Dear Brian,
Excuse me but what do you mean with "offhand" ?

On 12/29/05, Brian Harring <> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 29, 2005 at 10:24:06AM +0000, Joăo Brázio wrote:
>    Wel.. I've already tryed to chroot() into the grp-x86-20051228 and
>    issued:
>    # emerge portage
>    Calculating dependencies
>    !!! Problem in sys-apps/portage dependencies.
>    !!! [Errno 38] Function not implemented:
>    '/var/cache/edb/dep//usr/portage/sys-apps/.update.23778.portage- 2.0.53
>    ' exceptions

utime or rename offhand...



Joăo Brázio.