelchael> I'm not oposed to MOVE either, but few devs are 22:29 <@ nichoj> I might add java-desktop to your list, ie libraries used by desktop apps 22:29 <@ nichoj> swt, etc 22:29 <@ nelchael> IMHO java-libs would be better for that 22:29 * wltjr prepares some flem 22:29 <@ nichoj> I would see java-libs more for general purpose stuff 22:29 <@ nelchael> as a few libs have use not only in desktop-apps 22:29 <@ nichoj> like commons 22:29 <@ nelchael> I proposed java-commons for commons-* 22:30 <@ nelchael> and jakarta-* 22:30 <@ nichoj> I don't really like that 22:30 <@ wltjr> ? jakarta ? 22:30 < jeeves> http://sources.gentoo.org/viewcvs.py/gentoo-x86/dev-java/jakarta-oro/ 22:30 <@ nichoj> since it's categorizing by where it comes from isntead of its use 22:30 <@ wltjr> jeeves lol 22:30 <@ Caster> I agree with nichoj here 22:30 <@ nichoj> I mean, java-db would be for java db related things, java-web for java web things, 22:31 <@ nelchael> probably yes, but commons-* and jakarta-* are quite.. well.. common 22:31 <@ nichoj> java-desktop for java desktop things 22:31 <@ nichoj> java-libs for any general purpose java library 22:31 <@ wltjr> java-libs 22:31 <@ Caster> that's too fine grained 22:31 <@ wltjr> :) 22:31 <@ Caster> those commons- etc 22:31 <@ nelchael> it's still a future talk, as when we try to do it - it will be blocked with "MOVEs are bad" 22:31 <@ nichoj> yep 22:31 <@ nichoj> we could always do it silently :) 22:31 <@ nelchael> Caster: but there's a lot of them - could fill single category with ease 22:31 <@ nelchael> nichoj: and get backstabbed ;) 22:31 <@ wltjr> when in doubt, play dumb, what moves :) 22:32 <@ nelchael> hehehehe 22:33 <@ wltjr> well for now I would start with the stuff that would make the most sense to all to be moved, which would be what jdks/jres 22:33 <@ nichoj> well, I think we got this thought out a bit more... not sure when we'd want to attempt it 22:33 <@ nichoj> certainly a ways after core is stablized 22:33 <@ nichoj> hmmmm 22:33 <@ nichoj> just had a random idea, dev-java/java-core 22:33 <@ nichoj> to represent the core packages :) 22:33 <@ wltjr> and can be done in steps based on priority and justifications 22:33 <@ wltjr> one instead of 3-4 ;) 22:34 <@ nelchael> nichoj: hm.. no 22:34 <@ nelchael> virtual/java-core IMHO is better 22:34 <@ nichoj> perhaps 22:34 <@ nichoj> but its not a virtual in the traditional sense... 22:34 <@ nichoj> meta package, if anything 22:34 <@ nelchael> not in traditional 22:34 <@ nelchael> yes 22:35 <@ nichoj> anywho... 22:35 <@ nichoj> I added an idea for a java specific developer quiz 22:35 <@ nichoj> because in the past, and currently, had a team member who is part of recruiters 22:35 <@ nichoj> sejo used to be, Betelgeuse is now 22:35 <@ nelchael> hm... how would this test look? 22:35 <@ nichoj> so, it might make sense to have a java quiz 22:35 <@ nelchael> general questions about java? 22:36 <@ nichoj> nelchael: a few perhaps 22:36 <@ nichoj> classpath stuff 22:36 <@ nichoj> ant stuff 22:36 <@ nelchael> I don't know whenever devrel allows herd to have special quiz 22:36 <@ nichoj> then more importantly, stuff about our polices 22:36 <@ nelchael> kloeri: ping 22:36 < kloeri> yo 22:36 <@ nelchael> kloeri: could you take a look few lines back ? 