From: Yuji Carlos Kosugi <>
Subject: [gentoo-gwn] Gentoo Weekly Newsletter - Volume 3, Issue 6
Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 17:44:54 -0500 [thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
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Gentoo Weekly Newsletter
This is the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter for the week of February 9th, 2004.
1. Gentoo News
* Gentoo Linux Project seeking an additional dialup developer
* New gentoo-science maliing list
Gentoo Linux Project seeking an additional dialup developer
The Gentoo Linux Project is looking for a developer to join the net-dialup
team to help quash bugs and maintain ebuilds. We're looking for dedicated
devolpers, preferably with experience in developing for dialup packages
and writing ebuilds. If you're not sure you have what it takes, check out
this[1] bug list. If you're still interested, send an email to Heinrich
Wendel[2] with some background info.
New gentoo-science mailing list
Gentoo User Andrew Fant[3] is currently in the process of pulling together
a group interested in the use of Gentoo technology in computational
science and engineering. To this end, a mailing list
(; follow the instructions on the mailing list
page[4] to subscribe) and IRC channel (gentoo-science on
have been established. The initial focus will be on providing a clearing
house for applying Gentoo Linux to scientific computing, as well as
working with the maintainers of the science herd to help speed the
unmasking of new versions of applications. In the longer term, they hope
to engage in advocacy and voicing the needs of end-users interested in
scientific computing.
2. Featured Developer of the Week
Bryan Stine
Figure 2.1: Bryan Stine
Our featured developer for this week is Bryan Stine[5] (battousai), a
recent addition to the development team who is working with Donnie
Berkholz[6] and the xfree herd[7] on improving ati-gatos[8] support in
portage, as well as helping with the Hardened Gentoo[9] project
maintaining the Bastille-Linux[10] and PSAD[11] projects. His main tasks
at this early point in his dev career comprise developing, updating and
testing ebuilds, as well as the perennial tasks of bug identification and
squashing - whether in ebuilds or the original applications. Bryan has
also been working with the xfree herd in adapting the XFree86 SDK to
assist with the task of simplifying XFree installations under Gentoo.
Bryan has been using Linux for about seven years, having worked with it
under the RedHat, Slackware and Mandrake distros - with Mandrake as his
preference prior to encountering Gentoo. He first encountered Gentoo when
version 1.0 was in pre-release, and welcomed it as an opportunity to
escape RPM package management. His role on the development team began when
Seemant Kulleen[12] asked him to assist with some perl hacking in order to
get Bastille-Linux working with Gentoo. After taking over maintenance of
the Bastille-Linux and PSAD (a log analyzer and intrusion detector)
ebuilds as a user, Bryan was asked to take on formal responsibilities as a
Gentoo developer. He commented that "I really enjoyed contributing as a
user, and that enjoyment continues as I am now a developer", and remarked
on the continuing friendliness and helpfulness of users and developers as
he has settled in. In addition to his new role, Bryan still enjoys helping
out with user questions on the #gentoo IRC channel, and is frequently seen
there under his pseudonym, Battousai.
Bryan is "a long-time KDE user", who counts KvIRC[13] and Kontact[14] and
slicKer[15] among his favorite apps. He is also fond of Konqueror[16] and
Mozilla Firebird[17]. He works on an Athlon XP 2800+ (512 MB, 120 GB SATA,
Radeon 7200) workstation and an HP laptop from WalMart that sports an
Athlon XP 2200+ M (256 MB, 30 GB).
Bryan is currently a sophomore student, studying Computer Science at East
Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania in the United States. He lives in a
small town north of Philadelphia, near New York city. He is an avid hockey
fan, unfailingly cheering for the Philadelphia Flyers. He is also a video
(not computer) game aficionado, anime watcher and unapologetic Groening
fan. Bryan closed our interview with a favorite quote from Futurama's
robotic alchoholic, Bender: "Arrr...the law of science be a harsh
mistress.", and a reminder to mark our calendars with September 19th,
"International Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day".
