On Sun, 2007-04-22 at 21:30 +0100, robert burrell donkin wrote: > On 4/22/07, William L. Thomson Jr. wrote: > > > > From what I have seen and heard that relationship ended some time ago. I > > do not believe any Sun peeps are committing to apache/jakarta projects. > > jakarta has been split into top level projects Not sure about that statement. Jakarta projects like tomcat have been moved to top level apache projects now. Jakarta is like an incubator for applications before they become top level/apache projects. > there is plenty of activity elsewhere at apache involving committers > with links to sun. see for example > http://incubator.apache.org/projects/river.html, > http://db.apache.org/jdo/, http://shale.apache.org/ (i could do on but > won't). however, i'm not sure how many of those work on apache code as > part of their job. That was my point. To the best of my understanding very few if any Sun employees contribute to Apache/Jakarta projects. Sun employees contributing to the FOSS java world are doing so via java.net or what ever that's called. Pretty sure it's not part of the JCP but might be. > J2EE1.4 (2.4) RI contains tomcat but i don't think there's a separate > RI for the servlet container specification Ok, then Tomcat is the reference up to Servlet API 2.4/JSP API 2.0. Still pretty sure that is not the case for Tomcat 6.x Servlet API 2.5/JSP API 2.1. > > Seems there were some differences there amongst developers, and it has > > been pretty much completely severed. > > most of the 3.x/4.x tomcat developers have moved onto new open source > projects. i don't know of any who are working on servlet containers > anymore outside apache. Like other containers? Resin, Jetty, etc? > > I also noticed in glassfish some > > sun-commons stuff, so not sure if they are duplicating that as well. > > most likely that's just part of their effort to open sourcing most of > their code base No it seems to me to be a result of the fork. Now there will be apache commons stuff and sun commons stuff. > the fork really happened back with the tomcat 3.0 donation. the apache > implementation has been independent since then. No there has been another much more recent fork. Although I am not sure how much is out in public space. Seems there is a current dispute over licenses and etc wrt to Harmony http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,130574/article.html Just to show recent and current rifts. How deep this goes, hard to say, but seems. Seems this stuff started long ago though http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/article.php/10_998071 Bottom line I am seeing some duplicate code bases. Or places where there is great potential for past code base fork to exist. -- William L. Thomson Jr. Gentoo/Java