* [gentoo-gwn] Gentoo Weekly Newsletter 20 June 2005
@ 2005-06-19 23:53 Ulrich Plate
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From: Ulrich Plate @ 2005-06-19 23:53 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-gwn
Gentoo Weekly Newsletter
This is the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter for the week of 20 June 2005.
1. Gentoo News
Gentoo Foundation store opens
Taking over from Daniel Robbins -- whose sole remaining activity at the
Gentoo project had been the Gentoo merchandising shop operations -- the
new Gentoo store under new management by the Gentoo Foundation is now up
and running. Set up at Cafepress, the store's catalog of 2005.1 CDs,
branded clothing and "schwag" including coffee mugs and other
merchandising items is now ready for online ordering, with prices in USD
and delivery worldwide. 5 USD of each item sold goes as a direct
contribution to the Gentoo project, to be made available to development by
the Foundation. The store's address hasn't changed, it's at
1. http://store.gentoo.org
Gentoo at the German LinuxTag 2005 in Karlsruhe
"Linux everywhere" is the motto of this year's LinuxTag, the largest
European Linux fair, which again takes place in Karlsruhe this week, 22 to
25 June. "Gentoo on everything slightly faster than a washing machine"
could very well be the slogan of the Gentoo booth at the event.
Representing Gentoo Linux for the third year in a row, this year seesa
nice collection of Gentoo-supported platforms on display, including MIPS
machines (an SGI O2), a Sun Blade 100 (SPARC) and several PowerPC hosts
(two PegasosPPC ODWs and several iBook's), complemented by the usual
assorted x86 hardware.
You will have plenty of opportunity to meet many of the German Gentoo
developers and discuss recent activites and upcoming changes with them. A
handful of developers from other countries also announced their
attendance, of which Robin H. Johnson[2] flying in from Canada will
undoubtedly be the one earning the most bonus-miles.
2. robbat2@gentoo.org
Gentoo booths organized by the German NFP "Friends of Gentoo e.V."[3]
traditionally include a remastered XLiveCD distributed under the nickname
"Fizzlewizzle". Thanks to Joseph Jezak's[4] brand-new version of
Xorgautoconfig[5] this event's Fizzlewizzle Edition is also available for
PowerPCs. The XLiveCD is fully localized into German, ships with the
current KDE release 3.4.1 and features top-notch translated installation
documents. Gentoo merchandise and lots of free give-a-ways are available
at the booth, too, and visitors can also become a member of "Friends of
Gentoo" (official German title of the NFP: Förderverein Gentoo e.V.) on
the spot, for an annual membership fee of 20 EUR (10 for students).
3. http://www.gentoo-ev.org
4. josejx@gentoo.org
5. http://dev.gentoo.org/~josejx/Xorgautoconfig.html
Gentoo Forum admin and moderators to become official staff members
After years in the twilight zone, the Gentoo Forums are becoming an
official Gentoo project. Christian Hartmann[6] and Wernfried Haas[7]
submitted a GLEP[8] that has already been discussed with Gentoo's
developer relations department, as it directly impacts in their area, and
has now been taken to the gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list for open
6. ian@gentoo.org
7. amne@forum.gentoo.org
8. http://download.iansview.com/gentoo/docs/glep-38/glep-0038.txt
This means that all administrators and the so-called global moderators
will now be official Gentoo staff members. This will give the Forum team
better access to developers and resources helping them ensure the quality
of the award winning[9] Gentoo Forums.
9. http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/20050314-newsletter.xml#doc_chap4
In preparation for this change the Forum team has written a new
document[10] entitled "Gentoo Forums Moderator Policies and Guidelines".
10. http://curtis119.no-ip.org/forum-guide.xml
Gentoo Forums receive hardware donation
Forum administrator Tom Knight's[11] employers, Dialogue
Communications[12], have generously donated two 160GB Maxtor DiamondMax
Plus 9 hard drives and an AMCC 3ware 9500S-4LP SATA RAID controller. This
hardware will mainly be used for development and testing of new forums
features, including the long awaited UTF8 conversion which needs lots of
I/O for testing. Thanks a lot!
11. tomk@gentoo.org
12. http://www.dialogue.net
2. Heard in the community
Web forums
64 vs 32 bit: is less really more?
Triggered by Jem Matzan's article on Linux.com[13], this thread discusses
the virtues of going 64-bit instead of staying with a 32-bit-architecture.
As the article seems to find too little in terms of performance
enhancement by the move at this time, the Forum regulars are a little
disappointed about tomorrow's platform not being properly hailed as
today's alternative, as they think it should be.