3. User Story
Michael Rayment, MUN: Computer Department at University of Newfoundland
Switches to Gentoo
Michael Rayment, the system administrator at Canada's Memorial University
of Newfoundland[18] who decided to put Gentoo on every single desktop and
server in the house, sent us an account of his motivations for moving to
Gentoo that was so convincing we decided to publish it verbatim:
First I should provide a little background. I work as a system
administrator at a moderate sized university providing computing support
for the student computer labs across campus. In total my group provides
support for about 800 client workstations some of which are part of a
Beowulf cluster, others are Linux only and some are dual boot
(Linux/Win98). One common feature is that they are all booting Linux
disklessly using an internal boot prom (PXE or Etherboot). All the client
workstations get their Linux software from one of 15 application servers
that each have identical copies of the Linux software. Only the kernels
are customized to run on their respective hardware. The lowest end
computers are AMD 266's but most of the computers are in the 600 to 2800
megahertz range. It is quite remarkable that such a wide range of
computers can run from a single image but what a difference it makes to
managing those systems. Within minutes we can rsync the latest
modifications out to our 15 application servers and immediately the
software is available to our 800 clients. Over the years we have based our
image on Slackware, Debian, Mandrake and Redhat.
Making the Plunge
Until quite recently we were running Redhat 7.2 heavily modified and
patched to keep up-to-date with the latest security patches and some newer
versions of applications. You might wonder why we are still running Redhat
7.2 instead of the latest and greatest. Well the reason is that invariably
things break and packages are missing or don't work after a major upgrade.
In short the users get upset and therefore we take a lot of time checking
the new distribution before inflicting it on our users. Also we have to
munge the distribution to get it to play well in the diskless environment.
Putting out a new distribution is therefore something that we don't take
lightly and don't do at the drop of the hat. However the applications and
libraries are getting old and are in need of a refresh so we began looking
at alternatives last summer.
Our first task was to come up with a list of what we wanted from our new
distribution. At the top of our wish list was a distribution that:
* would evolve gradually over time and not go though completely "new"
distributions every year.
* would be comprehensive so that we would not have to go out to other
sources and get missing applications and deal with inevitable
* would be able to gracefully deal with package dependencies so we don't
have to hunt around on the net for particular packages that are required
to get an application going.
* would be highly configurable and allow for the easy customization of
software to fit into our environment.
* would provide access to the source code actually running on our
* would play well in a diskless environment.
At the end of the day Gentoo won out on all counts. Gentoo provides an
incredible utility called emerge that is able to keep our image up-to-date
without inflicting our user community with traumatic change. Changes in
one package here or there, following an emerge -u world, is much easier to
handle and test than the installation of a completely new distribution. We
were amazed at the 6000 odd packages (I didn't bother to count) that are
supported under the Gentoo distribution. Most of the software that we have
accumulated over the years was available through a simple emerge command.
I really enjoyed the way Gentoo dealt with software dependencies. Under
our Redhat distribution sometimes we would have to hunt down packages in
order to get an application up and running. With Gentoo it lists the
dependencies and, at the installers request, proceeds to download, compile
and install all the dependencies along with the application. Another
feature of Gentoo is that it is a source distribution and so all the
sources are readily available in a compact form that can be easily be
expanded and viewed for debugging purposes. Since the conversion of
sources to binary is accomplished through the use of ebuild scripts, it is
possible to control the way your system compiles and where the various
package components are installed.
Finally and most importantly I was pleased that Gentoo played well with
our diskless environment. One thing that made converting to a diskless
environment easy was the ability to have named run levels. This allows us
to start up computers running different services by passing an argument to
the kernel at boot time. For each of our specialized environments (eg.
dual boot computers, single boot computers, Beowulf systems, firewalls,
dial up ISP computers and kiosk computers), the symlinks to the specific
start up scripts are simply placed into an appropriately named directory
and the diskless client then takes on the requested functions based on the
boot up parameter. Another thing I liked was the way that you could fake
the start up of a particular component of the run time start up sequence.
This is important when booting disklessly as things like the network
services are already configured before init even starts.
Where We Are
We have just started the roll out of Gentoo into our lab environment. We
are currently running a modified Gentoo image on a few computers in one of
our Computer Science labs and will turn more on as we work out the
wrinkles. We will soon be starting to build our master Gentoo server that
will sync out software to the application servers. As we switch one lab
from Redhat to Gentoo we will simply point the labs application server to
the Gentoo master sync server. It will probably take a month or two to
complete the switch over depending on how busy we are and how many
problems we run into. Again we like to make sure things are working well
before inflicting change on our users.
As to whether Gentoo is the distribution for you, well that depends on a
number of things. As you can well imagine we have a lot of experience with
Unix and Linux and we also like to do unusual things with our computers.
