>>> Emerging (2 of 4) dev-java/eclipse-ecj-3.1-r13 to / >>> checking ebuild checksums ;-) >>> checking auxfile checksums ;-) >>> checking miscfile checksums ;-) >>> checking eclipse-ecj-3.1-gentoo-r2.tar.bz2 ;-) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/depend-java-query", line 85, in ? (options, args) = parser.parse_args() File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 1275, in parse_args stop = self._process_args(largs, rargs, values) File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 1315, in _process_args self._process_long_opt(rargs, values) File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 1390, in _process_long_opt option.process(opt, value, values, self) File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 707, in process return self.take_action( File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 726, in take_action self.callback(self, opt, value, parser, *args, **kwargs) File "/usr/bin/depend-java-query", line 49, in get_vm vm = verman.get_vm(value) File "/usr/share/java-config-2/pym/java_config/VersionManager.py", line 131, in get_vm raise Exception("Couldn't find suitable VM. Possible invalid dependency string.") Exception: Couldn't find suitable VM. Possible invalid dependency string. !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/depend-java-query", line 85, in ? (options, args) = parser.parse_args() File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 1275, in parse_args stop = self._process_args(largs, rargs, values) File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 1315, in _process_args self._process_long_opt(rargs, values) File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 1390, in _process_long_opt option.process(opt, value, values, self) File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 707, in process return self.take_action( File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 726, in take_action self.callback(self, opt, value, parser, *args, **kwargs) File "/usr/bin/depend-java-query", line 49, in get_vm vm = verman.get_vm(value) File "/usr/share/java-config-2/pym/java_config/VersionManager.py", line 131, in get_vm raise Exception("Couldn't find suitable VM. Possible invalid dependency string.") Exception: Couldn't find suitable VM. Possible invalid dependency string. !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found * Using: >>> Unpacking source... >>> Unpacking eclipse-ecj-3.1-gentoo-r2.tar.bz2 to /var/tmp/portage/eclipse-ecj-3.1-r13/work Rewriting ./build.xml >>> Source unpacked. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/depend-java-query", line 85, in ? (options, args) = parser.parse_args() File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 1275, in parse_args stop = self._process_args(largs, rargs, values) File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 1315, in _process_args self._process_long_opt(rargs, values) File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 1390, in _process_long_opt option.process(opt, value, values, self) File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 707, in process return self.take_action( File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/optparse.py", line 726, in take_action self.callback(self, opt, value, parser, *args, **kwargs) File "/usr/bin/depend-java-query", line 49, in get_vm vm = verman.get_vm(value) File "/usr/share/java-config-2/pym/java_config/VersionManager.py", line 131, in get_vm raise Exception("Couldn't find suitable VM. Possible invalid dependency string.") Exception: Couldn't find suitable VM. Possible invalid dependency string. !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found >>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/eclipse-ecj-3.1-r13/work/eclipse-ecj-3.1 ... !!! ERROR: The active vm could not be found usage: java-config [options] Java Configuration Utility Version 2.0.22 Copyright 2004-2005 Gentoo Foundation Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 Please contact the Gentoo Java Herd with problems. java-config-2: error: --classpath option requires an argument Error: No JDK found! Try using java-config script to set your JDK Remember that you need a JDK not a JRE !!! ERROR: dev-java/eclipse-ecj-3.1-r13 failed. Call stack: ebuild.sh, line 1539: Called dyn_compile ebuild.sh, line 939: Called src_compile eclipse-ecj-3.1-r13.ebuild, line 25: Called eant 'jar' java-utils-2.eclass, line 1200: Called die !!! eant failed !!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant.