* [gentoo-gmn] Gentoo Monthly Newsletter: 30 September 2008
@ 2008-09-30 18:14 Anant Narayanan
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From: Anant Narayanan @ 2008-09-30 18:14 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-gmn
Gentoo Monthly Newsletter
This is the ninth issue of the Gentoo Monthly Newsletter, for August 2008 –
September 2008.
1. Introduction
This month in the GMN
Welcome to the September issue of the Gentoo monthly newsletter!
As usual, you can discuss any aspect of this issue of the GMN in the
corresponding forum thread[1]. We look forward to hearing from you!
1. http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-5232449.html
2. Gentoo News
TeTex deprecated
The TeX distribution teTeX has been obsoleted as the author has no time to
maintain it anymore. However, there is a complete distribution on top of it,
that is now the successor: TeXLive. Many Linux distributions have already
adopted it as their standard, and it's now the TeX flavor of choice for
Gentoo, as well.
You are encouraged to emerge --unmerge tetex and then emerge world to get to
an up-to-date system with a modern TeX version. Please read the TeXLive
migration guide[2] for more detailed instructions.
2. http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/tex/texlive-migration-guide.xml
Gentoo's TeX maintainers have also created a poll[3] in the forums on which
TeX distribution you're using. Please vote, and let them know!
3. http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-706352.html
Release strategy changes
As you've probably read by now, there are some planned changes[4] in Gentoo's
release strategy. We're looking to do automated weekly builds of the stages
and minimal CDs, with a possible once-a-year or so update to the networkless
media (Installer LiveCDs/DVDs and Universal/Package CDs). Please read the
announcement for more details; there's a lot of work involved to get the
process going, and we need the help!
4. http://www.gentoo.org/news/20080922-releng-announcement.xml
Trustees Meeting Summary
The Gentoo Trustees[5] held its monthly meeting on September 14, 2008. The
agenda is available here[6].
5. http://www.gentoo.org/foundation/en/
6. http://dev.gentoo.org/~neddyseagoon/docs/Trustee_Agenda_September.xml
Council Meeting Summary
The Gentoo Council[7] held its monthly meeting on September 11, 2008. The
items put up for discussion were:
7. http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/
* Filling the empty slot: as council member Diego Pettenò[8] retired
from the council for medical reasons, Doug Goldstein[9] has replaced him.
cardoe was the next person from the original voting rankings.
* PMS as a draft standard of EAPI 0: the council voted on whether to
approve PMS[10] as a draft standard of EAPI 0. Result: approved, with
acceptance conditional upon resolution of the requirements[11] outlined
by the council.
8. flameeyes@gentoo.org
9. cardoe@gentoo.org
10. http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/qa/pms.xml
11. http://dev.gentoo.org/~dberkholz/20080911-agenda.txt
The Council met again on September 25, 2008. The items put up for discussion
* EAPI-2: the new EAPI[12] is approved. This brings features such as
USE dependencies to Portage; for example, a package can now directly
depend on a package built with USE="foo" without resorting to trickery or
"built_with_use || die" hacks.
* PROPERTIES in cache: Since using PROPERTIES in the cache is related
to the EAPI, this issue should be settled among package manager
developers, and only present it to the council if they cannot agree on a
solution. The PM developers agreed on adding PROPERTIES to the cache as a
value that the package managers can ignore.
* PROPERTIES=interactive in ebuilds: This is a retroactive,
backwards-compatible EAPI change that council approved. It allows ebuilds
to set a variable stating up-front that they require user interaction,
such as agreeing to a license or inputting information.
12. proj/en/qa/pms.xml
Coming Up
* Bugday[13]: Looking for a way to help out Gentoo without investing a
lot of time? Join us on October 04 for our monthly bugday, and help us
squash some bugs[14].
* Council Meeting[7]: The Gentoo Council meets twice every month to
discuss important technical issues that affect Gentoo as a whole. The
next meeting is scheduled to be held on October 09, and everyone is
welcome to participate - #gentoo-council on irc.freenode.net at 2000UTC.
* Trustees Meeting[5]: Scheduled for October 19.