22:36 <@ nelchael> is it possible for us to have such quiz? 22:36 <@ nichoj> well, worse case, we can make people take it before passing it onto the recruiter ;) 22:37 < kloeri> yeah, you can have a java quiz if you like 22:37 <@ nichoj> s/it/the other quizes/ 22:37 < christel> theres nothing preventing you from having a java specific one on top of the other ones :) 22:37 <@ nelchael> nichoj: so it's clear: getting to Java team will require passing 3 tests 22:37 < kloeri> recruiters just need to be aware of it so we don't accidentally process somebody who didn't pass your quiz first 22:37 < christel> hell, thats a good idea imo 22:37 <@ nichoj> nelchael: essentially 22:37 <@ nelchael> I'm for it 22:37 <@ nichoj> since you know, there are a lot of intricacies to java that aren't in other parts of the tree 22:37 <@ nelchael> we just have to iron out questions and expected answers 22:38 < christel> :) 22:38 <@ nichoj> plus, we could have some guidelines for recruiting people to work in our overlays 22:38 < kloeri> recruiters don't care except that we need to know when somebody has passed your quiz and can move on to "our" quizzes 22:38 <@ wltjr> by any chance could it be merged with aspects of the 2nd quiz, and possible replace it? 22:38 <@ nelchael> wltjr: no 22:38 <@ nelchael> it has to be separate quiz 22:38 <@ wltjr> sine if the dev is going to be java only, literally, knowing C flags and etc won't really matter? 22:38 < christel> wltjr: no, wed still need to have the end quiz done 22:38 <@ nelchael> as ebuil and end quiz are mandatory 22:38 <@ nichoj> ah, that's kind of a good point... since there is a lot of non-java related... 22:38 <@ nichoj> that we'd never have to touch 22:38 <@ nichoj> ie fPIC stuff 22:39 <@ wltjr> well I am saying keeping like 50% or more of the second quiz 22:39 <@ nelchael> nichoj: sometimes... consider JNI stuff in some packages 22:39 <@ nichoj> true 22:39 <@ wltjr> just 3 quizzes to a newb, might limit or hinder new recruits 22:39 <@ nelchael> wltjr: that depends 22:39 <@ wltjr> nelchael: yes but rare, and we should have java helpers for most jni stuff 22:39 <@ nichoj> well, would rather not have them if they can't pass our quiz 22:39 < kloeri> nichoj: devs get tree-wide access though and are quite likely to move into other areas as well, so recruiters would always require ebuild devs to pass the full set of quizzes 22:39 <@ nelchael> I'm mentoring Troll - he's around for over a year and still wants to be a dev 22:39 <@ nichoj> true 22:39 <@ wltjr> either way, just tossin it out there ;) 22:40 < christel> you could of course work it another way, and work the java specific quiz into your mentoring routine 22:40 <@ nichoj> right 22:40 <@ nelchael> kloeri: btw. how's Troll ebuild-quiz? ;) 22:40 < christel> and do it in a fun interactive way 22:40 < kloeri> nelchael: haven't looked at it I'm afraid 22:40 < christel> if you're afraid people would get sick of answering outright quiz type stuff 22:40 <@ nichoj> with a quiz, even if its not 'official', does give you some path to follow, ideas about what to expect 22:40 <@ nelchael> kloeri: ok, we're still working on end-quiz, so no hurry 22:40 < kloeri> nelchael: I've been busy writing up wltjr's new-dev announcement :) 22:41 <@ nelchael> kloeri: ok, no problem 22:41 <@ wltjr> :o 22:41 < christel> i made one of my recruits do that ebuildapptest quiz ciaran wrote 22:41 <@ nichoj> so how about we brainstorm some ideas for the quiz, and kick it up on the wiki? 22:41 <@ wltjr> lies 22:41 <@ nelchael> kloeri: mention there that he's and tomcat-addict ;) 22:41 <@ nelchael> christel: BOFH? ;) 22:41 < kloeri> wltjr: actually, posted it about two hours ago but it haven't showed up yet 22:41 <@ nichoj> he likes his milk in a saucer 22:41 < kloeri> nelchael: haha 22:41 < christel> mind, i also made him do vim stuff despite being a dedicated emacs user 22:41 <@ nelchael> rather BRFH 22:42 < christel> i must have had some sort of magic authoritive aura when dealing with him 22:42 < christel> :) 22:42 <@ wltjr> yes I like all forms of cats :) 22:42 * christel purrs 22:42 <@ nelchael> raw or well cooked? 