Dear Thierry,
It works great but now I've got another problem, I'm trying to compile GNAP with nylon, a sock proxy and the following error occurs:

File: myspecs/extensions.conf
  extensions: nylon

  nylon/packlist: nylon libevent
  nylon/cleanup: /usr/share


# gnap_make -t extensions -e myspecs -p portage-20051227.tar.bz2
GNAP Core Building tool gnap_make version 1.8.2
 * Checking parameters...                                                 [ ok ]
 * 'livecd-stage1' or 'extensions' was selected without 'stage3'.
 * Should I use the seed stage as stage3 result ? [N]: y
 * The following targets will be called:
 * [extensions]
 * Preparing portage snapshot...                                          [ ok ]
 * [extensions] stage start...                                            [ ok ]
 *   Building nylon extension...                                          [ !! ]
 * Extension build failed, see ./gnap_make-20051228.err and .out for det  [ !! ]
 * Cleaning temporary directories...                                      [ ok ]
Build failed, try man gnap_make for more help

# cat gnap_make-20051228.err
>>> Regenerating /etc/

Performing Global Updates: /usr/portage/profiles/updates/4Q-2005
(Could take a couple of minutes if you have a lot of binary packages.)
  .='update pass'  *='binary update'  @='/var/db move'
  s='/var/db SLOT move' S='binary SLOT move' p='update /etc/portage/package.*'

# cat gnap_make-20051228.out
Calculating dependencies

!!! Problem in sys-apps/portage dependencies.
!!! [Errno 38] Function not implemented: '/var/cache/edb/dep//usr/portage/sys-apps/.update.8098.portage-2.0.53' exceptions
Calculating dependencies

!!! Problem in net-proxy/nylon dependencies.
!!! [Errno 38] Function not implemented: '/var/cache/edb/dep//usr/portage/net-proxy/.update.8144.nylon-1.2-r2' exceptions
Gentoo Catalyst, version
Copyright 2003-2005 The Gentoo Foundation
Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2

Using command line specified Catalyst configuration file, /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
Setting storedir to config file value "/var/tmp/catalyst"
Setting portdir to default value "/usr/portage"
Setting distdir to config file value "/usr/portage/distfiles"
Setting options to config file value "pkgcache kerncache"
Setting sharedir to config file value "/usr/lib/catalyst"
Package cache support enabled.
Kernel cache support enabled.

        WARNING: No value set for key: grp/use
        deleting key: grp/use

Building natively for x86
Checking for processes running in chroot and killing them.
Running command "/bin/bash /usr/lib/catalyst/targets/support/"
Running action sequence: dir_setup
Setting up directories...
Running action sequence: unpack_and_bind
Unpacking stage tarball...
Running command "/bin/tar xjpf /var/tmp/catalyst/builds/gnap/stage3-x86-20051228.tar.bz2 -C /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/gnap/grp-x86-20051228"
Unpacking portage tree snapshot...
Running command "/bin/tar xjpf /var/tmp/catalyst/snapshots/portage- 20051228.tar.bz2 -C /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/gnap/grp-x86-20051228/usr"
Configuring profile link...
Running command "rm -f /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/gnap/grp-x86-20051228/etc/make.profile"
Running command "ln -sf ../usr/portage/profiles/uclibc/x86/hardened /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/gnap/grp-x86-20051228/etc/make.profile"
Running action sequence: chroot_setup
Setting up chroot...
Running command "cp /etc/resolv.conf /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/gnap/grp-x86-20051228/etc"
Running command "mv /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/gnap/grp-x86-20051228/etc/hosts /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/gnap/grp-x86-20051228/etc/hosts.bck"
Running command "cp /etc/hosts /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/gnap/grp-x86-20051228/etc/hosts"
Running command "rm -f /var/tmp/catalyst/tmp/gnap/grp-x86-20051228/etc/make.conf"
Running action sequence: setup_environment
Running action sequence: run_local
Running command "/bin/bash /usr/lib/catalyst/targets/grp/ run pkgset nylon 'nylon' 'libevent'"

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "modules/", line 44, in run_local
    cmd("/bin/bash "+self.settings["sharedir"]+\
  File "/usr/lib/catalyst/modules/", line 102, in cmd
    raise CatalystError,myexc
CatalystError: <unprintable instance object>

!!! catalyst: GRP build aborting due to error.

On 12/28/05, Thierry Carrez <> wrote:
Joăo Brázio wrote:

> I've been trying to configure GNAP as a VPN server without any success.
> I want to allow 10 clients connected to the VPN server at the same time
> and each one of them should have a different local IP address. This is
> possible to do with a bridge.

This is also possible to do without a bridge, using OpenVPN 2.0 "server"
mode. See

> I need to create br0 bridge with eth0 with tap0. The problem is that I
> can't see the interfaces when I do ifconfig -a altought i can see
> /dev/net/tun so I think TUN/TAP module is loaded.

GNAP vanilla kernel is missing bridge support.

> Can this be done with a vanilla GNAP system ?
> How is supposed to use the USE_VPN flag on GNAP, p2p VPN or a
> Server-to-many solution ?

USE_VPN triggers the use of OpenVPN. It supports both modes.

Thierry Carrez (Koon)
GNAP Developer
-- mailing list


Joăo Brázio.