--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gentoo Weekly Newsletter http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/current.xml This is the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter for the week of September 29th, 2003. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============== 1. Gentoo News ============== Summary ------- * BugDay on Saturday, October 4 * Featured Sponsor - Oregon State University BugDay on Saturday, October 4 ----------------------------- The third Gentoo BugDay will be held this Saturday, October 4th. Come down to the #gentoo-bugs channel in irc.freenode.net to work with Gentoo Linux developers and help take a chunk out of the bugs in the distribution. Featured Sponsor - Oregon State University ------------------------------------------ Gentoo Linux relies heavily on its sponsors to provide everything from bandwidth to hardware to technical expertise. Without these sponsors, Gentoo Linux would not be able to provide the level of service that it does today. In an effort to raise awareness of our sponsors and their businesses and services, we will occasionally be featuring them in the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter. Our inaugural Featured Sponsor is also our most important sponsor: Oregon State University. Located in Corvallis, Oregon, Oregon State University[1] is 80 miles south of Portland. OSU is Oregon's land grant, sea grant and space grant university, with nearly 20,000 students from all 50 states and more than 80 countries. 1. http://oregonstate.edu Earlier this year, OSU was approached by Gentoo about hosting opportunities. In an effort to give back to the community that has helped us all out so much they offered rack space and bandwidth for a couple of machines. OSU now hosts the forums, database, CVS and the primary distfile mirror for Gentoo. Gentoo currently uses well over 400GB of outbound bandwidth per day from OSU (peaking at 1TB during the release of 1.4). Figure 1.1: Top machine: sard.gentoo.org, an IA64 box. Black machine: our CVS box. Beige machine: irc.oregonstate.edu(not a Gentoo box) http://www.gentoo.org/images/gwn/20030929_osu1.jpg Figure 1.2: falcon.gentoo.org, which hosts Bugzilla and will host the forums soon http://www.gentoo.org/images/gwn/20030929_osu1.jpg Scott Kveton[2] from Oregon State University[3] has been pivotal in making the Gentoo and other hosting opportunities happen. 2. http://oregonstate.edu/~kveton 3. http://oregonstate.edu "OSU is trying to do its part for the open source community. We're a large shop that uses open source almost exclusively in our environments" said Kveton. "The State of Oregon itself is a very progressive place. The OSDL is here (Open Source Development Lab) and we've even had several bills making their way through our state legislature about the use of open source in government. We're trying to take it a step further and create a place for open source developers to house their projects for the rest of the world." In addition to Gentoo, OSU hosts several other projects: * Ark Linux[4] * Zynot Foundation[5] * Freenode.net[6] (zelazny.freenode.net) * Software in the Public Interest[7] 4. http://urirklinux.org 5. http://www.zynot.org 6. http://www.freenode.net 7. http://www.spi-inc.org OSU will soon be hosting pieces of the Debian GNU/Linux[8], Free Software Foundation[9] and Mozilla.org[10] infrastructure. 8. http://www.debian.org 9. http://www.fsf.org 10. http://www.mozilla.org Oregon State University[11] is well on the way to being known as the home of hosting for open source development. For more information on hosting opportunities please visit the OSS @ Oregon State University pages.[12] 11. http://oregonstate.edu 12. http://oss.oregonstate.edu/hosting/ ================== 2. Gentoo Security ================== Summary ------- * GLSA: openssh GLSA: OpenSSH ------------- Quote from advisory: "Portable OpenSSH versions 3.7p1 and 3.7.1p1 contain multiple vulnerabilities in the new PAM code. At least one of these bugs is remotely exploitable (under a non-standard configuration, with privsep disabled)." * Severity: Medium - multiple vulnerabilities in new PAM code. * Packages Affected: - Editor AJ Armstrong - Contributor Brian Downey - Contributor Cal Evans - Contributor Chris Gavin - Contributor Luke Giuliani - Contributor Shawn Jonnet - Contributor Michael Kohl - Contributor Kurt Lieber - Contributor Rafael Cordones Marcos - Contributor David Narayan - Contributor Gerald J Normandin Jr. - Contributor Ulrich Plate - Contributor Mathy Vanvoorden - Dutch Translation Hendrik Eeckhaut - Dutch Translation Jorn Eilander - Dutch Translation Bernard Kerckenaere - Dutch Translation Peter ter Borg - Dutch Translation Jochen Maes - Dutch Translation Roderick Goessen - Dutch Translation Gerard van den Berg - Dutch Translation Matthieu Montaudouin - French Translation Martin Prieto - French Translation Antoine Raillon - French Translation Sebastien Cevey - French Translation Jean-Christophe Choisy - French Translation Thomas Raschbacher - German Translation Steffen Lassahn - German Translation Matthias F. Brandstetter - German Translation Lukas Domagala - German Translation Tobias Scherbaum - German Translation Daniel Gerholdt - German Translation Marc Herren - German Translation Tobias Matzat - German Translation Marco Mascherpa - Italian Translation Claudio Merloni - Italian Translation Christian Apolloni - Italian Translation Stefano Lucidi - Italian Translation Yoshiaki Hagihara - Japanese Translation Katsuyuki Konno - Japanese Translation Yuji Carlos Kosugi - Japanese Translation Yasunori Fukudome - Japanese Translation Takashi Ota <088@t.email.ne.jp> - Japanese Translation Radoslaw Janeczko - Polish Translation Lukasz Strzygowski - Polish Translation Michal Drobek - Polish Translation Adam Lyjak - Polish Translation Krzysztof Klimonda - Polish Translation Atila "Jedi" Bohlke Vasconcelos - Portuguese (Brazil) Translation Eduardo Belloti - Portuguese (Brazil) Translation Jo達o Rafael Moraes Nicola - Portuguese (Brazil) Translation Marcelo Gon巽alves de Azambuja - Portuguese (Brazil) Translation Otavio Rodolfo Piske - Portuguese (Brazil) Translation Pablo N. Hess -- NatuNobilis - Portuguese (Brazil) Translation Pedro de Medeiros - Portuguese (Brazil) Translation Ventura Barbeiro - Portuguese (Brazil) Translation Bruno Ferreira - Portuguese (Portugal) Translation Gustavo Felisberto - Portuguese (Portugal) Translation Jos辿 Costa - Portuguese (Portugal) Translation Luis Medina - Portuguese (Portugal) Translation Ricardo Loureiro - Portuguese (Portugal) Translation Sergey Galkin - Russian Translator Sergey Kuleshov - Russian Translator Alex Spirin - Russian Translator Dmitry Suzdalev - Russian Translator Anton Vorovatov - Russian Translator Denis Zaletov - Russian Translator Lanark - Spanish Translation Fernando J. Pereda - Spanish Translation Lluis Peinado Cifuentes - Spanish Translation Zephryn Xirdal T - Spanish Translation Guillermo Juarez - Spanish Translation Jes炭s Garc鱈a Crespo - Spanish Translation Carlos Castillo - Spanish Translation Julio Castillo - Spanish Translation Sergio G坦mez - Spanish Translation Aycan Irican - Turkish Translation Bugra Cakir - Turkish Translation Cagil Seker - Turkish Translation Emre Kazdagli - Turkish Translation Evrim Ulu - Turkish Translation Gursel Kaynak - Turkish Translation