5. http://www.gentoo.org/foundation/en/
7. http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/
13. http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/bugday/index.xml
14. http://bugday.gentoo.org/
3. Heard in the Community
Gentoo-Quebec training
The Gentoo-Quebec group has offered its first training session about the
Gentoo distribution on Saturday 13th, 2008. First of a series of 18, this
course enabled 23 participants to familiarize themselves with the Gentoo
LiveCD and to briefly learn about the command line utilities involved when
installing Gentoo.
This training session was made possible thanks to the Gentoo-Quebec team as
well as Copernic[15], which provided a training room and the network
installation for all participants. For more information, please consult the
Internet web site at the following address (in French):
15. http://www.copernic.com/
Figure 3.1: Learning Gentoo in Quebec
Planet Gentoo
OLPC XO: Daniel Drake[16] works for the One Laptop Per Child project which
release the XO unit some time ago, which ships with a special version of
Linux. But it's also possible[17] to use standard desktop[18] distributions.
16. dsd@gentoo.org
17. http://www.reactivated.net/weblog/archives/2008/08/regular-linux-desktops-on-the-xo/
18. http://www.reactivated.net/weblog/archives/2008/08/followup-notes-on-xo-alternate-desktops/
Surfing the MIPS: Stuart Longland[19] started the compilation some months
ago, but now Firefox 3 on MIPS[20] is there.
19. redhatter@gentoo.org
20. http://stuartl.longlandclan.yi.org/blog/2008/09/01/firefox-301-on-mips/
Gentoo book revisited: The first German book published about Gentoo has been
reworked[21] by its author Tobias Scherbaum[22].
21. http://blog.scherbaum.info/2008/09/09/gentoo-linux-die-metadistribution-second-edition-now-available/
22. dertobi123@gentoo.org
RAID tips: Robin H. Johnson[23] has a little howto[24] about having missing
slots in a RAID and then move in the real disks later.
23. robbat2@gentoo.org
24. http://robbat2.livejournal.com/231207.html
Not dead: Steve Dibb[25] and Ben de Groot[26]address[27] a few things[28]
about Gentoo.
25. beandog@gentoo.org
26. yngwin@gentoo.org
27. http://wonkabar.org/archives/465
28. http://ben.liveforge.org/viva-gentoo
Beautifying Xfce: Joshua Saddler[29] has some tips[30] and screenshots[31] on
creating a beautiful, yet practical Xfce environment using small, lightweight
29. nightmorph@gentoo.org
30. http://planet.gentoo.org/developers/nightmorph/2008/09/10/more_docs_apps_and_tweaks
31. http://planet.gentoo.org/developers/nightmorph/2008/09/19/a_very_minimal_desktop
Gentoo in the News
Gentoo gaming servers spotted: Internode[32] has relaunched its Games On Net
service. The good-sized network runs[33] (at least in part) on Gentoo Linux.
32. http://www.internode.on.net
33. http://www.internode.on.net/news/2008/09/103.php
4. Tips and Tricks
Running commands on many machines
If you have been logging into your horde of Gentoo boxes one by one in order
to run a command or two, this tip should help you save a lot of time. We
provide a glimpse into some of the methods you can use to run commands on
multiple machines both sequentially and in parellel.
The first method is the most primitive. It uses pure bash. Let's say we have
ten machines with the hostnames gentoo-box-1, gentoo-box-2, and so on. We
want to run emerge --info on each machine at the same time. Here is what we
| Code Listing 4.1 |
| Running emerge on multiple machines |
| $ for i in `seq 10`; do ssh gentoo-box-$i "emerge --info"; done |
Warning: Do not try run interactive commands in parallel with this "for"
loop. This includes running it without public key encryption. The machines
will prompt you for passwords, but you will be unable to input your
If you don't have public key encryption setup for ssh, you should read the
OpenSSH Key Management[34] series of articles. You may also want to consult
this guide[35].
