Karl, Josh, and friends, Given the furball that is erupting on gentoo-dev, I think that you need to make a very decisive point and make it quickly. I therefore recommend that you go ahead and merge all the migration packages to the official portage tree *now*. They will all be in ~arch, of course. Where absolutely necessary you can hard-mask, but I think that a slightly less than perfect migration now is better than getting sucked into the overlay madhouse. That conversation is long beyond redemption, and rather than wasting energy getting caught up trying to swim alongside it, just merge your work and let a wider audience participate in finishing the job. If manual action is necessary during the upgrade process, well, that's certainly nothing people are unprepared to encounter. This is Gentoo after all. Now that I think of it, this is, after all, "release early, release often". So pull the trigger, baby: freeze over, merge to HEAD. Good luck, and thanks for all the hard work. AfC Sydney -- Andrew Frederick Cowie Operational Dynamics Website: http://www.operationaldynamics.com/ Blog: http://research.operationaldynamics.com/blogs/andrew/ GPG key: 0945 9282 449C 0058 1FF5 2852 2D51 130C 57F6 E7BD Sydney +61 2 9977 6866 New York +1 646 472 5054 Toronto +1 416 848 6072 London +44 207 1019201