22:42 <@ nichoj> sauteed 22:42 <@ wltjr> molested 22:42 <@ nelchael> ok, anyway... back on topic? 22:43 <@ nichoj> yep 22:43 < christel> btw. i believe hardened already has a hardened specific quiz 22:43 <@ nichoj> maven? :) 22:43 < christel> so i see no reasons why others cant 22:43 <@ nelchael> KILL IT 22:43 <@ nichoj> nelchael: care to take the mic? 22:43 <@ nelchael> just kiddin 22:43 <@ nelchael> ok 22:43 <@ nelchael> situation with maven is as follows: 22:43 < kloeri> christel: hardened, doc at least 22:43 * christel nods 22:43 <@ nelchael> 2.0.4 has broken dep handling, so it's a no-go for us 22:44 <@ nelchael> wehn 2.0.5 comes out the plan is as follows: 22:44 <@ nichoj> nelchael: I don't know if everyone is familar with that concept 22:44 < christel> maybe i should make one for userrel, i could make them draw specific things while wearing blindfolds 22:44 <@ nichoj> or how it'd be used 22:44 < kloeri> recruiters have a 6+ month long quiz :) 22:44 <@ nelchael> i'm starting to outline it :) 22:44 * christel plots 22:44 <@ nichoj> nelchael: sorry :) 22:44 * nichoj goes back to his seat 22:44 <@ nelchael> the point of whole maven-mess is to be able to build packages that use maven 22:44 <@ nelchael> and not breaking emerge -f 22:45 <@ nelchael> so no downloading during build 22:45 <@ nelchael> that can be achieved two ways: 22:45 <@ nelchael> 1. rewrite pom.xml files to use deps - to allow using portage installed JARs 22:45 <@ nelchael> 2. create temporary repository and point maven there 22:45 <@ wltjr> :) 22:45 <@ nelchael> - it would be full of symlinks to installed packages 22:45 <@ nichoj> isn't there a third option? 22:46 <@ nichoj> ie to do a wagon transport using portage 22:46 <@ nelchael> it is - but that's a bit of overkill and doesn't solve downloading plugins 22:46 <@ nelchael> so back to "The Plan": 22:47 <@ nelchael> when 2.0.5 comes out - build it using maven-bin (yes: download the sources and binary version) - after that it'll be easy - I'm currently exploring option #2 - temporary repository 22:47 <@ nelchael> why both need to be downloaded? 22:47 <@ nelchael> mavens bootstrap.sh builds mini-maven 22:48 <@ nelchael> (much like ant), but with one exception: the mini-maven doesn't handle offline mode 22:48 <@ nelchael> so that's a PITA to bootstrap 22:48 <@ nelchael> to summarize: we're waiting on 2.0.5 22:48 <@ nelchael> after that - all hell breaks loose 22:48 * nelchael hand the mic back to nichoj 22:48 <@ nichoj> I did have a 2.0.5 snapshot put up, that supposedly has the fix... 22:49 <@ nichoj> so if you're inclined to start poking at it... :) 22:49 <@ nelchael> nichoj: it has, but 2.0.5 probably will give us one more thing: 22:49 <@ nelchael> instead of rewriting deps to system scope it'll be possible to add file="foo.jar" to deps 22:50 <@ nelchael> so that's the fourth option 22:50 <@ nichoj> interesting 22:50 <@ nichoj> so we play the waiting game 22:50 <@ nelchael> yes - but I don't know whever it will make it into 2.0.5 22:50 <@ nelchael> yes 22:50 <@ nelchael> for now: if you encounter package with pom.xml, and no build.xml: 22:50 <@ nichoj> could you add some notes to https://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/java/wiki/Maven_Notes about workarounds for now? 22:50 <@ nelchael> use `mvn ant:ant` to get build.xml 22:50 < lu_zero> hm 22:51 < lu_zero> question 22:51 <@ nichoj> possibly with more details about the plan 22:51 < lu_zero> !meta ibm-jdk-bin 22:51 < jeeves> lu_zero: Package: dev-java/ibm-jdk-bin Herd: java Maintainer: java Description: IBM SDK Development kit. 22:51 <@ nelchael> nichoj: yes 22:51 <@ nichoj> cool 