On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 1:34 AM, Manuel Lauss <manuel.lauss@googlemail.com> wrote:

For the last few years I've been "maintaining" a small Gentoo installation for
FPU-less little-endian MIPS32 processors (my main target is the "Alchemy" line).

I've put up a tarball of the actual filesystem as well as a collection of
individual packages at [1] and [2].  The rootfs is ~2GB unpacked, and
includes everything required to do the Gentoo thing.  (List of files
at [3] and [4]).

I'll keep updating the snapshots at irregular intervals.

Thanks and have a nice day,
     Manuel Lauss

[1] http://mlau.at/files/gentoo/mips32elsf-gentoo-rootfs-100204.tar.bz2
[2] http://mlau.at/files/gentoo/mips32elsf-packages-100204.tar
[3] http://mlau.at/files/gentoo/mips32elsf-gentoo-rootfs-100204.tar.bz2.CONTENTS
[4] http://mlau.at/files/gentoo/mips32elsf-packages-100204.tar.CONTENTS

Hey.. Manuel:
   I've tried to cross build Gentoo for mips32 few times ago,
Already have a stage1 image, but never go that far...
   What you've archived here is quite positive to me.
