Hi dev-java/ has currently 338 packages (and growing ;) ) - maybe it is a good idea to split it to multiple categories? (basic idea is much like with perl-core or www-apache categories). My proposal (it has to be polished - that's just an idea): - java-vm/ - all JDKs and JREs (sun, blackdown, kaffe, etc.. jamvm, sablevm ?) - java-commons/ - all commons-* [ other possibility: java-jakarta - to have all commons-* and jakarta-* packages in it ] - java-libs/ - all packages providing Java API for other libraries (like gnome-java, libgconf-java, libgtk-java, etc...) - java-web - WWW related packages (like template engines, web frameworks) [ or java-www ] - java-db - database access, persistence frameworks, JDBC - java-apps - standalone Java applications - like jvmstat, jython, etc) all the rest could be left in dev-java or moved (preffered?) to java-util/java-dev/java-misc. That way the huge dev-java could be made manageable again :) -- Krzysiek Pawlik key id: 0xBC555551 desktop-misc, desktop-dock, desktop-wm, x86, java, apache...