13. news/gwn/20050620-newsletter.xml#doc_chap4_sect4
* Article: 64-bit performance in Gentoo Linux[14]
14. http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-349691.html
3. Gentoo International
UK: London Gentoo user and developer meeting
Last Friday, a few Gentoo developers and users met up, albeit at very
short notice, for a few drinks in central London. Gentoo developers Daniel
Drake[15], Michal Januszewski[16] (visiting from Poland) and Benjamin
Smee[17] (strerror) got together with event organizer George Prowse[18]
(more widely known as cokehabit) and Gentoo users Andy and Edwin for the
afternoon. They are planning to organize a similar meeting later this
summer, and this time there'll be some advance notice, promised!
15. dsd@gentoo.org
16. spock@gentoo.org
17. strerror@gentoo.org
18. http://forums.gentoo.org/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=53428
Figure 3.1: Gentooists of London
Note: Left to right: Daniel Drake, Andy, George Prowse, Benjamin Smee,
Michal Januszewski
4. Gentoo in the press
Slashdot (14 June 2005)
A merry flamefest was kindled upon news that Gentoo founder Daniel Robbins
had found employment with Microsoft. Among the readers commenting the
short article[19], Hans Reiser could be seen putting drobbins' credit card
debt in perspective with his own financial distress stemming from a messy
divorce, other people volunteered to mount rescue missions, with about
half the comments venturing into various sinister sci-fi analogies from
Star Wars to Star Trek, apparently unable to decide whether it's been
Darth Gates or Gates of Borg who lured Gentoo's ex-chief-architect into
joining the forces of evil.
19. http://linux.slashdot.org/linux/05/06/13/2137239.shtml
The Age, Sydney Morning Herald (14 June 2005)
Australian broad-sheet daily newspaper The Age picked up the story of
Daniel Robbins' new employment at Microsoft[20] from the Gentoo website.
Author Sam Varghese puts the Gentoo founder next to Gnome's Nat Friedman
as "about the only other prominent open-source figure" who has ever worked
for Microsoft, with Ximian founder Miguel de Icaza having been interviewed
once, but turned down. The same article appeared in the Sydney Morning
Herald[21], a sister publication of The Age.
20. http://theage.com.au/articles/2005/06/14/1118645786407.html
The Inquirer (14 June 2005)
A significantly more salacious way of wording the very same news item
could be found at the Inquirer[22], a rather eccentric UK online
publication who depicts Daniel Robbins turning into someone who "squeaks
wildly in the burrow of the Vole" where he's "joined the forces of
darkness" in order "to help Microsoft try to understand how Open Sauce
works, a fairly major task."
22. http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=23923
Linux.com (15 June 2005)
Yet another Gentoo-related article by Linux.com author Jem Matzen, this
time about "64-bit performance in Gentoo Linux"[23] -- or rather the lack
of any really outstanding performance measured in his benchmark tests. An
earlier test with FreeBSD in a 64-bit environment had already yielded
similar results: "64-bit does make a difference, but that performance
advantage may not be evident in all situations."
23. http://enterprise.linux.com/enterprise/05/06/09/1413209.shtml?tid=121
ZDNet UK (16 June 2005)
Allowing for a few days of checking the background, ZDNet's Ingrid Marson
wrote a more complete assessment[24] of Daniel's new employment and the
alleged ripples in the project's surface, which as she finds weren't as
agitated as some expected.
24. http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/linuxunix/0,39020390,39203933,00.htm
5. Moves, adds, and changes
The following developers recently left the Gentoo team:
* None this week
The following developers recently joined the Gentoo Linux team:
* Jean-François Brunette (formula7) - Security
* Matthias Schwarzott (zzam) - Video Disc Recorder (VDR) ebuilds
* Julien Allanos (dju`) - web apps
* Paul Varner (FuzzyRay) - tools-portage
* Senno During (st3vie) - Dutch GWN translation lead
* Stefan Briesenick (sbriesen) - net-dialup
The following developers recently changed roles within the Gentoo Linux
* None this week
6. Gentoo security
MediaWiki: Cross-site scripting vulnerability
MediaWiki is vulnerable to a cross-site scripting attack that could allow
arbitrary scripting code execution.
For more information, please see the GLSA Announcement[25]
25. http://www.gentoo.org/security/en/glsa/glsa-200506-12.xml
webapp-config: Insecure temporary file handling
The webapp-config utility insecurely creates temporary files in a world
writable directory, potentially allowing the execution of arbitrary
For more information, please see the GLSA Announcement[26]
26. http://www.gentoo.org/security/en/glsa/glsa-200506-13.xml
Sun and Blackdown Java: Applet privilege escalation
Sun's and Blackdown's JDK or JRE may allow untrusted applets to elevate
their privileges.
