I think that the call to init_daemon_pidfile is probably missing a context definition in the .fc file for those locations that checkpath is enforcing. You can file a bug for this (a single bug is fine, we don't need one for every missing definition). We will upstream it when appropriate. Wkr Sven On Aug 16, 2014 9:46 PM, "Ben Pritchard" <ben@bennyp.org> wrote: > Hello all > > In March, I reported some issues with SELinux contexts in /run. (I seem > to have misplaced the email -- archive at > http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.hardened/6180). > > It look like Sven added the functionality a few months ago, and it is > available in version 2.20140311-r5 (currently ~arch). > > Note 1: There are a few pacakges that need this implemented. Fail2ban > is one on my machine. Should I file a bug report (probably against > sec-policy/selinux-fail2ban)? > > Note 2: There's possibly a bug in the new tmpfiles module > (policy/modules/system/tmpfiles.fc). I'm not so sure /lib/rc/bin/checkpath > should have context tmpfiles_exec_t. Again, this seems to make several > directories (and maybe files) in /run have context var_run_t. > > What I think is happening is that init_daemon_pid_file() only allows > transitions for the initrc_t domain, and checkpath is no longer running in > that domain. Therefore, the file transition from var_run_t to whatever > type is specified as the first argument in init_daemon_pid_file is > not done. > > Changing the context of /lib/rc/bin/checkpath to bin_t makes many more > of the files in /run have the correct context again on boot. > > (perhaps this belongs on the selinux mailing list?) > > Thanks > > -- > Ben Pritchard > > > >