Peter Stuge wrote:
Peter Stuge wrote:

Sorry, wanted to mention that they run very well with coreboot, an
open source replacement for the BIOS. You can do many really nice
things for embedded when you can control also the boot firmware.

(Power-to-app in milliseconds, for example.)


Can you please expand a little more on this with particular regard to the Alix2?

TinyBios already boots to the linux kernel in a couple of seconds, but I am personally having trouble getting the kernel to load in less than about 10-12 seconds (using a lightly tweaked 2.6 kernel).  Shorter boot times would be quite desirable for my design...

Also you have quite a lot of yellow in your support matrix.  Given I need all the features of the board for my design (pretty much), including the flashing lights and the optional buzzer, what problems am I going to run into with stuff not working?  Am I likely to care that ACPI is unsupported?

My design is basically a fancy router + mail server + couple of other embedded apps.  It's commercial so it would be useful to understand how to comply with the (GPL) licensing terms?

Ed W