Caster napsal(a): > Miroslav Šulc wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> I've faced a problem with migrated packages on my laptop. If I remember >> well, I've read somewhere that the new Java system will always try to >> build packages with the lower JDK possible. At least on my laptop (it's >> a fresh install of Gentoo - I've installed it about two weeks ago) >> packages are not built with the lowest JDK possible which results in >> these bugs when compiling packages dependant on a badly built package: >> > > It's like this: > > DEPEND=">=virtual/jdk-1.4" will make it use 1.4 or higher JDK (it > prefers the higher, you can tune that in > /etc/java-config-2/build/jdk.conf) but it will rewrite the build.xml > file(s) to -source 1.4 -target 1.4 so even with 1.5 JDK it should > produce 1.4 compatible class files. > > DEPEND="=virtual/jdk-1.4" will use 1.4 JDK specifically, in case the > package needs not just 1.4 language compliance but e.g. also breaks on > 1.4 -> 1.5 API changes or relies on something else that is specific only > to 1.4. > > So seeing "Using: sun-jdk-1.5" is not a bug, note you also see the > "Rewriting ./build.xml" that ensures proper -source and -target > arguments. The problem could be if you have built something with 1.5 > before the migration - run java-1.5-fixer to fix that. But it is also > possible that the build.xml file(s) weren't properly rewritten, some > were ommitted... and that would be a bug. You just need to find out > which package is causing that (probably some that will want to be > rebuilt with java-1.5-fixer over and over again). > Thank you for explanation. Now it's clear to me. I've discovered that jaxme, aspectwerkz and subversion want to be rebuild over and over again: # java-1.5-fixer * Generating a list of jars which ant uses ... [ ok ] * Checking for > 1.4 bytecode in ant jars ... [ ok ] * Generating a list of jars in the system ... [ ok ] * Checking for > 1.4 bytecode in system jars ... [ ok ] * Attempting to fix broken packages ... * Packages to fix this run: =dev-java/aspectwerkz-2.0_rc2-r1 =dev-java/aspectwerkz-2.0_rc2-r1 =dev-java/aspectwerkz-2.0_rc2-r1 =dev-java/aspectwerkz-2.0_rc2-r1 =dev-java/jaxme-0.3.1-r1 =dev-java/jaxme-0.3.1-r1 =dev-java/jaxme-0.3.1-r1 =dev-java/jaxme-0.3.1-r1 =dev-java/jaxme-0.3.1-r1 =dev-java/jaxme-0.3.1-r1 =dev-util/subversion-1.3.2-r3 > Caster >