22:51 < lu_zero> is it converted to the new style yet? 22:51 <@ nichoj> lu_zero: yes 22:51 < lu_zero> as is isn't working =P 22:51 <@ nelchael> lu_zero: works for me on x86 and ppc 22:52 <@ nichoj> lu_zero: we're currently having a meeting, can we get back to you in a bit? 22:52 <@ Caster> nelchael: I thought pom.xml is maven2 which means no more ant:ant fun? 22:52 <@ nichoj> Caster: it works sort of 22:52 < lu_zero> nichoj sure, sorry ^^; 22:52 <@ nelchael> Caster: we don't even plan on supporting maven1 22:52 <@ nichoj> just doesn't guarantee to reproduce a build.xml that does the same as pom.xml 22:52 <@ nelchael> and mvn2 has ant:ant 22:52 <@ Caster> and maven1 is project.xml and ant:ant works fine? 22:52 <@ nichoj> Caster: yes 22:52 <@ nelchael> I don't know - I used maven1 once 22:53 <@ nichoj> ant:ant works fine in maven1 without any cathces 22:53 <@ Caster> so how to distinguish 22:53 <@ Caster> ant1 = project.xml 22:53 <@ Caster> erm maven1 22:53 <@ Caster> maven2 = pom.xml 22:53 <@ nichoj> correct 22:53 <@ nelchael> yes 22:53 <@ Caster> maven1 - ant:ant, put build.xml in FILESDIR 22:53 <@ Caster> maven2 - ant:ant, hope it didn't broke? 22:54 <@ nelchael> the same as maven1 22:54 <@ nichoj> yeah, and hope it works 22:54 <@ nelchael> you just need to fix it to disable downloading of jars 22:54 <@ nichoj> right 22:54 <@ Caster> hm ok 22:54 <@ nichoj> usually its controlled by a property 22:54 <@ nelchael> not a hard task 22:54 <@ nelchael> usually 22:54 <@ nichoj> so can just -Dfoo=false or whatever 22:54 <@ Caster> so what maven(-bin) to install for this? 22:55 <@ nelchael> Caster: in my overlay: ebuild for jline has build.xml from maven2 22:55 <@ nichoj> Caster: maven-bin, yes 22:55 <@ nelchael> maven is maven1, and maven-bin is maven2 22:55 <@ nichoj> you mean mvn 22:55 <@ Caster> I need both? or maven2 will ant:ant maven1 ebuilds too? 22:55 <@ nichoj> for maven 2 22:55 <@ nichoj> you need both 22:55 <@ nelchael> Caster: simple: 22:55 <@ Caster> ok 22:55 <@ nelchael> you found project.xml -> use maven1 22:56 <@ nelchael> you found pom.xml -> use mvn (maven2) 22:56 <@ nelchael> eitherway: kill the upstream 22:56 <@ nelchael> ;) 22:56 <@ Caster> right 22:56 <@ nichoj> should be ant:ant in either case 22:56 <@ Caster> now wiki it :) 22:56 <@ nelchael> yes 22:56 <@ nelchael> ok :) 22:56 <@ nichoj> alright, so let's get to the last 2 points :) 22:56 <@ nichoj> Java 1.6: Now with more cowbell 22:56 <@ nichoj> supposed to be coming out in october last we heard 22:56 <@ nelchael> yes 22:56 <@ nichoj> so please, use as your default JDK for everything :) 22:56 <@ nichoj> well 22:57 <@ nichoj> for building at least 22:57 <@ nelchael> any plans on putting it in main tree hardmasked? 22:57 <@ nichoj> the beta? 22:57 <@ nichoj> or real release? 22:57 <@ nelchael> RCs 22:57 <@ Caster> bah it's still at last week's release 22:57 <@ nichoj> nope 22:57 <@ nichoj> there's some legal issues with the licensing 22:57 <@ Caster> and on monday it will appear with thursday's date 22:57 <@ nichoj> that we're not sure of, and neither is our sun contact, david hurron (sp?) 22:58 <@ nichoj> so just overlays for now 22:58 <@ nelchael> ok 22:58 <@ nelchael> and... 22:58 <@ nichoj> once it releases, I expect to put it in the tree not package.mask'd 22:58 <@ nelchael> one more thing (not on agenda) 22:58 <@ Caster> btw I tried to package jdk6 docs and failed miserably, it comes as a jar which you run to extract it, and you have to accept a license... in a SWING WINDOW! 22:58 <@ nichoj> Caster: yeah, we'll wait on that I think 22:58 <@ Caster> headless trick didn't work 22:58 <@ nelchael> what about pinging David about other Suns java packages? I'm thinking about simpler JWSDP archive 22:59 <@ nichoj> nelchael: good idea 22:59 <@ nelchael> Caster: tried -console ? 