(I should have said JEE 5, sorry)
Great, we really have no one working on JEE support in Gentoo. J2EE is a
On Fri, 2008-05-02 at 09:53 -0400, Gerry Smith wrote:
> Hi All,
> Not sure where best to mention this but we are looking for full or
> part time help in USA maintaining about 20 Gentoo boxes with JBoss /
> Tomcat / Apache / MySql. Must be strong on security. Optional travel
> coming up (Panama). Could help with J2EE dev too.
bit old these days with even JEE 5 being replaced in the next year or so
with JEE 6.
Excellent, pretty much just dive in. Start taking care of what ever
> We're considering working on improving Gentoo support for JBoss or
> migrating to a supported app server, so could be a good opportunity to
> contribute to Gentoo during the working day.
needs you have. As you progress and interact with us we will grant you
overlay commit access to the various Java overlays. Based on your level
of interest, skill, etc, you can look to move on to a full on dev, take
quizzes etc.
This is our page we point people to as all the normal stuff we tell
people when inquiring about helping out. It's entirely volunteer,
nothing is assigned and things are occasionally delegated. It's mostly
just scratching ones own itches or etc. So what one does or doesn't do
with regard to contributions is entirely up to the individual.
William L. Thomson Jr.
Gentoo Foundation