Just FYI, some time after the meeting I had mentioned I might set away. #gentoo-java 2008-04-09.log:23:08 <@wltjr> Ken69267: I might do an away for a week or so just to focus and start catching up, it's no one thing, but lots of little things in many places My setting away wasn't really because of the other issue. That just put me over at the time. Will likely return in limited capacity to #gentoo-*. More productive off it. Also less likely to cross paths with others I might want to avoid, short of ignoring. :) Things are just too good here, and just don't have the tolerance for some anymore. Life is to short and much to do. Anyway, just wanted to pass the above along. Since I don't think many were aware of it. -- William L. Thomson Jr. amd64/Java/Trustees Gentoo Foundation