* [gentoo-gwn] Gentoo Weekly Newsletter - Volume 3, Issue 16
@ 2004-04-20 3:19 Yuji Kosugi
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From: Yuji Kosugi @ 2004-04-20 3:19 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-gwn
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Gentoo Weekly Newsletter
This is the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter for the week of April 19th, 2004.
1. Gentoo News
Transition to NFP organization
Daniel Robbins[1], chief architect of Gentoo Linux is now heading an
effort to make a transition to a NFP (not-for-profit) organization. The
gentoo-nfp mailing list has been set up and discussion is already
underway; the list has been archived[2], and is open to subscription:
those interested should send a mail to gentoo-nfp-subscribe@gentoo.org.
Daniel is targeting the end of April for finalizing the NFP effort, and
has submitted a detailed proposal[3] to the mailing list, which has been
discussed and clarified there.
1. drobbins@gentoo.org
2. http://news.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.nfp/
3. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.nfp/25
In the proposal, Gentoo Foundation, Inc. will hold the intellectual
property of the project. It'll have a board of trustees, and will be an
open membership trade association. The initial board of trustees will
serve for a year, after which a new one will be elected. The Gentoo Store
will pay for the establishment of this not-for-profit, as well as for the
Gentoo Foundation's legal fees in applying for 501(c)(6) federal
association status, which is expected to take around $5000. In addition,
Daniel will retain royalty-free rights to use of the "Gentoo" trademark
and the "G" logo, allowing him to continue him to run the Gentoo Store if
he wants, in order to support his family and attempt to pay some of the
$20,000 in debt he accumulated during his tenure as Chief Architect.
2. Gentoo Security
CVS Server and Client Vulnerabilities
There are two vulnerabilities in CVS; one in the server and one in the
client. These vulnerabilities allow the reading and writing of arbitrary
files on both client and server.
For more information, please see the GLSA Announcement[4]
4. http://www.gentoo.org/security/en/glsa/glsa-200404-13.xml
Multiple format string vulnerabilities in cadaver
There are multiple format string vulnerabilities in the neon library used
in cadaver, possibly leading to execution of arbitrary code when connected
to a malicious server.
For more information, please see the GLSA Announcement[5]
5. http://www.gentoo.org/security/en/glsa/glsa-200404-14.xml
XChat 2.0.x SOCKS5 Vulnerability
XChat is vulnerable to a stack overflow that may allow a remote attacker
to run arbitrary code.
For more information, please see the GLSA Announcement[6]
6. http://www.gentoo.org/security/en/glsa/glsa-200404-15.xml
Multiple new security vulnerabilities in monit
Two new vulnerabilities have been found in the HTTP interface of monit,
possibly leading to denial of service or execution of arbitrary code.
For more information, please see the GLSA Announcement[7]
7. http://www.gentoo.org/security/en/glsa/glsa-200404-16.xml
3. Featured Developer of the Week
Lance Albertson
Figure 3.1: Lance Albertson (aka ramereth)
This week we are featuring Lance Albertson [8] (aka ramereth), who is
doing general system administration and monitoring for Gentoo. This
involves managing monitoring tools for the Infrastructure Project[9], such
as Nagios[10] server and implementation, Catci graphs, and whateverelse
they come up with. He also helps with general system administration using
cfengine and other tools. Furthermore, he helps infrastructure team in
setting up new servers, when such need arises. He is making his first
steps in ebuild maintenance by helping out with WOLK Kernel[11] and
various ebuilds, which belong to netmon herd. Apart from all this Lance is
taking part in Gentoo server project, throwing ideas and suggesting
8. ramereth@gentoo.org
9. http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/infrastructure/index.xml
10. http://www.nagios.org
11. http://wolk.sourceforge.net/
Lance considers himself to be new to Linux, as his first serious
experience with this OS started in January 2001. His first distro was
Mandrake, on which he applied a so called "let's install everything
strategy". However, he admits that he got bored with it and switched to
Debian, which was a suggestion of his boss. Lance came across Gentoo
sometimes in 2002, seeing his friend building it on a dual Pentium Pro
box. In the beginning he found the idea to be "nuts" but 6 months later
decided to give it a try (it was version 1.2 at a time), and as he says
"fell in love instantly".
ramereth started his way to becoming a dev on #gentoo-server channel on
freenode, where he was spending some time. That was when Kurt Lieber[12]
asked him if he wanted to help Gentoo with Nagios implementation.
