Hello Joshua
My name is David,
I saw you name n the Gentoo page
I would be extremely grateful if you could give me some answers and advice.
I want to use Java 5.0 JDK and netbeans 5.5 and java EE5. and also the sun glassfish open source server on Gentoo if it is possible
1- Are these now available on the Gentoo disks or are they supported by Gentoo ? - I have been to your java developer page on Gentoo and it looks very active and exciting , really nice to see a linux distribution that is really working so hard on java integration - but I would like to know the status of things
2- where are the precise instructions to download the above mentioned packages (if they not installed already on Gentoo) ? Is it a simple process?
3- Can I run javaEE5 built applications on Gentoo with only the jdk
5.0 kit installed or do also need to install javaEE5 ? i know Sun has now open source java to Gentoo but i dont know how far it goes - ie does it include javaEE5?
Sorry for the length of questions but I have tried hard to get a good linux distro with good java support and I am hoping Gentoo is the one for me.
Thankyou in advance for clearing up these issues with respect to Gentoo.