Gentoo is ideal for this kind of situation. The portage system does make
things very smooth so I can certainly see neophytes being able to install
a Gentoo system without much effort but for the guy who just wants to turn
on the computer and have it work then I can see a real advantage in the
traditional binary distribution. One of the big advantages of Linux is
that there are multiple ways to set up your computer. Hopefully there will
be a way, whether it be Redhat or Gentoo, that meets everyones needs so
that some day most people will actually choose Linux over Microsoft when
selecting an OS.
My other hope is that there will be greater support for running Linux in a
diskless environment. What is needed is a standard way of doing Linux
disklessly so that software developers can write their software in such a
way as to facilitate the running of their applications in a diskless
environment. The /dev file system and /dev/shm have certainly gone a long
way towards facilitating the diskless transition. The adoption of the /var
as the directory of choice for applications to write to, has made the task
quite easy but occasionally some applications still do something that
messes up. But from a systems management point of view going diskless is
worth the effort. It offers truly distributed computing with truly
centralized management control and it is something that Microsoft does not
offer. It is therefore something that the Linux world should promote.
4. Gentoo Security
GLSA: mod_php
PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially
suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. If the server
configuration "php.ini" file has "register_globals = on" and a request is
made to one virtual host (which has "php_admin_flag register_globals off")
and the next request is sent to the another virtual host (which does not
have the setting) through the same apache child, the setting will persist.
This may lead to leaks of global variables.
Depending on the server and site, an attacker may be able to exploit
global variables to gain access to reserved areas, such as MySQL
passwords, or this vulnerability may simply cause a lack of functionality.
As a result, users are urged to upgrade their PHP installations. Gentoo
ships PHP with "register_globals" set to "off" by default. This issue
affects both servers running Apache 1.x and servers running Apache 2.x.
* Severity: Normal
* Packages Affected: <=dev-php/mod_php-4.3.4-r3
* Retification: emerge sync; emerge -pv ">=dev-php/mod_php-4.3.4-r4";
emerge ">=dev-php/mod_php-4.3.4-r4"
* GLSA Announcement[19]
5. Heard in the Community
Web Forums
Indian Languages in Gentoo
Aniruddha Shankar akaKream[20] isn't exactly new to the Forums, in fact,
he's been one of its first users, mere days after's
initial setup in April 2002. Despite this early involvement, he's only had
very little over a dozen posts - and as it turns out just this weekend,
that's to be seen as a clear victory for quality over quantity: His
modified scripts for enabling Indian language support are in the
Documentation, Tips & Tricks section now, a must-have for Indian Gentoo
users. Original author Guntupalli Karunakar's IndLinux[21] scripts, font
and tool packages aim at providing Panjabi, Tamil and other languages to
the Linux desktop, too, but for the time being Hindi is the only language
supported, and it only works in a limited number of desktop environments.
Check the thread:
* Indian Language support in GNOME2.4 & XFCE4[22]
New Polish Forum
Yet another language version for the official Gentoo Forums: The bulletin
boards at Gentoo Poland that had been active for several months already
have now been complemented by a Polish addition to too.
Variety rules:
* Polish Forum[23]
Call for WLAN Test Equipment
Gentoo developer Latexer[24] is looking for some of the harder-to-get-by
WLAN hardware in order to do some driver hacking and testing on them. If
you've got a spare PCMCIA or PCI wireless card with any of the chipsets
he's mentioned in this thread, he'll be happy to hear from you:
* Spare wifi hardware put to good use.[25]
What doesn't work with 2.6?
One of the larger threads this week was a discussion regarding what does
and does not work with the new 2.6 Linux kernel. Definitely some
nice-to-know info. Check it out here[26]
Lightweight HTTPD
Serving only a few static webpages? You might be interested in this[27]
thread discussing smaller, simpler alternatives to Apache.
Libraries and Binary Packages.
Use many binary packages? Ever have trouble with broken library links?
Well, this is the post for you. Enter the world of binary packages in
Gentoo. More often than not, we compile here in Gentoo land, but sometimes
(kde, gnome, openoffice please take the stage) it's just as easy to use
pre-compiled packages. However, this can provide it's own fun adventures
when it comes to library dependancies. Have a look[28] for more ideas.
etc-update and Essential Configs
One of our favorite accessories, etc-update, usually makes life a whole
lot easier. But what about those essential - and more often than not,
system specific - configuration files like /etc/fstab, /etc/group and
/etc/passwd? Should etc-update leave those alone regardless? Should the
default be to make "example" files of the new files? Check it out[29].