34. http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/articles/openssh-key-management-p1.xml
35. http://sial.org/howto/openssh/publickey-auth/
If you don't want to hassle with public key encryption, writing complicated
"for" loops in bash, and want to run interactive commands, there is a good
option for you: Cluster SSH. Let's install it:
| Code Listing 4.2 |
| Installing Cluster SSH |
| # emerge clusterssh |
Cluster SSH requires X11 in order to work. Cluster SSH works by opening an
xterm window for every machine in the list you provide. It also opens a small
command window where you can type text that gets relayed to other machines'
command lines at the same time. To do the same thing we did before with the
ten Gentoo boxes, we do the following Cluster SSH:
| Code Listing 4.3 |
| Starting Cluster SSH |
| $ cssh gentoo-box-{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} |
First, you will see the machines ask for passwords unless you have public key
encryption set up for them. If one of your machines has a different password,
no worries, you can just click on the window of the machine and type it
there. Once you see yourself logged into all of the machines, you can type
commands to all of them at once or individually.
Another alternative is to use Tentakel. Tentakel is used in a more static
way. Users modify a static configuration file, and then tell Tentakel which
group of hosts it should connect to. First, we need to install Tentakel:
| Code Listing 4.4 |
| Installing Tentakel |
| # emerge tentakel |
Next, we create a configuration file:
| Code Listing 4.5 |
| Configuring Tentakel |
| # echo "set ssh_path=\"`which ssh`\"" >> /etc/tentakel.conf |
| # echo "set method=\"ssh\"" >> /etc/tentakel.conf |
| # echo 'group ten_gentoos (user="root")' >> /etc/tentakel.conf |
| # for i in `seq 10`; do echo -e "\t+gentoo-box-$i"; done >> /etc/tentakel.conf |
It might be more practical to simply edit the sample configuration file
shipped with Tentakel:
| Code Listing 4.6 |
| Editing the sample configuration file |
| # cp /usr/share/doc/tentakel/tentakel.conf.example /etc/tentakel.conf |
| # nano -w /etc/tentakel.conf |
Once you have everything configured, it's time to run Tentakel:
| Code Listing 4.7 |
| Running Tentakel |
| $ tentakel -g ten_gentoos |
This will launch Tentakel's interactive command interface. In order to run a
command use the provided exec function:
| Code Listing 4.8 |
| Running commands within Tentakel |
| $ exec emerge --info |
If you are lost in Tentakel's command interface, just run help. You can run
Tentakel without the interactive command interface like this:
| Code Listing 4.9 |
| Running Tentakel without the interactive interface |
| $ tentakel -g ten_gentoos "emerge --info" |
These tips only brush the surface of the programs available to distribute
commands to machines. If you're unhappy with Cluster SSH and Tentakel, you
may want to try out dsh, pdsh, pconsole, and shmux.
When a process is slowing down a computer that has plenty of extra memory and
disk space, it is probably because of cpu usage or input/output (I/O). Most
Gentooers are used to using top to locate those pesky CPU and memory hogs,
but few have ever used iotop to find the disk usage hogs.
iotop displays columns for the I/O bandwidth read and written by each
process/thread during the sampling period. It also displays the percentage of
time the thread/process spent while swapping in and while waiting on I/O. In
addition the total I/O bandwidth read and written during the sampling period
is displayed at the top of the interface.
Install it with emerge iotop. If Portage warned you that you don't have the
necessary kernel options (TASKSTATS and TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING) to run the tool,
then you will need to recompile your kernel with the options shown below.
| Code Listing 4.1 |
| Configuring the kernel for iotop |
| General Setup --> |
| [*] Export task/process statistics through netlink |
| [ ] Enable per-task delay accounting |
| [*] Enable extended accounting over taskstats |
| [*] Enable per-task storage I/O accounting |
Once you've booted into your reconfigured kernel, you can run iotop from the
commandline. Here's what it might look like if you were backing up a DVD:
| Code Listing 4.2 |
| Running iotop |
| $ iotop |
| Total DISK READ: 387.25 K/s | Total DISK WRITE: 221.29 K/s |
| 7703 root 387.25 K/s 0 B/s 0.00 % 0.00 % tccat -i /shared/... |
| 211 root 0 B/s 13.83 K/s 0.00 % 0.00 % [pdflush] |
| 7672 root 0 B/s 207.46 K/s 0.00 % 0.00 % transcode -H 10 ... |
A misbehaving user might have the following output:
| Code Listing 4.3 |
| A runaway user |
| $ iotop |
| Total DISK READ: 5.21 K/s | Total DISK WRITE: 7.37 M/s |
| 7936 user1 5.21 K/s 7.37 M/s 0.00 % 0.00 % dd if /dev/zero of ./bigfile |
iotop is a good way to see what's eating your disks, so that you can
reallocate resources when needed. The program has a few options available, so
run iotop --help to get a summary of its capabilities.
