Have you read the requirements doc that esammer put together? It answers many/most of your questions. http://dev.gentoo.org/~esammer/gli/gentoo_installer.txt http://dev.gentoo.org/~esammer/gli/gli_uml.png http://dev.gentoo.org/~esammer/gli/gli_use_case.png On Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 07:16:27AM -0600 or thereabouts, Andrew Gaffney wrote: > 1. I've heard that the core installer will be written in Python. Is this > true? That's the current plan, yes. > 2. Whether Python or not, will real-time frontends have to be written the > same language as the core installer, No. > 3. Will the core installer have plugin capabilities (e.g. user-created > configuration/installation steps), either scripted (bash) or coded (Python > or whatever)? Not sure, but I don't think it's currently planned to have a plugin interface for the back end. > 4. Which existing installer will the new code be based from or will this be > done completely from scratch possibly using existing concepts? from scratch. > 5. Are there any plans to include X along with Qt, GTK, Tcl/Tk, etc. on the > LiveCD to allow for the creation of GUI installer frontends? haven't got that far yet. > 6. What is already done? What needs to be done? What is still up in the air? See the docs. > 7. How can I help? I don't know Python, but I have pretty decent bash - > only since working on GLIS frontend ;) - and Perl skills. I don't know any > Python, but I can always learn. See the docs. > 8. Anything else important that I might have missed? Yes. See the docs. ;) --kurt