6. Gentoo International
Belgium: Gentoo Developers and Users Meet at FOSDEM in Brussels on 21 & 22
Just like last year, lots of Europeans on the Gentoo team take the
opportunity to be at Europe's number one developer conference[30] quite
seriously. This is the best venue for a meeting of those who are actively
participating in advancing Gentoo Linux on a planetary scale, and besides
Brussels does have a rather interesting gastronomical infrastructure, too.
Though it's mostly a conference and not an exhibition as such, there will
be an even bigger and better Gentoo booth than last year. If you want to
make sure you meet the right people, be there on both Saturday 21 and
Sunday 22 February 2004.
Germany: Chemnitzer Linuxtag 6 & 7 March
With a few more days left before they really need to panic, the organisers
of the Gentoo booth at the upcoming Linuxtag[31] (link points to German
webpage) at the University of Chemnitz are looking for people to help out,
by bringing hardware to the event, and answering questions of the many
visitors expected at Saxonia's main Linux event of the year. You can
volunteer at this forum thread[32].
7. Bugzilla
* Statistics
* Closed Bug Ranking
* New Bug Rankings
The Gentoo community uses Bugzilla ([33]) to record and
track bugs, notifications, suggestions and other interactions with the
development team. Between 30 January 2004 and 05 February 2004, activity
on the site has resulted in:
* 602 new bugs during this period
* 311 bugs closed or resolved during this period
* 24 previously closed bugs were reopened this period
Of the 5066 currently open bugs: 118 are labeled 'blocker', 197 are
labeled 'critical', and 373 are labeled 'major'.
Closed Bug Rankings
The developers and teams who have closed the most bugs during this period
* Jeremy Huddleston[34], with 26 closed bugs[35]
* AMD64 Porting Team[36], with 21 closed bugs[37]
* Gentoo Games[38], with 19 closed bugs[39]
* Portage team[40], with 14 closed bugs[41]
* Gentoo Sound Team[42], with 13 closed bugs[43]
New Bug Rankings
The developers and teams who have been assigned the most new bugs during
this period are:
* Core System Packages Team[44], with 32 new bugs[45]
* AMD64 Porting Team[46], with 17 new bugs[47]
* Net-Mail Packages Team[48], with 13 new bugs[49]
* Gentoo KDE Team[50], with 12 new bugs[51]
* Jeremy Huddleston[52], with 12 new bugs[53]
8. Tips and Tricks
Job Control
This week's tip shows you how to use the basics of job control in the
shell by putting processes in the background and returning them to the
Whenever you execute a command at the command line, that's a job that has
to be run. Most commands execute quickly and return you to the command
line. But some commands (for example, using cp to copy a large amount of
data), can take a long time. When that happens, your terminal will be
unaccessible unless you put the job in the background.
To put a job in the background, type <Ctrl>-z to suspend the job (and
regain control of your terminal), and then type bg to put the job in the
| Code Listing 8.1: |
|% cp file backup/file |
|Ctrl-z |
|zsh: 1398 suspended cp file backup/file |
|% bg |
|[1] + continued cp file backup/file |
Alternatively, you can put the job in the background from the start using
the & sign.
| Code Listing 8.2: |
|>% cp file backup/file & |
|[1] 1608 |
To see your running jobs you can use jobs. If you need to stop a job, you
can use kill %jobnumber
| Code Listing 8.3: |
|% cp file backup/file & |
|[1] 1751 |
|% jobs |
|[1] + running cp file backup/file |
|% kill %1 |
|no news is good news |
9. Moves, Adds, and Changes
The following developers recently left the Gentoo team:
* none this week
The following developers recently joined the Gentoo Linux team:
* none this week
The following developers recently changed roles within the Gentoo Linux
* none this week
10. Contribute to GWN
Interested in contributing to the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter? Send us an
11. GWN Feedback
Please send us your feedback[55] and help make the GWN better.
12. GWN Subscription Information
To subscribe to the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter, send a blank email to
To unsubscribe to the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter, send a blank email to from the email address you are
subscribed under.
