Isn't it intuitive anyways to have the programs selected to be added to use flags? it just makes sense wether or not someone reads the manual

On 2/28/06, LinuxMan <> wrote:
What sort of attitude is that to tempt new users to Gentoo, or anyone for
that matter. Surely the installer should be aiming to make installation not
just easier but also easier and better than the rest. Otherwise what's the
point? If that's your attitude you might as well not bothered with the
installer and just told everyone to read the manual instead!! I think Norman
has a valid point and your answer doesn't do his question justice. I'm
concerned that there are potential new users who could add to Gentoo, who
are going elsewhere because of confusing options and attitudes that don't
help anyone.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Gaffney [mailto:]
Sent: 28 February 2006 16:00
Subject: Re: [gentoo-installer] version 0.3 of the Gentoo Linux

Simon Stelling wrote:
> Norman Rieß wrote:
>> But see it with the eyes of a random Gentoo beginner.
>> You come to the "USE Flags" screen seeing some settings. You think "That
>> are surely some nice settings. Otherwise they wouldn´t be set as
>> But then you choose KDE. Now you have a KDE system with "+gnome -kde" as
>> USE Flags.
> If people are not willing to read documentation, that's their fault. Being
> newbie or a sysadmin++, it doesn't matter.

You took the words from my mouth.

Andrew Gaffney                   
Gentoo Linux Developer                                   Installer Project

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