From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Received: from ([] by with esmtp (Exim 4.43) id 1E4vrA-000721-QE for; Tue, 16 Aug 2005 07:27:33 +0000 Received: from (localhost []) by (8.13.4/8.13.4) with SMTP id j7G7QIfq005445; Tue, 16 Aug 2005 07:26:18 GMT Received: from ( []) by (8.13.4/8.13.4) with ESMTP id j7G7QH11027841 for ; Tue, 16 Aug 2005 07:26:17 GMT Received: from amavis by with scanned-ok (Exim 3.36 #1 (Debian)) id 1E4xiP-0003XC-00 for ; Tue, 16 Aug 2005 09:26:37 +0000 Received: from unknown by localhost (amavisd-new, unix socket) id client-XXSa2YfC for ; Tue, 16 Aug 2005 09:26:34 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ([] by with esmtp (Exim 3.36 #1 (Debian)) id 1E4xiM-0003Wz-00 for ; Tue, 16 Aug 2005 09:26:34 +0000 Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 09:30:19 +0000 From: "S. ancelot" User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040426 Debian/ X-Accept-Language: fr, fr-FR, en Precedence: bulk List-Post: List-Help: List-Unsubscribe: List-Subscribe: List-Id: Gentoo Linux mail X-BeenThere: Reply-to: MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Subject: Re: [gentoo-embedded] x86 SBC Gentoo Embedded HotTo version 0.07 References: In-Reply-To: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new-20030616-p10 (Debian) at X-Archives-Salt: 21b04221-13fc-4cba-968d-8af697727517 X-Archives-Hash: 7bbb4b8358c898fff67c225809bae690 One thing more : In order to boot some compact flash, you may have to solve issues with DMA (disable in kernel). Best Regards Steph Marcel Romijn wrote: >Hi Heath, > >I know about the limited number of write cycles on CF. Therefore I want >the CF only to supply the kernel and the ramdisk image. My intention is >to run Linux and my application completely from ramdisk. >I want my device to be complately silent, therefore it has a fanless >ME6000 board, no fans in the case and no harddisk (actually strange to >'hear' a computer boot in complete silence!). The CF is on an IDE >converter and is recognized as /dev/hda1 (although for testing it has a >normal harddisk connected). > >I was able to follow your howto to the end. >Although I had some problems where the boot process stopped after >"Freeing unused kernel memory". This turned out to be a typo in >/etc/fstab on my side. > >Now that I have bootable configuration, I can look into what it takes to >have the system files in a ramdisk image and have it mounted as '/'. > >I think I could just create an initrd from the whole system and have >grub and the kernel extract it in memory and mount it. >I have not done much investigation on it, be it seems to me that the >/linuxrc in the initrd can be fairly simple. Actually just calling the >/sbin/init once the ramdisk is mountded as '/'. > >Anyone any experience with this? > >PS. Maybe we should spawn of another thread about VIA Epia boards, CF >and booting. I saw Pierre Cassimans is interested in this subject as >well. >This might go off topic for the Gentoo Embedded Howto. > >Marcel > >-----Original Message----- >From: Heath Holcomb [] >Sent: Sunday, 14 August, 2005 0:53 >To: >Subject: Re: [gentoo-embedded] x86 SBC Gentoo Embedded HotTo version >0.07 > >On Friday 12 August 2005 01:39 am, Marcel Romijn wrote: > > >>Hello Heath, >> >>Nice writedown! I haven't made it to the end yet (lack of time), but >> >> >I'm > > >>getting there... >> >>I noticed some issues along the way (not counting grub begin spelled >> >> >as > > >>"grug" or "gurb" ;-) ) >> >>In step 3 you write: >> >> >># Set root password for the embedded_rootfs >>chromm /embedded_rootfs >>passwd >>rm /embedded_rootfs/etc/passwd- >>Exit >> >> >>I presume 'chromm' should have been 'chroot' ? >>If it is indeed 'chroot' then you should either do "rm /etc/passwd-" >>before the "exit" or the "exit" before the "rm >>/embedded_rootfs/etc/passwd-". >> >> > >Yes, "chromm" should be "chroot". The order is correct, as far as I can >tell. >chroot /embedded_rootfs >passwd >rm /embedded_rootfs/etc/passwd- >exit > > > > >>A few lines down, you write: >> >> >>rm -R /embedded_rootfs/var/db/pkg/ * >> >> >>As a reletive newbie, doing a quick copy/paste of this command late in >>the evening as root in '/', this wiped out all files, except the ones >>that were firmly locked. >>Fortunately, I'm going through you HowTo in VMWare, so I could restore >> >> >a > > >>previous snapshot ;-) >> >>I presume the space before the '*' should have been omitted? >> >> >>rm -R /embedded_rootfs/var/db/pkg/* >> >> >> > >Major