13. Other Languages
The Gentoo Weekly Newsletter is also available in the following languages:
* Dutch[56]
* English[57]
* German[58]
* French[59]
* Japanese[60]
* Italian[61]
* Polish[62]
* Portuguese (Brazil)[63]
* Portuguese (Portugal)[64]
* Russian[65]
* Spanish[66]
* Turkish[67]
Yuji Carlos Kosugi <> - Editor
AJ Armstrong <> - Contributor
Brian Downey <> - Contributor
Luke Giuliani <> - Contributor
Kurt Lieber <> - Contributor
Rafael Cordones Marcos <> - Contributor
David Narayan <> - Contributor
David Nielsen <> - Contributor
Ulrich Plate <> - Contributor
Sven Vermeulen <> - Contributor
Hendrik Eeckhaut <> - Dutch Translation
Jorn Eilander <> - Dutch Translation
Bernard Kerckenaere <> - Dutch Translation
Peter ter Borg <> - Dutch Translation
Jochen Maes <> - Dutch Translation
Roderick Goessen <> - Dutch Translation
Gerard van den Berg <> - Dutch Translation
Matthieu Montaudouin <> - French Translation
Xavier Neys <> - French Translation
Martin Prieto <> - French Translation
Antoine Raillon <> - French Translation
Sebastien Cevey <> - French Translation
Jean-Christophe Choisy <> - French Translation
Thomas Raschbacher <> - German Translation
Steffen Lassahn <> - German Translation
Matthias F. Brandstetter <> - German Translation
Lukas Domagala <> - German Translation
Tobias Scherbaum <> - German Translation
Daniel Gerholdt <> - German Translation
Marc Herren <> - German Translation
Tobias Matzat <> - German Translation
Marco Mascherpa <> - Italian Translation
Claudio Merloni <> - Italian Translation
Christian Apolloni <> - Italian Translation
Stefano Lucidi <> - Italian Translation
Yoshiaki Hagihara <> - Japanese Translation
Katsuyuki Konno <> - Japanese Translation
Yuji Carlos Kosugi <> - Japanese Translation
Yasunori Fukudome <> - Japanese Translation
Takashi Ota <> - Japanese Translation
Radoslaw Janeczko <> - Polish Translation
Lukasz Strzygowski <> - Polish Translation
Michal Drobek <> - Polish Translation
Adam Lyjak <> - Polish Translation
Krzysztof Klimonda <> - Polish Translation
Atila "Jedi" Bohlke Vasconcelos <> - Portuguese
(Brazil) Translation
Eduardo Belloti <> - Portuguese (Brazil) Translation
Jo??o Rafael Moraes Nicola <> - Portuguese (Brazil)
Marcelo Gon??alves de Azambuja <> - Portuguese
(Brazil) Translation
Otavio Rodolfo Piske <> - Portuguese (Brazil)
Pablo N. Hess -- NatuNobilis <> - Portuguese
(Brazil) Translation
Pedro de Medeiros <> - Portuguese (Brazil) Translation
Ventura Barbeiro <> - Portuguese (Brazil)
Bruno Ferreira <> - Portuguese (Portugal)
Gustavo Felisberto <> - Portuguese (Portugal)
Jos?? Costa <> - Portuguese (Portugal) Translation
Luis Medina <> - Portuguese (Portugal) Translation
Ricardo Loureiro <> - Portuguese (Portugal) Translation
Aleksandr Martyncev <> - Russian Translator
Sergey Galkin <> - Russian Translator
Sergey Kuleshov <> - Russian Translator
Alex Spirin <> - Russian Translator
Denis Zaletov <> - Russian Translator
Lanark <> - Spanish Translation
Fernando J. Pereda <> - Spanish Translation
Lluis Peinado Cifuentes <> - Spanish Translation
Zephryn Xirdal T <> - Spanish Translation
Guillermo Juarez <> - Spanish Translation
Jes??s Garc??a Crespo <> - Spanish Translation
Carlos Castillo <> - Spanish Translation
Julio Castillo <> - Spanish Translation
Sergio G??mez <> - Spanish Translation
Aycan Irican <> - Turkish Translation
Bugra Cakir <> - Turkish Translation
Cagil Seker <> - Turkish Translation
Emre Kazdagli <> - Turkish Translation
Evrim Ulu <> - Turkish Translation
Gursel Kaynak <> - Turkish Translation
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