---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Osman Suliman Date: Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 5:40 PM Subject: OTechs Consulting and Training Center To: Dear Sir/Madam; OTechs is a consulting and training center located in *Sudan*; which provides high tech related *consulting and training services* in a high quality and yet in a very low and affordable price. The attached files are the brochures of our most requested training courses which are; but *NOT* limited to: - OTechs Linux Power User. - OTechs Linux Network Engineering (RHCE). - OTechs Linux Services Security. - OTechs Content Management System. - OTechs Penetration Testing (BackTrack). - OTechs Project Management. - OTechs Information Security (Level One). Our consultancy services are based on them; i hope you find them valuable. For a full list of our courses and their durations and prices; you are kindly requested to visit our web site; which has *NOT* finished yet but still useful !!; http://www.otechs.org/index.php/prices If you have more questions; please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks; and looking forward to hear from you at your earliest convenience. NOTE: If you want to unsubscribe just reply with the word " UNSUBSCRIBE ". We appreciate your privacy. Warm regards; Osman Suliman; OTechs CEO; Phone: 00249 - (0)157904881 ; 00249 - (0)157904682; Mobile: 00249- (0)121497770 Web Site: www.otechs.org Al-Khartoum, Al-Arabi; North western of Emirates Building CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT: Please do *NOT* print this document unless you REALLY need to .. THINK GREEN . -- Abdelmuhaimn E. A. Mohamed Nile Center for Technology Research +249912778208