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Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 09:30:32 -0400
From: "Paul J. Wilson" <>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-installer] educating users
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On 9/19/05, Chris Gianelloni <> wrote:=20
> On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 02:07 -0400, Bryan Quigley wrote:
> > I am a noob with gentoo and linux. Are you trying to make it harder
> > for me to install gentoo, and make it take more time?
> I think what Andrew is trying to do is curb the people out there that
> think that using a graphical installer makes Gentoo any easier to
> install, when it does not.
> > gentoo was my first real attempt at linux, and I installed it as I
> > read the handbook. I didnt read and master the handbook before
> > starting the install.
> You don't have to read and master it, you just have to follow it. The
> problem here is stemming from people that are refusing to read the
> Handbook, then wondering why they can't get Gentoo installed and are
> starting to flood our support channels with questions answered in the
> Handbook.
> > If you believe that someone having trouble with gentoo would ask it on
> > a list instead of reading the handbook. Then might they just ask the
> > questions from the test?
> Exactly. This is the reason why I think any kind of quiz would be
> pretty pointless. Perhaps a starting page that tells the user that the
> documentation is located in the Handbook and that they should read the
> Handbook before asking questions would be good, but anything as
> pervasive as a quiz is pretty much wasted time on both the developer's
> part and the user's.
> Do we need a copy of the Handbook on the CD for use by the installer?
> That shouldn't be a problem and is of minimal size. One other thing
> that we will need is information on the installer added to the Handbook,
> as right now, a lot of assumptions are made that the users will be able
> to translate the command-line options from the Handbook into clicks (or
> selections) in the installer front-ends.
> Yes, it is going to take a lot of work. Yes, it is going to suck. Yes,
> I recommend trying to find and bribe one of the docs team members into
> being an installer docs monkey for a short while. ;]
> --
> Chris Gianelloni
> Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
> Games - Developer
> Gentoo Linux
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQBDLrvykT4lNIS36YERAp98AJwOJJ2r3H3n1toF4NEoyBtFsYC27ACgjzp4
> 8DYlg9zzxDFYaAgYs8BaCoo=3D
> =3DZgHg

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<div><span class=3D"gmail_quote">On 9/19/05, <b class=3D"gmail_sendername">=
Chris Gianelloni</b> &lt;<a href=3D"">wolf31o2@ge=</a>&gt; wrote:</span>
<blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0=
px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid">On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 02:07 -040=
0, Bryan Quigley wrote:<br>&gt; I am a noob with gentoo and linux.&nbsp;&nb=
sp;Are you trying to make it harder
<br>&gt; for me to install gentoo, and make it take more time?<br><br>I thi=
nk what Andrew is trying to do is curb the people out there that<br>think t=
hat using a graphical installer makes Gentoo any easier to<br>install, when=
 it does not.
<br><br>&gt; gentoo was my first real attempt at linux, and I installed it =
as I<br>&gt; read the handbook.&nbsp;&nbsp;I didnt read and master the hand=
book before<br>&gt; starting the install.<br><br>You don't have to read and=
 master it, you just have to follow it.&nbsp;&nbsp;The
<br>problem here is stemming from people that are refusing to read the<br>H=
andbook, then wondering why they can't get Gentoo installed and are<br>star=
ting to flood our support channels with questions answered in the<br>Handbo=
<br><br>&gt; If you believe that someone having trouble with gentoo would a=
sk it on<br>&gt; a list instead of reading the handbook.&nbsp;&nbsp; Then m=
ight they just ask the<br>&gt; questions from the test?<br><br>Exactly.&nbs=
p;&nbsp;This is the reason why I think any kind of quiz would be
<br>pretty pointless.&nbsp;&nbsp;Perhaps a starting page that tells the use=
r that the<br>documentation is located in the Handbook and that they should=
 read the<br>Handbook before asking questions would be good, but anything a=
s<br>pervasive as a quiz is pretty much wasted time on both the developer's
<br>part and the user's.<br><br>Do we need a copy of the Handbook on the CD=
 for use by the installer?<br>That shouldn't be a problem and is of minimal=
 size.&nbsp;&nbsp;One other thing<br>that we will need is information on th=
e installer added to the Handbook,
<br>as right now, a lot of assumptions are made that the users will be able=
<br>to translate the command-line options from the Handbook into clicks (or=
<br>selections) in the installer front-ends.<br><br>Yes, it is going to tak=
e a lot of work.&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes, it is going to suck.&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes,
<br>I recommend trying to find and bribe one of the docs team members into<=
br>being an installer docs monkey for a short while.&nbsp;&nbsp;;]<br><br>-=
-<br>Chris Gianelloni<br>Release Engineering - Strategic Lead<br>Games - De=
<br>Gentoo Linux<br><br><br>-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----<br>Version: GnuPG=
 v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)<br><br>iD8DBQBDLrvykT4lNIS36YERAp98AJwOJJ2r3H3n1toF4NEo=
yBtFsYC27ACgjzp4<br>8DYlg9zzxDFYaAgYs8BaCoo=3D<br>=3DZgHg<br>-----END PGP S=

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