2006/1/29, Joshua Nichols <nichoj@gentoo.org>:
Ray Hunter wrote:
> Ray Hunter wrote:
>> there are a couple that i would love to see added:
>> 1. apache lenya
>> 2. apache forrest
>> 3. jboss nukes
> some others i forgot:
> 4. apache slide - http://jakarta.apache.org/slide/index.html
> 5. itracker - http://www.cowsultants.com/
> 6. jorganizer - http://jorganizer.sourceforge.net
> 7. opennms - http://www.opennms.org
Thanks for all the suggestions. I've started a page on our newish Trac
(wiki + bugs + svn monitoring) here [1].

Would you happen to know the URL for JBoss Nukes? I wasn't able to find
any sites there were like 'yo, this is the JBoss Nukes home page'.

[1] https://projects.gentooexperimental.org/expj/wiki/Potential_Webapps

Here you have a few others:

Content management systems:
OpenCms - http://www.opencms.org/
Cofax - http://www.cofax.org/
InfoGlue - http://www.infoglue.org/

Liferay - http://www.liferay.com/

ERP, CRM,....
Open for Business - http://www.ofbiz.org/
Compiere - http://www.compiere.org/
hipergate - http://www.hipergate.org/

Open Reports - http://opensourcesoft.net/index.php?module=pagemaster&PAGE_user_op=view_page&PAGE_id=10&MMN_position=9:9

Business Intelligence (BI):
Pentaho - http://www.pentaho.org/

Best regards