El 09/11/10 00:56, William Throwe escribió:
> On 2010-11-08 07:43, Anthony G. Basile wrote:
>> On 11/08/2010 02:22 AM, Claes Gyllenswärd wrote:
>>> 2010/11/8 Anthony G. Basile <basile@opensource.dyc.edu>:
>>>> On 11/07/2010 01:47 PM, Claes Gyllenswärd wrote:
>>>>> 2010/11/6 Anthony G. Basile <blueness@gentoo.org>:
>>>>>> Hi hardened users,
>>>>>> You may have heard by now that hardened is thinking of changing its
>>>>>> profile structure.  The current structure is crazy complex and there is
>>>>>> no need for it.  Basically we're going to be removing the versioning in
>>>>>> our profiles so that instead of
>>>>>>  [8]   hardened/linux/amd64/10.0 *
>>>>>>  [9]   hardened/linux/amd64/10.0/no-multilib
>>>>>> you will simply get
>>>>>>  [8]   hardened/linux/amd64/10.0 *
>>>>>>  [9]   hardened/linux/amd64/10.0/no-multilib
>>>>>> to profile-config list. (It'll be similar on the other arches).  Behind
>>>>>> the scenes, we are also deprecating the various "sub-profiles" which
>>>>>> aren't even included in the profiles.desc list, like amd64/10.0/desktop,
>>>>>> /server, /developer etc.
>>>>>> This isn't happening soon, so don't panic!  You will get a portage news
>>>>>> item when we're about to do the switch and we will proceed slowly.
>>>>>> I'm emailing the list to sollicit help in testing, espeically on the
>>>>>> minor arches which are slatted to go first.  If you'd like to help out,
>>>>>> here's how:
>>>>>>        1. Record your current list from emerge -ep system and emerge -ep world
>>>>>>        2. git clone git://git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/hardened-dev.git
>>>>>>        3. cd hardened-dev
>>>>>>        4. git branch profiles origin/profiles
>>>>>>        5. git checkout profiles
>>>>>>        6. mount --bind profiles/ /usr/portage/profiles
>>>>>>        7. Record your emerge -ep system and emerge -ep world, and compare to
>>>>>> before.
>>>>>> There should be no or only minor changes.
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Anthony G. Basile, Ph.D.
>>>>>> Gentoo Developer
>>>>> This made no difference at all on stable amd64, but I never actually
>>>>> switched profile, since the instructions don't mention that.
>>>>> Should I?
>>>> Yeah I probably should have mentioned that you need to do profile-config
>>>> list, notice whatever number corresponds to your profile and then
>>>> profile-config set <num>
>>>> --
>>>> Anthony G. Basile, Ph. D.
>>>> Chair of Information Technology
>>>> D'Youville College
>>>> Buffalo, NY 14201
>>>> (716) 829-8197
>>> Done that too. No difference in the package lists at all.
>>> vimdiff pointed out a single dot in portages output, but I assume
>>> that's of no concern.
>> Thanks, this give me confidence that I haven't broken anything as far as
>> amd64 goes.
>> Any other arches.  I have my own results but would like to hear others.
> I see no change in package lists on x86 (fairly minimal install).
> William Throwe
On amd64 all equal except that it tried to apply all the updates back to
There were a lot of lines like:
> Performing Global Updates: /usr/portage/profiles/updates/4Q-2010
> (Could take a couple of minutes if you have a lot of binary packages.)
>   .='update pass'  *='binary update'  #='/var/db update'  @='/var/db move'
>   s='/var/db SLOT move'  %='binary move'  S='binary SLOT move'
>   p='update /etc/portage/package.*'
> ................
> ##