---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jose Gonzalez Gomez Date: 27-ene-2006 12:54 Subject: Re: [gentoo-java] webapp-config & Java To: Andrew Cowie 2006/1/27, Andrew Cowie : > > On Thu, 2006-26-01 at 16:56 -0500, Joshua Nichols wrote: > > > Following the spirit of not using bundled jars for building, this leads > > me to think that it would be better to explode the wars, and replace the > > > jars contained within with symlinks to the jars on the system. > > Note that some app-servers can't/won't deal with an exploded war/ear. > I think this issue has more to do with solving the issues with java builds based in ant or maven than finding bundled jars... currently almost every Java package out there is built using either ant or maven (please, some Java Gentoo developer correct me if I'm wrong). In the case of maven, jar dependencies are not bundled with source files, they are specified as dependencies in the project descriptors. In the case of web applications, those dependencies are downloaded from binary repositories, and bundled in the WEB-INF/lib directory of the war file at build time. The obvious solution (don't know if easy to implement, I remember some discussion here regarding this) is to intercept in some way the maven dependency resolution mechanism and instead of downloading binary jars, take jars from the java packages already installed by Gentoo. In case you still want to go the explode/replace way, as Andrew tells, you won't be able to use symlinks, as some app-servers can't deal with exploded archives. You should replace those jars with jars present on the system, and then repackage and deploy the archive. I see this more unnatural than the previous solution, although maybe easier to do. Best regads Jose Arghh... hadn't this list activated the reply-to-list option some time ago??