22:59 <@ nichoj> nelchael: your babies, so you can draft it up :) 22:59 <@ Caster> java -console ? 22:59 <@ nelchael> Caster: java -jar foo.jar -console 22:59 <@ nelchael> nichoj: ok - I'll write a mail about it tomorrow 22:59 <@ nichoj> cool 22:59 <@ nichoj> oh, and a note about 1.6... 23:00 <@ nichoj> it usually breaks because of jdbc 4 adding new methods 23:00 <@ nelchael> running the installer every time is a PITA 23:00 <@ nichoj> so anything db related will break 23:00 <@ nelchael> yes 23:00 <@ nichoj> so just do the || magic for now 23:00 <@ nelchael> that's why I added the note about jdbc drivers 23:00 <@ nichoj> yep 23:00 <@ nichoj> should be filling bugs upstream too 23:00 <@ nelchael> yes 23:01 <@ nelchael> 1.7 is in early alpha - it may not work at all 23:01 <@ nelchael> should we even consider testing it? 23:01 <@ nichoj> it probably doesn't even have any changes 23:01 <@ nelchael> my proposal is to suspend it until 1.6 comes out 23:01 <@ Caster> what's || magic? 23:01 <@ nichoj> probably not yet, not till they start doing weekly snapshots 23:02 <@ nichoj> Caster: say the dpened is >=virtual/jdk-1.4 23:02 <@ nichoj> breaks with 1.6 23:02 <@ Caster> ah that 23:02 <@ Caster> right 23:02 <@ nichoj> so do || ( =virtual/jdk-1.4* =virtual/jdk-1.5* ) 23:02 <@ nichoj> and add a FIXME comment 23:02 <@ nelchael> we missed one point on agenda: dropping 1.3 JDK/JRE 23:02 <@ nelchael> we have kloeri here - alpha guy 23:02 <@ nelchael> ;) 23:02 <@ nelchael> so we can consult this with him 23:03 < kloeri> uhh.. 23:03 < kloeri> :) 23:03 <@ Caster> punt compaq-jdk 23:03 <@ nelchael> imho punt it too 23:03 < kloeri> yeah, go ahead 23:03 <@ Caster> it was never in jdk-1.3 depends anyway 23:03 <@ Caster> probably the same security issues applied to it too 23:03 <@ nichoj> likely 23:03 < kloeri> alpha wants a proper java solution, not some crazy unsupported 1.3 hack that useless for most stuff 23:03 <@ nelchael> and it was only alpha 23:03 <@ nichoj> yep 23:03 <@ nelchael> ok, so... 23:03 <@ nichoj> hopefully, we'll have gcj in the future 23:04 <@ nichoj> we have kaffe currently as well... 23:04 < kloeri> nichoj: nod 23:04 <@ nichoj> which may work for most cases 23:04 <@ nelchael> hardmasking it will break deps 23:04 <@ Betelgeuse> kloeri: Btw in the future probably best to put the new java guys through me. 23:04 <@ Caster> what deps on it? 23:04 < kloeri> Betelgeuse: yup 23:04 <@ nelchael> Caster: anything java that has ~alpha 23:04 <@ nichoj> there are other free vms out there, but I don't know up or downstream statuses of them 23:05 <@ Caster> must've been broken before anyway, virtual/jdk didn't have ~alpha 23:05 <@ nelchael> any idea how to do it properly ? 23:05 <@ nichoj> ideally, I'd like someone to be hardcore working on free java stuff for us :) 23:05 <@ nelchael> geki ? 23:05 <@ nichoj> I mean, working on other vms too 23:05 < kloeri> Caster: we've been removing alpha keywords from java stuff since it was horribly broken anyway 23:05 <@ Caster> ah 23:05 <@ nelchael> kloeri: so I'm free to hard mask it ? 23:06 < kloeri> nelchael: absolutely 23:06 <@ nelchael> ok, give me a second 23:06 < kloeri> compaq-jdk isn't maintained upstream afaik and we can't maintain it either as it's closed source 23:06 <@ nichoj> well, I'd say we've covered everything in our agenda :) 23:07 < kloeri> need to get rid of that stuff and concentrate on viable solutions like kaffe/gcj/cacao instead 23:07 <@ nichoj> is there anything else worth talking about before we adjourn? 