Using lsof: revisited
Last month's edition[36] of Tips and Tricks showed you how to use lsof to
find open files and directories.
36. http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gmn/20080831-newsletter.xml
An astute reader emailed the GMN to show another use of lsof: to check for
processes that should be restarted after package updates.
For example, after upgrading a package like openssl, you might need to
restart a mail server, a web server, or even several client applications.
lsof is kind enough to point out the open files that have been deleted, so
you can easily spot these processes:
| Code Listing 4.1 |
| Finding processes with lsof |
| # lsof | grep 'DEL.*lib' | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sort -u |
Note: Some services open and then delete temporary files or shm files, so
that's why 'lib' is part of the regex.
Restarting processes after an upgrade is especially important when the
library includes a security fix.
5. Gentoo developer moves
Gentoo is made up of 242 active developers, of which 43 are currently away.
Gentoo has recruited a total of 649 developers since its inception.
The following developers recently left the Gentoo project:
* None this month
The following developers recently joined the Gentoo project:
* gengor[37] joined the Hardened team
* quantumsummers[38] joined the Trustees as secretary
* timebandit[39] joined the Forums team
37. gengor@gentoo.org
38. quantumsummers@gentoo.org
39. timebandit@gentoo.org
The following developers recently changed roles within the Gentoo project:
* Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto[40] joined the undertakers team, and will
maintain various ebuilds
* Deedra M. Waters[41] joined the Trustees
40. jmbsvicetto@gentoo.org
41. dmwaters@gentoo.org
6. Portage
This section summarizes the current state of the Portage tree. Unfortunately,
we will not be able to publish statistics this month, as we update our tools
to work with the newly introduced EAPI-2. We should be able to resume next
issue though, stay tuned!
The following section lists packages that have either been moved or added to
the tree. The package removals come from many locations, including the
Treecleaners[42] and various developers.
42. http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/qa/treecleaners/
Package: Removal date: Contact:
dev-cpp/libwefts 02 Sep 2008 Jeremy Olexa[43]
dev-util/bazaar 02 Sep 2008 Jeremy Olexa[43]
app-i18n/kon2 02 Sep 2008 Jeremy Olexa[43]
sys-fs/trustees 02 Sep 2008 Jeremy Olexa[43]
app-portage/herdstat 04 Sep 2008 Tiziano Müller[44]
dev-cpp/libherdstat 04 Sep 2008 Tiziano Müller[44]
43. darkside@gentoo.org
44. dev-zero@gentoo.org
Package: Removal date: Contact:
dev-lang/caml-light 08 Sep 2008 Alexis Ballier[45]
dev-util/tla 12 Sep 2008 Jeremy Olexa[43]
app-emacs/xtla 12 Sep 2008 Jeremy Olexa[43]
app-admin/systemconfigurator 12 Sep 2008 Jeremy Olexa[43]
media-gfx/gimp-freetype 12 Sep 2008 Jeremy Olexa[43]
43. darkside@gentoo.org
45. aballier@gentoo.org
Package: Removal date: Contact:
games-fps/tremulous-bin 16 Sep 2008 Michael Sterrett[46]
games-arcade/sdljump 18 Sep 2008 Alfredo Tupone[47]
46. mr_bones_@gentoo.org
47. tupone@gentoo.org
Package: Removal date: Contact:
sci-libs/blas-config 23 Sep 2008 Sebastien Fabbro[48]
sci-libs/lapack-config 23 Sep 2008 Sebastien Fabbro[48]
sci-libs/libscigraphica 23 Sep 2008 Sebastien Fabbro[48]
sci-visualization/scigraphica 23 Sep 2008 Sebastien Fabbro[48]
48. bicatali@gentoo.org
Package: Addition date: Contact:
dev-tcltk/tktray[49] 01 Sep 2008 Olivier Crête[50]
app-accessibility/espeakup[51] 02 Sep 2008 William Hubbs[52]
sci-physics/pythia[53] 02 Sep 2008 Sebastien Fabbro[48]
dev-python/sympy[54] 02 Sep 2008 Andrey Grozin[55]
dev-python/rope[56] 02 Sep 2008 Rob Cakebread[57]
dev-ml/lwt[58] 02 Sep 2008 Alexis Ballier[45]
dev-python/ropeide[59] 02 Sep 2008 Rob Cakebread[57]
dev-java/juel[60] 03 Sep 2008 Miroslav Šulc[61]
dev-tex/pdftex[62] 03 Sep 2008 Alexis Ballier[45]
dev-tex/luatex[63] 03 Sep 2008 Alexis Ballier[45]
games-server/etqw-ded[64] 03 Sep 2008 Tristan Heaven[65]
app-admin/emacs-updater[66] 04 Sep 2008 Ulrich Müller[67]
games-engines/frobtads[68] 05 Sep 2008 Michael Sterrett[46]
net-misc/amazonmp3[69] 05 Sep 2008 Jim Ramsay[70]
net-misc/ssh-askpass-fullscreen[71] 05 Sep 2008 Jeremy Olexa[43]
app-i18n/ibus[72] 05 Sep 2008 Matsuu Takuto[73]
app-i18n/ibus-hangul[74] 06 Sep 2008 Matsuu Takuto[73]