For more information, please see the GLSA Announcement[27]
27. http://www.gentoo.org/security/en/glsa/glsa-200506-14.xml
PeerCast: Format string vulnerability
PeerCast suffers from a format string vulnerability that could allow
arbitrary code execution.
For more information, please see the GLSA Announcement[28]
28. http://www.gentoo.org/security/en/glsa/glsa-200506-15.xml
7. Bugzilla
* Statistics
* Closed bug ranking
* New bug rankings
The Gentoo community uses Bugzilla (bugs.gentoo.org[29]) to record and
track bugs, notifications, suggestions and other interactions with the
development team. Between 12 June 2005 and 19 June 2005, activity on the
site has resulted in:
29. http://bugs.gentoo.org
* 664 new bugs during this period
* 348 bugs closed or resolved during this period
* 21 previously closed bugs were reopened this period
Of the 8461 currently open bugs: 97 are labeled 'blocker', 214 are labeled
'critical', and 605 are labeled 'major'.
Closed bug rankings
The developers and teams who have closed the most bugs during this period
* Jonathan Smith[30], with 40 closed bugs[31]
* Gentoo's Team for Core System packages[32], with 21 closed bugs[33]
* Gentoo Security[34], with 16 closed bugs[35]
* Gentoo KDE team[36], with 13 closed bugs[37]
* Net-Mail Packages[38], with 10 closed bugs[39]
* Gentoo Games[40], with 10 closed bugs[41]
* Netmon Herd[42], with 8 closed bugs[43]
* Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team[44], with 8 closed bugs[45]
30. smithj@gentoo.org
32. base-system@gentoo.org
34. security@gentoo.org
36. kde@gentoo.org
38. net-mail@gentoo.org
40. games@gentoo.org
42. netmon@gentoo.org
44. gnome@gentoo.org
New bug rankings
The developers and teams who have been assigned the most new bugs during
this period are:
* Default Assignee for New Packages[46], with 218 new bugs[47]
* Gentoo Sound Team[48], with 18 new bugs[49]
* PHP Bugs[50], with 12 new bugs[51]
* media-video herd[52], with 11 new bugs[53]
* Python Gentoo Team[54], with 10 new bugs[55]
* AMD64 Porting Team[56], with 8 new bugs[57]
* Roy Marples[58], with 7 new bugs[59]
* Mozilla Gentoo Team[60], with 7 new bugs[61]
46. maintainer-needed@gentoo.org
48. sound@gentoo.org
50. php-bugs@gentoo.org
52. media-video@gentoo.org
54. python@gentoo.org
56. amd64@gentoo.org
58. uberlord@gentoo.org
60. mozilla@gentoo.org
8. GWN feedback
Please send us your feedback[62] and help make the GWN better.
62. gwn-feedback@gentoo.org
9. GWN subscription information
To subscribe to the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter, send a blank email to
To unsubscribe to the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter, send a blank email to
gentoo-gwn+unsubscribe@gentoo.org from the email address you are
subscribed under.
10. Other languages
The Gentoo Weekly Newsletter is also available in the following languages:
* Danish[63]
* Dutch[64]
* English[65]
* German[66]
* French[67]
* Japanese[68]
* Italian[69]
* Polish[70]
* Portuguese (Brazil)[71]
* Portuguese (Portugal)[72]
* Russian[73]
* Spanish[74]
* Turkish[75]
63. http://www.gentoo.org/news/da/gwn/gwn.xml
64. http://www.gentoo.org/news/nl/gwn/gwn.xml
65. http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/gwn.xml
66. http://www.gentoo.org/news/de/gwn/gwn.xml
67. http://www.gentoo.org/news/fr/gwn/gwn.xml
68. http://www.gentoo.org/news/ja/gwn/gwn.xml
69. http://www.gentoo.org/news/it/gwn/gwn.xml
70. http://www.gentoo.org/news/pl/gwn/gwn.xml
71. http://www.gentoo.org/news/pt_br/gwn/gwn.xml
72. http://www.gentoo.org/news/pt/gwn/gwn.xml
73. http://www.gentoo.org/news/ru/gwn/gwn.xml
74. http://www.gentoo.org/news/es/gwn/gwn.xml
75. http://www.gentoo.org/news/tr/gwn/gwn.xml
Ulrich Plate <plate@gentoo.org> - Editor
Daniel Drake <dsd@gentoo.org> - Author
M Curtis Napier <curtis119@yahoo.com> - Author
Tobias Scherbaum <dertobi123@gentoo.org> - Author
gentoo-gwn@gentoo.org mailing list
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2005-06-19 23:53 [gentoo-gwn] Gentoo Weekly Newsletter 20 June 2005 Ulrich Plate
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