12. klieber@gentoo.org
He is most proud of the project he did once for the school. That was an
irc- like server/client with xml-based message format. The commands where
based on IRC standard, so one could join the channel become an op,
kick/ban people etc. Moreover he was using flashes for the client which
made it even more interesting. Even though he had a few known bugs, he
still got a straight 'A' on it.
There are about 15 computers in his house, including x86/SPARC/PPC/Alpha,
and all those he ever used run Gentoo. Lance prefers Gnome[13] desktop and
first things he runs are evolution[14], gaim[15] and xterms. cfengine[16],
irssi[17], screen[18], nagios[19] and cacti[20] are among his favorite
13. http://www.gnome. org
14. http://www. ximian.com/
15. http://gaim.sourceforge.net/
16. http://www.iu.hio.no/cfengine/
17. http://irssi.org/
18. http://www.gnu.org/ software/screen/
19. http://www.nagios.org
20. http://www.raxnet.net/products/cacti/
Lance was attending a school school at Kansas State University, from which
he graduated in May 2003 with a degree in Agricultural Technology
Management with minors in Agronomy and Computer Science. Now he is working
for RHS Inc., doing technical documentation and IT security. Apart from
that he is also doing full- time farming with his family. Driving semi
truck, combine and various tracktors is also on list of his skills.
When he doesn't work and doesn't do anything for Gentoo, Lance enjoys
playing trumpet in jazz ensembles. He has been in the top big band jazz
ensemble at k- state for several years plus was in the latin jazz combo.
Also he likes playing racquetball, poker and hanging out with his friends.
Now he lives in his own house in a small community Hiawatha, which is in
northeast of Kansas. Though he considers his life to "laid back" it's
quite easy to get away from it, cause Hiawatha is just two hours from
Kansas City. And he does actually go there quite often! His favorite quote
is "Where ever you go, there you are".
When I asked Lance to give me a sentence about Gentoo, he said: "Gentoo is
the solution to total control."
4. Heard in the Community
Web Forums
Gentooified coLinux
In an bid to add yet another way to run Gentoo under impossible
circumstances, Danish Gentoo user janlaur[21] has volunteered a Howto on
running Gentoo Linux as a native Windows thread, using coLinux (and
involving a complete Gentoo installation contained in a 2 GB image file to
be downloaded at some point). Anyone patient enough to try this, check the
thread in the Documentation, Tips & Tricks section:
21. http://forums.gentoo.org/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=22752
* HOWTO coLinux with gentoo[22]
22. http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=163154
New Finnish Forum
The Great Scandinavian Unification that the Forums saw about a year ago
was intended to create a lively atmosphere among the nordic faction of
Gentooism, mostly under the impression that Swedish was sort of a lingua
franca for most of the region and looked like a good common denominator at
first. But now the Finnish users, linguistically very different from, err,
most of the planet's other humanoids, have achieved critical mass and
decided they deserve a forum in their own language. Pleased to announce
jaska[23] and Mikessu[24] as the new forum's inaugural moderators,
tervetuloa 'n all that:
23. http://forums.gentoo.org/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=22041
24. http://forums.gentoo.org/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=32106
* Finnish Gento Forum[25]
25. http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?f=47
Linux Partiton Resizing Utilities
There are plenty of commercial partition-resizing utilities on the market.
But what about Linux ones? Here's a thread[26] that talks about
commercial and free utilities for all your resizing needs.
26. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.user/75114
Ebuild overflow?
Some capable Gentoo users have noticed that user-contributed ebuilds have
not[27] been making their way into Portage on a timely basis. It comes
down to developer overload, so if you've got some free time... become a
Gentoo Package maintainer!
27. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.user/75545
5. Gentoo International
Italy/Switzerland: Joint GECHI and Ticino LUG Meeting
On Friday and Saturday, 16 and 17 April, the notorious GECHI[28] group of
Italian Gentoo users will join forces with the Ticino Linx User Group to
organize a friendly event at one of three SUPSI (Scuola Universitaria
Professionale della Svizzera Italiana) sites in Switzerland, this one
located in a town called Manno, not far from the Italian border. Dates and
times are to be taken with a grain of salt (check the TiLUG site[29] for
details), but the Forum coordination thread[30] appears to have everything
under control. And in any case, springtime in Ticino is supposed to be
28. http://www.gechi.org/
29. http://tilug.org/cms/index.php?ind=14
30. http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=157613
6. Bugzilla
* Statistics
* Closed Bug Ranking
* New Bug Rankings
The Gentoo community uses Bugzilla (bugs.gentoo.org[31]) to record and
track bugs, notifications, suggestions and other interactions with the
development team. Between 10 April 2004 and 16 April 2004, activity on the
site has resulted in:
31. http://bugs.gentoo.org
* 597 new bugs during this period
* 370 bugs closed or resolved during this period
* 20 previously closed bugs were reopened this period
Of the 5615 currently open bugs: 122 are labeled 'blocker', 187 are
labeled 'critical', and 455 are labeled 'major'.
Closed Bug Rankings
The developers and teams who have closed the most bugs during this period
* AMD64 Porting Team[32], with 45 closed bugs[33]
* Gentoo Linux bug wranglers[34], with 27 closed bugs[35]
* x86 Kernel Team[36], with 19 closed bugs[37]
* Sven Vermeulen[38], with 18 closed bugs[39]
* Jeremy Huddleston[40], with 18 closed bugs[41]
* Gentoo Games[42], with 17 closed bugs[43]
* Portage team[44], with 16 closed bugs[45]
* Mirror Admins[46], with 15 closed bugs[47]
32. amd64@gentoo.org
34. bug-wranglers@gentoo.org
36. x86-kernel@gentoo.org
38. swift@gentoo.org
40. eradicator@gentoo.org
42. games@gentoo.org
44. dev-portage@gentoo.org
46. mirror-admin@gentoo.org
New Bug Rankings
The developers and teams who have been assigned the most new bugs during
this period are:
* Gentoo LiveCD Team[48], with 20 new bugs[49]
* Gentoo's Team for Core System packages[50], with 18 new bugs[51]
* Gentoo KDE team[52], with 14 new bugs[53]
* Gentoo Linux Gnome Desktop Team[54], with 12 new bugs[55]
* AMD64 Porting Team[56], with 11 new bugs[57]
* Gentoo X-windows packagers[58], with 10 new bugs[59]
* Portage team[60], with 9 new bugs[61]
48. livecd@gentoo.org
50. base-system@gentoo.org
52. kde@gentoo.org
54. gnome@gentoo.org
56. amd64@gentoo.org
58. xfree@gentoo.org
60. dev-portage@gentoo.org
7. Tips and Tricks
Tips and Tricks is on hiatus this week.
8. Moves, Adds, and Changes
The following developers recently left the Gentoo team:
* Seemant Kulleen (seemant) - Developer relations, Gentoo/X86, QA
* Brian Jackson (iggy) - BugDay coordinator, Courier, Gentoo/Cluster,
The following developers recently joined the Gentoo Linux team:
* Daniel Drake (dsd_) - user relations
* Ferris McCormick (fmccor) - sparc
The following developers recently changed roles within the Gentoo Linux
* none this week
9. Contribute to GWN
Interested in contributing to the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter? Send us an
62. gwn-feedback@gentoo.org
10. GWN Feedback
Please send us your feedback[63] and help make the GWN better.
63. gwn-feedback@gentoo.org
11. GWN Subscription Information
To subscribe to the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter, send a blank email to
To unsubscribe to the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter, send a blank email to
gentoo-gwn-unsubscribe@gentoo.org from the email address you are
subscribed under.