app-mobilephone/openmoko-dfu-util[75] 06 Sep 2008 Mike Frysinger[76]
app-i18n/ibus-pinyin[77] 06 Sep 2008 Matsuu Takuto[73]
app-i18n/ibus-anthy[78] 06 Sep 2008 Matsuu Takuto[73]
app-i18n/ibus-chewing[79] 06 Sep 2008 Matsuu Takuto[73]
app-i18n/ibus-m17n[80] 06 Sep 2008 Matsuu Takuto[73]
games-fps/etqw-data[81] 06 Sep 2008 Tristan Heaven[65]
games-fps/etqw-bin[82] 06 Sep 2008 Tristan Heaven[65]
dev-util/kbuild[83] 06 Sep 2008 Markus Ullmann[84]
net-dialup/dgcmodem[85] 07 Sep 2008 Denis Dupeyron[86]
sci-biology/glimmer[87] 07 Sep 2008 Andrey Kislyuk[88]
app-forensics/lynis[89] 07 Sep 2008 Friedrich Oslage[90]
sci-biology/glimmerhmm[91] 07 Sep 2008 Andrey Kislyuk[88]
dev-perl/IO-LockedFile[92] 07 Sep 2008 Torsten Veller[93]
dev-perl/Authen-Htpasswd[94] 07 Sep 2008 Torsten Veller[93]
sci-physics/lhapdf[95] 07 Sep 2008 Sebastien Fabbro[48]
sci-physics/hepmc[96] 07 Sep 2008 Sebastien Fabbro[48]
43. darkside@gentoo.org
45. aballier@gentoo.org
46. mr_bones_@gentoo.org
48. bicatali@gentoo.org
49. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-tcltk/tktray
50. tester@gentoo.org
51. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-accessibility/espeakup
52. williamh@gentoo.org
53. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/sci-physics/pythia
54. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/sympy
55. grozin@gentoo.org
56. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/rope
57. pythonhead@gentoo.org
58. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-ml/lwt
59. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/ropeide
60. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-java/juel
61. fordfrog@gentoo.org
62. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-tex/pdftex
63. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-tex/luatex
64. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/games-server/etqw-ded
65. nyhm@gentoo.org
66. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-admin/emacs-updater
67. ulm@gentoo.org
68. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/games-engines/frobtads
69. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/net-misc/amazonmp3
70. lack@gentoo.org
71. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/net-misc/ssh-askpass-fullscreen
72. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-i18n/ibus
73. matsuu@gentoo.org
74. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-i18n/ibus-hangul
75. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-mobilephone/openmoko-dfu-util
76. vapier@gentoo.org
77. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-i18n/ibus-pinyin
78. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-i18n/ibus-anthy
79. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-i18n/ibus-chewing
80. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-i18n/ibus-m17n
81. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/games-fps/etqw-data
82. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/games-fps/etqw-bin
83. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-util/kbuild
84. jokey@gentoo.org
85. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/net-dialup/dgcmodem
86. calchan@gentoo.org
87. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/sci-biology/glimmer
88. weaver@gentoo.org
89. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-forensics/lynis
90. bluebird@gentoo.org
91. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/sci-biology/glimmerhmm
92. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-perl/IO-LockedFile
93. tove@gentoo.org
94. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-perl/Authen-Htpasswd
95. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/sci-physics/lhapdf
96. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/sci-physics/hepmc
Package: Addition date: Contact:
dev-perl/HTML-RewriteAttributes[97] 08 Sep 2008 Torsten Veller[93]
dev-perl/File-ShareDir[98] 08 Sep 2008 Torsten Veller[93]
dev-perl/Class-Accessor-Chained[99] 08 Sep 2008 Torsten Veller[93]
dev-perl/Text-vFile-asData[100] 08 Sep 2008 Torsten Veller[93]
dev-perl/Data-ICal[101] 08 Sep 2008 Torsten Veller[93]
x11-misc/ipager[102] 09 Sep 2008 Jim Ramsay[70]
dev-texlive/texlive-documentation-slovenian[103] 09 Sep 2008 Alexis Ballier[45]
app-admin/eselect-mpost[104] 09 Sep 2008 Alexis Ballier[45]
app-admin/eselect-pdftex[105] 09 Sep 2008 Alexis Ballier[45]
app-i18n/ibus-table[106] 10 Sep 2008 Matsuu Takuto[73]
