For those that have been asleep/hiding/etc. and haven't heard the news yet: Sun has finally decided/confirmed that it will release the Java platform under the GPL. Furthermore, they've decided that they will do this for the entire platform under their ownership; including SE, ME, EE, etc. The JavaC and HotSpot code are scheduled for release within the next 24 hours; the VM implementations are scheduled for release early 2007 (by March). Richard Stallman is reportedly happy with the decision, and will be endorsing the move via video at a press conference with Sun some hours from now. This is significant news < / understatement >. This is the best-of-the-best scenario I anticipated, but wasn't sure that Sun would actually do it. IMHO, this move positions Java to grow leaps-and-bounds in all sectors; I think its growth will surprise many. For more details: ZDNet Blog: Slashdot article: ------- Woot! ~ Greg