All -- A good discussion was just had on the IRC channel and I thought I'd summarize it here for anyone who missed it. A suggestion (which has come up before in other discussions) was made to think of the installer as two separate pieces. A front end and a back end. The front end would be nothing more than a highly specialized text editor, responsible for interfacing with the user in some fashion and outputting a text file in some standards-based format (XML was favored among those in the discussion) The back end would be responsible for taking this file and doing the actual installation. The back end would then spit out messages in some pre-defined format that some other app (not necessarily the front-end, but it could be) could listen to and use to display status messages to the user. By separating the two pieces as such, we ensure that people can have *any* front end that they want. Want a GTK installer? no problem. QT? OK. Prefer a web-based installer? You got it. In other words, as long as the front end spits out the file in the format expected by the back end, nothing else matters. The two pieces are entirely abstracted from one another (This is covered in the requirements doc that Eric has been maintaining. We just fleshed it out a bit on IRC) A further discussion was made about having the back end spit out status messages of some sort that could be parsed by another program and used to display progress updates as the install progresses. Again, it was suggested that these be standards-based (again, XML was favored among those in the discussion) so that it would be easy to tie them into other applications. With the above described installer, you could have both: * an interactive installer that used a GUI interface to walk a user through installing his first Gentoo system from scratch * an automated installer that installed gentoo on a 200-node web cluster and displayed the status of all 200 installations on one web page that the admin could quickly scan to note the progress of each install. Abstracting things this way also allows us to do other cool things like have a web site that creates installation files for users that they can download and use to install Gentoo. Or, ISPs could allow their customers to install Gentoo remotely while still giving them total control over the install process, including custom partition schemes, CFLAGS, etc. Doing things this way is in-line with Gentoo as a distribution -- we give users the flexibility and choice to do things the way they want/need to. So, thoughts? --kurt