12. Other Languages
The Gentoo Weekly Newsletter is also available in the following languages:
* Danish[64]
* Dutch[65]
* English[66]
* German[67]
* French[68]
* Japanese[69]
* Italian[70]
* Polish[71]
* Portuguese (Brazil)[72]
* Portuguese (Portugal)[73]
* Russian[74]
* Spanish[75]
* Turkish[76]
64. http://www.gentoo.org/news/da/gwn/gwn.xml
65. http://www.gentoo.org/news/be/gwn/gwn.xml
66. http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/gwn.xml
67. http://www.gentoo.org/news/de/gwn/gwn.xml
68. http://www.gentoo.org/news/fr/gwn/gwn.xml
69. http://www.gentoo.org/news/ja/gwn/gwn.xml
70. http://www.gentoo.org/news/it/gwn/gwn.xml
71. http://www.gentoo.org/news/pl/gwn/gwn.xml
72. http://www.gentoo.org/news/br/gwn/gwn.xml
73. http://www.gentoo.org/news/pt/gwn/gwn.xml
74. http://www.gentoo.org/news/ru/gwn/gwn.xml
75. http://www.gentoo.org/news/es/gwn/gwn.xml
76. http://www.gentoo.org/news/tr/gwn/gwn.xml
Yuji Carlos Kosugi <carlos@gentoo.org> - Editor
AJ Armstrong <aja@clanarmstrong.com> - Contributor
Brian Downey <bdowney@briandowney.net> - Contributor
Luke Giuliani <cold_flame@email.com> - Contributor
Grant Goodyear <g2boojum@gentoo.org> - Contributor
Aron Griffis <agriffis@gentoo.org> - Contributor
Stuart Herbert <stuart@gentoo.org> - Contributor
Kurt Lieber <klieber@gentoo.org> - Contributor
Rafael Cordones Marcos <rcm@sasaska.net> - Contributor
David Narayan <david@phrixus.net> - Contributor
David Nielsen <Lovechild@foolclan.com> - Contributor
Ulrich Plate <plate@gentoo.org> - Contributor
Simon Holm Thagersen <simon@lysbro.net> - Danish Translation
Jesper Brodersen <broeman@gentoo.org> - Danish Translation
Arne Mejlholm <aaby@gentoo.org> - Danish Translation
Hendrik Eeckhaut <Hendrik.Eeckhaut@UGent.be> - Dutch Translation
Jorn Eilander <sephiroth@quicknet.nl> - Dutch Translation
Bernard Kerckenaere <bernieke@bernieke.com> - Dutch Translation
Peter ter Borg <peter@daborg.nl> - Dutch Translation
Jochen Maes <linux@sejo.be> - Dutch Translation
Roderick Goessen <rgoessen@home.nl> - Dutch Translation
Gerard van den Berg <gerard@steelo.net> - Dutch Translation
Matthieu Montaudouin <mat@frheaven.com> - French Translation
Xavier Neys <neysx@gentoo.org> - French Translation
Martin Prieto <riverdale@linuxmail.org> - French Translation
Antoine Raillon <cabec2@pegase.net> - French Translation
Sebastien Cevey <seb@cine7.net> - French Translation
Jean-Christophe Choisy <mabouya@petitefleure.org> - French Translation
Thomas Raschbacher <lordvan@gentoo.org> - German Translation
Steffen Lassahn <madeagle@gentoo.org> - German Translation
Matthias F. Brandstetter <haim@gentoo.org> - German Translation
Lukas Domagala <Cyrik@gentoo.org> - German Translation
Tobias Scherbaum <dertobi123@gentoo.org> - German Translation
Daniel Gerholdt <Sputnik1969@gentoo.org> - German Translation
Marc Herren <dj-submerge@gentoo.org> - German Translation
Tobias Matzat <SirSeoman@gentoo.org> - German Translation
Marco Mascherpa <mush@monrif.net> - Italian Translation
