Hi William, Just about to hit the road so just a brief reply, Primarily we're looking for someone who really knows Gentoo and is strong on security who can take on our sys admin needs, and streamline how we do things etc. - we're outgrowing what we've currently got going on. So I appreciate you forwarding my post. If someone's interested in doing this on contract, we'd be interested too. Like I said we use JBoss, so if they had experience of this it would be a plus. I've been meaning to contribute to Gentoo JEE support but I'm just slammed as it is. If we hired someone full time who could take this on it could benefit our company and the community .Alternatively if my time was freed up a bit perhaps I could. We're going to need a JEE developer pretty soon too, at least someone who can understudy what we've got going on so we won't be totally stuck if a key person is indisposed (and we're all long-time skydivers here!), so right now if someone's out there who can do both and is looking for a job it could be a good fit. The best sys admins I know use Gentoo (and turned me onto it some time ago [my own background is JEE dev, electronic engineer before that]), I guess because you have to be prepared to go that extra mile, and I figured this would be a good place to look. I hope that clarifies it a bit. Basically at the stage we're at right now we can juggle things a bit to suit the profile of a good applicant. Cheers, Gerry On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 3:17 AM, William L. Thomson Jr. wrote: > I realized I wasn't clear in addressing the posting, and just one aspect > of it. Without providing my reasoning, stupid assumptions :) > > On Fri, 2008-05-02 at 21:44 +0300, Petteri Räty wrote: > > > > > > I forwarded your message to gentoo-core so that it catches all Gentoo > > developers. Besides wltjr and ali_bush (New Zealand) the Gentoo Java > > project members are Europeans. > > I failed to mention in my posting that basically based on the above. > While there are likely several current Gentoo Devs familiar with Java on > Gentoo. I am not sure how many are doing stuff with JEE on Gentoo or > other distros. If they were they would be on the Gentoo Java team :) > > So aside from what Betelgeuse mentioned above. Not sure the response you > will get if your seeking to hire actual Gentoo developers. Thus I only > addressed the contributing to Gentoo side of things. Since it was > implied any person hired and/or the company would be looking to > contribute back to Gentoo. > > Not sure if you were looking to hire from say the community. Thus the > posting to the list? Not that there is anything wrong with the email > being forward for other Gentoo devs to see. Just not sure the response. > So given the void in talent, so to speak. Which I assumed was more > visible to others; lack of package JEE stuff in Gentoo, etc. Wasn't > really addressing the employment side of things. > > What are your requirements, or in other words how can we help? Are you > looking to hire Gentoo Developers, and have them contribute to Gentoo as > part of satisfying your needs, etc? Or looking to hire from the Gentoo > Java community? > > > Personally while I am in the US, I am self employed. Short of > contractual work. Most likely not something I personally would be > interested in. I don't do much if anything with JEE, just use some > components/pieces. Although I have wanted for a long time to see > support, and effort put into JEE on Gentoo. Since we have little to > none. So far no one has stepped up. Any potential there, I jump all over > it, so hopefully one day. Someone will package and maintain JEE app > servers, etc on Gentoo. > > -- > William L. Thomson Jr. > amd64/Java/Trustees > Gentoo Foundation > >