Ernst de Haan wrote: >>While I'm at it, attached is the current version of my xmlenc ebuild. >>As this is my very first Ebuild, feedback is highly appreciated. > > > This time as a plain text .ebuild file. Comments are highly appreciated! > Here we go. > KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc ~sparc ~amd64" Do you have all these arches to test with? > src_compile() { > local antflags="jar" > use debug && antflags="-Djavac.debug=true ${antflags}" > use jikes && antflags="-Dbuild.compiler=jikes ${antflags}" > einfo "Ant flags: ${antflags}" We don't einfo the antflags like this because there is nothing of interest to the user. Feel free to use them for debugging but don't leave them to the final ebuild. > ant ${antflags} || die "Compilation failed." > use doc && ( ant javadoc || die "Javadoc generation failed." ) Using parenthesis like this makes a subshell ( see man bash ). dieing inside a subshell will not quit like you expect it to. Why not just add javadoc to antflags? > } > > src_install() { > java-pkg_dojar build/xmlenc.jar java-pkd_dojar build/*.jar is probably more future proof so when version bumping new jars are not missed. Please note that these comments are only based on looking at the code. I might find more if I ever get to actually testing it. Thanks for the work so far. Regards, Petteri