Thanks Sven,
I appreciate your dedication.


On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 00:32, Sven Vermeulen <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I've been working on bringing the SELinux handbook as currently available on more
up2date. It's somewhat of a rewrite, but with all elements of the original
SELinux handbook still inside it (apart from the troubleshooting as I guess
those are quite outdated, being from 2006 and older).

The draft is currently available in the hardened-docs.git repository. In;a=tree;f=html/selinux;hb=HEAD
you should be able to select individual chapters (HTML format) in the "raw"
tree to view them somewhat like they would on the Gentoo site, but for your
convenience there's also a PDF available at;a=tree;f=pdf;hb=HEAD

The new draft is structed in three parts:

Part A - Introduction to Gentoo/Hardened SELinux
 Chapter 1. Enhancing Linux Security
 Chapter 2. SELinux Concepts
 Chapter 3. The SELinux (Reference) Policy
Part B - Using Gentoo/Hardened SELinux
 Chapter 1. Gentoo SELinux Installation / Conversion
 Chapter 2. SELinux Commands
 Chapter 3. Running in Permissive Mode
 Chapter 4. Switching to Enforcing Mode
 Chapter 5. Adding SELinux Policy Modules
Part C - Appendices
 Chapter 1. Troubleshooting SELinux
 Chapter 2. SELinux Reference Material

If time permits, part A will have a fourth chapter on virtualization and
SELinux, but I gather that's more for the next update on the documentation.

The document is currently written with the ebuilds in hardened-development
overlay in mind, so everyone interested in giving Gentoo Hardened with
SELinux a try can use the draft documentation with the
"hardened-development" overlay.

For the time being the document only supports the type enforcement features
of SELinux. MLS/MCS has not been touched yet.

Feedback is always welcome, including language mistakes, typos or just plain

 Sven Vermeulen