games-strategy/defcon-demo[107] 10 Sep 2008 Michael Sterrett[46]
x11-plugins/pidgin-facebookchat[108] 11 Sep 2008 Bernard Cafarelli[109]
media-sound/xwax[110] 13 Sep 2008 Joe Sapp[111]
dev-python/gnome-python-desktop-base[112] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
dev-python/bug-buddy-python[114] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
dev-python/evolution-python[115] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
dev-python/gnome-applets-python[116] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
dev-python/gnome-desktop-python[117] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
dev-python/gnome-media-python[118] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
dev-python/gnome-keyring-python[119] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
dev-python/gtksourceview-python[120] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
dev-python/libgnomeprint-python[121] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
dev-python/libgtop-python[122] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
dev-python/librsvg-python[123] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
dev-python/libwnck-python[124] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
dev-python/nautilus-cd-burner-python[125] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
dev-python/totem-python[126] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
dev-python/metacity-python[127] 14 Sep 2008 Arun Raghavan[113]
x11-misc/sselp[128] 14 Sep 2008 Jeroen Roovers[129]
45. aballier@gentoo.org
46. mr_bones_@gentoo.org
70. lack@gentoo.org
73. matsuu@gentoo.org
93. tove@gentoo.org
97. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-perl/HTML-RewriteAttributes
98. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-perl/File-ShareDir
99. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-perl/Class-Accessor-Chained
100. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-perl/Text-vFile-asData
101. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-perl/Data-ICal
102. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/x11-misc/ipager
103. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-texlive/texlive-documentation-slovenian
104. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-admin/eselect-mpost
105. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-admin/eselect-pdftex
106. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-i18n/ibus-table
107. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/games-strategy/defcon-demo
108. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/x11-plugins/pidgin-facebookchat
109. voyageur@gentoo.org
110. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/media-sound/xwax
111. nixphoeni@gentoo.org
112. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/gnome-python-desktop-base
113. ford_prefect@gentoo.org
114. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/bug-buddy-python
115. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/evolution-python
116. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/gnome-applets-python
117. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/gnome-desktop-python
118. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/gnome-media-python
119. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/gnome-keyring-python
120. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/gtksourceview-python
121. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/libgnomeprint-python
122. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/libgtop-python
123. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/librsvg-python
124. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/libwnck-python
125. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/nautilus-cd-burner-python
126. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/totem-python
127. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/metacity-python
128. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/x11-misc/sselp
129. jer@gentoo.org
Package: Addition date: Contact:
app-cdr/recorder[130] 15 Sep 2008 Ben de Groot[26]
dev-util/shunit2[131] 15 Sep 2008 Donnie Berkholz[132]
games-rpg/drascula[133] 16 Sep 2008 Michael Sterrett[46]
media-libs/stk[134] 17 Sep 2008 Alexis Ballier[45]
media-sound/lmms[135] 17 Sep 2008 Alexis Ballier[45]
dev-python/foolscap[136] 17 Sep 2008 Ali Polatel[137]
gnome-extra/gnome-lirc-properties[138] 17 Sep 2008 Doug Goldstein[9]
