Hi, I want to create this tuple: crossdev -S -P -v -t --target i686-gentoo-linux-uclibc Build the shared library loader with early debugging support (SUPPORT_LD_DEBUG_EARLY) [N/y/?] n Compiler Warnings (WARNINGS) [-Wall] -Wall Manuel's hidden warnings (UCLIBC_MJN3_ONLY) [N/y/?] n + ./extra/scripts/fix_includes.sh -k /usr/i686-gentoo-linux-uclibc/usr -t i386 The file /usr/i686-gentoo-linux-uclibc/usr/Makefile or /usr/i686-gentoo-linux-uclibc/usr/include/linux/version.h is missing! Perhaps your kernel source is broken? make: *** [headers] Error 1 * ERROR: cross-i686-gentoo-linux-uclibc/uclibc- failed: Ok, it says it doesn't have /usr/i686-gentoo-linux-uclibc/usr/include/linux/version.h, but ofcourse it don't, because we are just installing it for the first time?! What should I do to solve this problem? Tnx Kfir