On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 16:04:25 +0100 Hanno Meyer-Thurow wrote: > Hi list! > I would like to work on gcj for Gentoo. I did a patch for Java eclasses to create native libraries from jar files dependend on the 'native' useflag. Patch is attached. This is for reference, questions and ideas. I added 'use native && java-pkg_cachejar' to java-pkg_dojar function. I only process jar files in '${D}${JAVA_PKG_JARDEST}'. I check the existance of native library not to cache same jar twice. What is the best place to add 'java-pkg_cachejar'? Any suggestions not to miss a jar file? It seems to be possible to install to a alternative place, so ... How do I collect jar files of the package in pkg_postinst process? Thanks in advance for help! > Regards, > Hanno