games-arcade/gnujump[139] 18 Sep 2008 Alfredo Tupone[47]
dev-embedded/pk2cmd[140] 19 Sep 2008 Joseph Jezak[141]
dev-ruby/net-scp[142] 20 Sep 2008 Hans de Graaff[143]
dev-ruby/net-ssh-gateway[144] 20 Sep 2008 Hans de Graaff[143]
media-gfx/wally[145] 21 Sep 2008 Ben de Groot[26]
dev-embedded/arduino[146] 21 Sep 2008 Ned Ludd[147]
dev-libs/polylib[148] 21 Sep 2008 Mike Frysinger[76]
dev-libs/ppl[149] 21 Sep 2008 Mike Frysinger[76]
dev-libs/libxr[150] 21 Sep 2008 Luca Barbato[151]
9. cardoe@gentoo.org
26. yngwin@gentoo.org
45. aballier@gentoo.org
46. mr_bones_@gentoo.org
47. tupone@gentoo.org
76. vapier@gentoo.org
130. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-cdr/recorder
131. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-util/shunit2
132. dberkholz@gentoo.org
133. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/games-rpg/drascula
134. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/media-libs/stk
135. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/media-sound/lmms
136. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-python/foolscap
137. hawking@gentoo.org
138. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/gnome-extra/gnome-lirc-properties
139. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/games-arcade/gnujump
140. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-embedded/pk2cmd
141. josejx@gentoo.org
142. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-ruby/net-scp
143. graaff@gentoo.org
144. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-ruby/net-ssh-gateway
145. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/media-gfx/wally
146. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-embedded/arduino
147. solar@gentoo.org
148. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-libs/polylib
149. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-libs/ppl
150. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/dev-libs/libxr
151. lu_zero@gentoo.org
Package: Addition date: Contact:
app-emacs/nxml-docbook5-schemas[152] 22 Sep 2008 Diego Pettenò[8]
app-text/docbook-xsl-ns-stylesheets[153] 22 Sep 2008 Diego Pettenò[8]
app-laptop/hdaps-gl[154] 22 Sep 2008 Hanno Boeck[155]
net-misc/termpkg[156] 23 Sep 2008 Stefan Briesenick[157]
media-sound/ncmpcpp[158] 23 Sep 2008 Ben de Groot[26]
media-video/whaawmp[159] 24 Sep 2008 Ben de Groot[26]
app-text/xfbib[160] 24 Sep 2008 Christoph Mende[161]
xfce-extra/xfce4-modemlights[162] 24 Sep 2008 Christoph Mende[161]
media-plugins/gmpc-alarm[163] 24 Sep 2008 Christoph Mende[161]
media-plugins/gmpc-extraplaylist[164] 24 Sep 2008 Christoph Mende[161]
media-plugins/gmpc-libnotify[165] 24 Sep 2008 Christoph Mende[161]
media-plugins/gmpc-lyricwiki[166] 24 Sep 2008 Christoph Mende[161]
sci-geosciences/mapnik[167] 25 Sep 2008 Steve Arnold[168]
mail-mta/qpsmtpd[169] 28 Sep 2008 Markus Ullmann[84]
8. flameeyes@gentoo.org
26. yngwin@gentoo.org
84. jokey@gentoo.org
152. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-emacs/nxml-docbook5-schemas
153. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-text/docbook-xsl-ns-stylesheets
154. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-laptop/hdaps-gl
155. hanno@gentoo.org
156. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/net-misc/termpkg
157. sbriesen@gentoo.org
158. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/media-sound/ncmpcpp
159. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/media-video/whaawmp
160. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-text/xfbib
161. angelos@gentoo.org
162. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/xfce-extra/xfce4-modemlights
163. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/media-plugins/gmpc-alarm
164. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/media-plugins/gmpc-extraplaylist
165. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/media-plugins/gmpc-libnotify
166. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/media-plugins/gmpc-lyricwiki
167. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/sci-geosciences/mapnik
168. nerdboy@gentoo.org
169. http://packages.gentoo.org/package/mail-mta/qpsmtpd
7. Bugzilla
The Gentoo community uses Bugzilla (bugs.gentoo.org[170]) to record and track
bugs, notifications, suggestions and other interactions with the development
team. The following chart summarizes activity on Bugzilla between 30 August
2008 and 29 September 2008.
