All: The new Gentoo installer project is underway. This email should serve as a quick rundown of where we're at, what we've done, where we want to go, and how we're going to get there. Infrastructure: The initial infrastructure for the installer project is just about there. We now have a mailing list (if you hadn't noticed), and an official channel on IRC (freenode) - #gentoo-installer. As of yet, there's no project page, but I'm sure that will come in time. Maybe we'll hijack a member of the documentation team to help with that. Who's Involved: Currently, we have a number of people, Gentoo devs and non-devs, involved or interested in the project. Two of the three installer projects have "signed on" to work together and hopefully the third will as well. Our two desktop co-leads are also involved in defining features and requirements, as well as other Gentoo devs from server, portage tools, and other teams. A number of non-developers (and / or soon to be developers) are also helping in various ways. What We're Doing: You probably know the idea - we're trying to bring together three projects and create a complete installer that covers desktop systems as well as automated server deployment. As it stands, we've hashed out a number of requirements and features as well as some potentials for the installer. While an official list is not complete, here's a very brief (and most certainly INCOMPLETE) list of what we have: - Pluggable front ends (text, ncurses, gtk, qt, whatever) - Pluggable, override-able architecture support (x86, ppc, sparc, etc.) - Automated deployment (ala RH's Kickstart or Sun's Jumpstart) - No loss (or as absolutely little as possible) of flexibility from the manual process. - Atomic run of all commands so users can freely experiment with options prior to installation. - Intelligent defaults. We have a few documents that cover what is going on. I STRONGLY recommend that you read them if you're interested in the project as a spectator. If you want to contribute, please consider it required reading as it will answer some initial questions that you will have. What We Need: We need to do the following... - Solidify the team, both operational and development, and their roles. - Get a team of willing testers. - Get some people willing to do documentation, either from our doc team or otherwise. - Get a code repository going. Since non-devs may (as in "might," not "can") participate in actual development, the repository may need to be hosted on non-Gentoo servers. - Decide to what level non-devs should participate (mainly, can they commit code) - Complete high(er) level design documents that all devs agree on. - Code like the wind. - Test like the dickens. Hopefully, this will help get the ball rolling, so to speak. Most of this stuff is just rehashed from #gentoo-installer (which, once again, we invite you to join), but it should help as a nagging reminder. No doubt this is a button-pusher of a topic. We ask that all comments be constructive and respectful, even if you disagree, as at times we all will. ;) (Oh yea, and please read that doc!) Regards. -- Eric Sammer Gentoo Linux