Well, I am tryng the isntall, but what you said is wrong:

"USE_FW Set to yes to have a firewall script run at startup. See FW_TYPE option. Note that you should overlay files in the etc/shorewall or etc/firehol directory to configure non-default options."
So ok, I say no, but in FW_TYPE I cant chosse "no", so shorewall is going to run by default with defaul values, Thing I don't want
So someone has an idea?

On 7/14/05, Sebastian Rodriguez <sniper.mdr@gmail.com> wrote:
yes, thats exactly what I wanted to know ^^
I am going to install gnap on my wrap this week-end.

On 7/14/05, Thierry Carrez < koon@gentoo.org> wrote:
Sebastian Rodriguez wrote:
> yes it helps of course, the thing is: by default iptables doesnt start
> wit gnap? Oo as shorewall adn firehol are based on iptables I tought it
> would start at boot

USE_FW=yes will add iptables + shorewall (or firehol) to the runlevel.

With USE_FW=no you won't have any of them.

So if you so USE_FW=no and START_SERVICES="iptables" you will start
iptables without starting shorewall/firehol, which seems to be what you
want to do.

gentoo-embedded@gentoo.org mailing list

Sébastien Rodriguez

Sébastien Rodriguez