170. http://bugs.gentoo.org
Figure 7.1: Bug activity split-up
Of the 12369 currently open bugs: 12 are labeled blocker, 106 are labeled
critical, and 451 are labeled major.
Closed bug ranking
The developers and teams who have closed the most bugs during this period are
as follows.
Rank Developer/Team Bug Count
0 Others 865
1 Gentoo Games 54
2 Gentoo KDE team 50
3 Default Assignee for Orphaned Packages 44
4 Gentoo Security 41
5 Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team 41
6 Gentoo's Team for Core System packages 34
7 Java team 32
8 Gentoo non-Linux Team 28
9 Gentoo Linux bug wranglers 25
Figure 7.1: Bug closed rankings
Assigned bug ranking
The developers and teams who have been assigned the most bugs during this
period are as follows.
Rank Developer/Team Bug Count
0 Others 628
1 Default Assignee for New Packages 78
2 Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team 40
3 Gentoo Security 38
4 Gentoo's Team for Core System packages 32
5 Gentoo X packagers 27
6 Gentoo KDE team 25
7 Java team 23
8 Python Gentoo Team 22
9 Gentoo Sound Team 20
Figure 7.1: Bugs assigned rankings
8. Getting Involved
The GMN relies on volunteers and members of the community for content every
month. If you are interested in writing for the GMN, do write in to
gmn-writers@gentoo.org with your articles in plaintext or GuideXML format.
Note: The deadline for articles to be published in the next issue is October
17, 2008.
We solicit feedback from all our readers on the newsletter. If you have any
ideas for articles, sections, or have anything to say about the GMN, don't
hesitate to email us at gmn-feedback@gentoo.org.
You can also give us your feedback and comment on this particular issue of
the GMN on the forum thread[1].
1. http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-5232449.html
9. GMN subscription information
To subscribe to the Gentoo Monthly Newsletter, send a blank e-mail to
To unsubscribe to the Gentoo Monthly Newsletter, send a blank e-mail to
gentoo-gmn+unsubscribe@gentoo.org from the e-mail address you are subscribed
10. Other languages
The Gentoo Monthly Newsletter is available in the following languages:
* English[171]
* German[172]
* Italian[173]
* Japanese[174]
* Polish[175]
* Spanish[176]
* Simplified Chinese[177]
171. http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gmn/index.xml
172. http://www.gentoo.org/news/de/gmn/index.xml
173. http://www.gentoo.org/news/it/gmn/index.xml
174. http://www.gentoo.org/news/ja/gmn/
175. http://www.gentoo.org/news/pl/gmn/index.xml
176. http://www.gentoo.org/news/es/gmn/index.xml
177. http://www.gentoo.org/news/zh_cn/gmn/index.xml
Anant Narayanan <anant@gentoo.org> - Editor
Joshua Saddler <nightmorph@gentoo.org> - Editor
Daniel Black <dragonheart@gentoo.org> - Author
Christian Faulhammer <opfer@gentoo.org> - Author
Kevin Bryan <bryank@cs.uri.edu> - Author
Andrey Falko <andrey@afalko.net> - Author
Jon Malachowski <jmalacho@gmu.edu> - Author
Laurent Duchesne <l@urent.org> - Author
Sylvain Alain <d2_racing@hotmail.com> - Author
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2008-09-30 18:14 [gentoo-gmn] Gentoo Monthly Newsletter: 30 September 2008 Anant Narayanan
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