Hi, I'm looking again at the Java packaging for gentoo. 

The instructions I got from Karl were:

# mkdir -p /usr/local/overlays

# cd /usr/local/overlays

# svn co \
  https://svn.gentooexperimental.org/svn/java/gentoo-java-experimental \
# PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/usr/local/overlays/experimental" \
  USE="jce" \
  emerge sun-jdk-bin

As he says, it prints a message about having to download the unlimited strength jurisdiction policy files before the install can proceed.

There's two issues I see:

1- It gives a download URL that starts with javashoplm.foo.bar ... the person should be directed to the http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp page instead and start from there.

2- Why is this needed?  In the Debian packaging we didn't have to do this.  What Tom Marble said to me about this is:

as long as they don't ship strong
crypto and prevent embargo
cntry download they should be ok
I do understand - this file is going to be required to turn on some of the JCE facilities we probably limit in the default config.

- David Herron