er... Caster, the bytecode does vary based on the compiler. And the class file format has varied a small amount from release to release with the 1.5 class file format being the most different. This is, as I understand it, the crux of the problem you guys are seeing with adopting 1.5 ... yes? - David Caster wrote: >> Actually, what I was asking was _would_ it work without the overlay? I >> mean, if the ebuild is marked =virtual/jdk-1.4, then I could understand a >> potential for trouble. But when it's just marked (whether by laziness or >> whether it's correct) virtual/jdk, it'd be nice to know whether 1.5 could >> work. >> > > No idea, how much the dependencies correspond with "would/wouldn't > work". I wouldn't bet on that. The question, why would you so > desperately try to have 1.5 JDK as (generation-1 without migration > overlay) system vm? It can only break things, and gain you nothing. > Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but the bytecode compiled will be the > same no matter which JDK you use. Any optimisations are done with > run-time JIT compiling, and depends on the VM running the bytecode > (which can be different from the VM used to compile). So, without > migration overlay, you should best follow the java 1.5 faq, have 1.4 as > sytem vm and use whatever vm as user vm. > > Caster >