23:07 < kloeri> anybody that wants to do java testing on ia64? SeJo was going to help with that before he resigned 23:08 <@ nichoj> possibly 23:08 <@ nichoj> do we have anyone that would be using it though? 23:08 <@ Caster> how many people have ia64 23:08 <@ Caster> world-wide 23:08 < kloeri> I'm sure we have users but if you have more important stuff to do that's fine 23:08 <@ nelchael> compaq-jdk and compaq-jre p.masked 23:09 <@ Betelgeuse> kloeri: I would if I had the time. :( 23:09 <@ nichoj> I wouldn't mind testing like testing ~ia64... but not so much into stablization 23:09 < kloeri> I can just do java testing and keywording from time to time as I see fit 23:09 <@ nelchael> kloeri: it's not the case we have other things to do - it's a case of rare hardware - noone of us has it (AFAIRC) 23:09 <@ Betelgeuse> nichoj: What do you think about installing gnu-classpath to /opt/${PN}-${SLOT}/ 23:09 <@ nichoj> Betelgeuse: not opposed to it 23:09 < kloeri> nelchael: I don't have an ia64 box either but remote dev'ing works fine :) 23:09 <@ nichoj> might help with some file collisions by having differnet prefix 23:09 <@ nelchael> kloeri: hm... 23:10 < kloeri> concentrate on more important / pressing matters though 23:10 <@ nelchael> ok 23:11 <@ nelchael> anybody has any concerns, questions ? 23:11 <@ nichoj> can I go take a nap now? ;) 23:11 <@ nelchael> looks like so 23:12 <@ nichoj> anyone want to summarize / post to -dev? 23:12 <@ nichoj> I may have stopped taking notes after the personel update thingies 23:12 <@ nichoj> s/may have// ;) 23:13 <@ nelchael> I can do it tomorrow 23:13 <@ Betelgeuse> nichoj: Yeah, trying to slot it as they break the vm interface every once in a while. 23:13 <@ nelchael> I'll go over the logs and summarize it 23:13 <@ wltjr> nichoj: to delete stuff do you what just delete it and commit? and it's removed on commit? 23:14 <@ Caster> nelchael: thanks, I don't envy that :) 23:14 <@ nelchael> wltjr: use cvs rm -f on files - the directories will be removed on cvs up 23:14 <@ nelchael> Caster: ? 23:14 <@ wltjr> sry, I kinda lost focus during the maven stuff, and drifted a bit back in during the 1.6-7 stuff ;) 23:14 <@ nelchael> nichoj: ^^^^ about the summary - ok ? 23:14 <@ Caster> nelchael: summarizing stuff :) 23:14 <@ nelchael> a.. 23:14 <@ wltjr> nelchael: ty, trying to clean up tomcat stuff in tree and etc 23:15 <@ Betelgeuse> wltjr: rm the file and them cvs rm 23:15 <@ Betelgeuse> wltjr: I do this with a cvsrm bash function 23:15 <@ nelchael> Betelgeuse: `rm -f file; cvs rm file` is the same as `cvs rm -f file` 23:15 <@ Caster> you really need to do both rm and cvs rm? 23:15 <@ wltjr> yeah, I am learning all the manual ways first before I automate or use any scripts or etc 23:15 <@ Betelgeuse> nelchael: Yeah. 23:15 < predatorfrea> Is the meeting still going or could I ask a quick question? :) 23:16 <@ Betelgeuse> nelchael: I just have the -f flags ;D 23:16 <@ Betelgeuse> s/have/try to avoid/ 23:16 <@ nelchael> predatorfreak: we're waiting on nichoj to ack something, and it will be over 23:16 < predatorfrea> Well, does anyone know why gcj completely dies on well... everything besides eclipse-ecj? 23:17 < predatorfrea> I think it's the classpath, but then I go to update it and the script completely dies. 23:17 <@ nelchael> nichoj: I can do it tomorrow (the summary) - I'll go over the logs and summarize it. ok ? 23:17 <@ Betelgeuse> nelchael: ok 23:17 <@ Caster> yeah please do 23:17 <@ Betelgeuse> I will write something up for the devjam mailing list. 23:17 <@ nelchael> ok 23:17 <@ Caster> looks like nichoj's already napping 23:18 <@ nelchael> probably yes 23:18 <@ nelchael> so the meeting is over - thank you all for atending