Claudio Merloni <paper@tiscali.it> - Italian Translation
Stefano Lucidi <stefano.lucidi@gentoo-italia.org> - Italian Translation
Katuyuki Konno <katuyuki@siva.ddo.jp> - Japanese Translation
Hiroyuki Takeda <hiro@extreme.jspeed.jp> - Japanese Translation
Masato Hatakeyama <hatake@mx2.ttcn.ne.jp> - Japanese Translation
Masayoshi Nakamura <masayang@masasushi.com> - Japanese Translation
Yasunori Fukudome <yasunori@mail.portland.co.uk> - Japanese Translation
Tomoyuki Sakurai <web-gentoo-doc-jp@trombik.mine.nu> - Japanese Translation
Lukasz Strzygowski <lucass@gentoo.pl> - Polish Translation
Karol Goralski <gooroo@gentoo.pl> - Polish Translation
Atila "Jedi" Bohlke Vasconcelos <bohlke@inf.ufrgs.br> - Portuguese
(Brazil) Translation
Eduardo Belloti <dudu@datavibe.net> - Portuguese (Brazil) Translation
Jo??o Rafael Moraes Nicola <joaoraf@rudah.com.br> - Portuguese (Brazil)
Marcelo Gon??alves de Azambuja <mgazambuja@terra.com.br> - Portuguese
(Brazil) Translation
Otavio Rodolfo Piske <angusy@gentoobr.org> - Portuguese (Brazil)
Pablo N. Hess -- NatuNobilis <natunobilis@gentoobr.org> - Portuguese
(Brazil) Translation
Pedro de Medeiros <pzilla@yawl.com.br> - Portuguese (Brazil) Translation
Ventura Barbeiro <venturasbarbeiro@ig.com.br> - Portuguese (Brazil)
Bruno Ferreira <blueroom@digitalmente.net> - Portuguese (Portugal)
Gustavo Felisberto <humpback@felisberto.net> - Portuguese (Portugal)
Jos?? Costa <jose_costa@netcabo.pt> - Portuguese (Portugal) Translation
Luis Medina <metalgodin@linuxmail.org> - Portuguese (Portugal) Translation
Ricardo Loureiro <rjlouro@rjlouro.org> - Portuguese (Portugal) Translation
Aleksandr Martyncev <amncorp@bk.ru> - Russian Translator
Sergey Galkin <gals_home@list.ru> - Russian Translator
Sergey Kuleshov <svyatogor@gentoo.org> - Russian Translator
Alex Spirin <asp13@mail.ru> - Russian Translator
Denis Zaletov <dzaletov@rambler.ru> - Russian Translator
Lanark <lanark@lanark.com.ar> - Spanish Translation
Fernando J. Pereda <ferdy@ferdyx.org> - Spanish Translation
Lluis Peinado Cifuentes <lpeinado@uoc.edu> - Spanish Translation
Zephryn Xirdal T <ZEPHRYNXIRDAL@telefonica.net> - Spanish Translation
Guillermo Juarez <katossi@usuarios.retecal.es> - Spanish Translation
Jes??s Garc??a Crespo <correo@sevein.com> - Spanish Translation
Carlos Castillo <carlos@castillobueno.com> - Spanish Translation
Julio Castillo <julio@castillobueno.com> - Spanish Translation
Sergio G??mez <s3r@fibertel.com.ar> - Spanish Translation
Aycan Irican <aycan@core.gen.tr> - Turkish Translation
Bugra Cakir <bugra@myrealbox.com> - Turkish Translation
Cagil Seker <cagils@biznet.com.tr> - Turkish Translation
Emre Kazdagli <emre@core.gen.tr> - Turkish Translation
Evrim Ulu <evrim@core.gen.tr> - Turkish Translation
Gursel Kaynak <gurcell@core.gen.tr> - Turkish Translation
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2004-04-20 3:19 [gentoo-gwn] Gentoo Weekly Newsletter - Volume 3, Issue 16 Yuji Kosugi
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