typo on my part. Fixed in version 0.08. > > > >>My aim is to create an embedded Gentoo for a Via Epia ME6000, which >>reads the kernel and a ramdisk image from CF and then runs completely >>from RAM. >>If I'm not mistaken, you were heading for a Via Epia as well? >> >> > >My target will be a Via based SBC. From what I have read using a >ramdisk on a >x86 based platform really does not buy you much. But you sure don't >want to >write to the CF all that often (limited write cycles, usallay 100,000 to > >300,000). So I plan on mounting the / partition of the CF as read only >and >creating a separate partition that is mounted read/write and have my >embedded >application and only my application write to that partition. > > > >>Regards, >> >>Marcel Romijn >> >> >>-----Original Message----- >>From: Heath Holcomb [] >>Sent: Monday, 08 August, 2005 4:17 >>To: >>Subject: [gentoo-embedded] x86 SBC Gentoo Embedded HotTo version 0.07 >> >>Version 0.07 >>Please add, delete, modify. Thanks! >> >>Several fixes. Root password now works. Several work arounds are no >>longer >>need, as the embedded Gentoo team has fixed them (I'm guess because I >> >> >no > > >>longer get those errors). There is still one problem when "emerge -e >>system" >>for groff. Bug 98187 ( >>Check >>out the bug report for the temp fix/work around (USE="-sandbox" emerge >>-e >>system). >> >>I've update my website with this version also. >> >> >> >> >> >> >#----------------------------------------------------------------------- > > >>--------- >># Embedded Gentoo How-To for x86 >># >># A how-to guide to setup a Gentoo embedded environment, you must be >>root. >># These commands are to be run on your development system, >># any x86 Gentoo Linux computer will do. The system should be fast, >># to speed development. The target can be any x86 based SBC. I'm >># using a Geode based SBC. Latter I'll use a Via based SBC. >># >># version 0.07 >># 2005.8.7 >># >># Heath Holcomb (heath at >># Ned Ludd (original commands posted) >># Lloyd Sargent (contributor) >># Yuri Vasilevski (contributor) >># Mike George (contributor) >># Kammi Cazze (contributor) >># Marius Schaefer (contributor) >># >># Definitions and Terms >># system_rootfs = your regular rootfs, development computer >># development_rootfs = what you use to build the embedded_rootfs >># embedded_rootfs = rootfs you deploy to the target system >># SBC = single board computer (here it's an x86 based) >># >># References >># >># >># >># Gentoo embedded mailing list ( >># >># >># Overview of process (steps) >># 1 - Prepare the development_rootfs from your system_rootfs >># 2 - Build the development_rootfs >># 3 - Build the embedded_rootfs >># 4 - Build and install non-system programs to the embedded_rootfs >># 5 - Build and install a kernel to the embedded_rootfs >># 6 - Deploy embedded_rootfs to target >># >> >> >> >#----------------------------------------------------------------------- > > >>--------- >> >>#----- Step 1 - Prepare the development_rootfs from your system_rootfs >>------- >> >># You must be root. >>su - >> >># Create the development_rootfs. >># I use i586 because of target is a Geode processor. >>mkdir -p /opt/i586-gentoo-uclibc-linux/usr/portage >> >># Download the latest stage 1 tarball. >>wget \ >> >> >> > > > >>ibc-2005.0.tar.bz2 >> >># Untar the stage to the development_rootfs. >>tar -xvjpf stage1-x86-uclibc-2005.0.tar.bz2 -C >>/opt/i586-gentoo-uclibc-linux/ >> >># Mount the proc and portage directories to your development_rootfs. >># Makes your system_rootfs's proc and portage directory available from >>inside >># of your development_rootfs (after chrooting). >>mount --bind /proc /opt/i586-gentoo-uclibc-linux/proc/ >>mount --bind /usr/portage /opt/i586-gentoo-uclibc-linux/usr/portage >> >># Copy over DNS information to the development_rootfs. >>cp /etc/resolv.conf /opt/i586-gentoo-uclibc-linux/etc/resolv.conf >> >># Chroot into the development_rootfs. >>chroot /opt/i586-gentoo-uclibc-linux /bin/bash --login >> >> >>#----- Step 2 - Build the development_rootfs >>--------------------------------- >> >># Create new environment and load variables into memory. >>env-update >>source /etc/profile >> >># Modify make.conf file to your liking/needs. >>nano -w /etc/make.conf >># This is for my target, Geode x86 processor. >>/* >>USE="bitmap-fonts minimal truetype-fonts mmx" >>CHOST="i586-gentoo-linux-uclibc" >>CFLAGS="-march=i586 -Os -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -mmmx" >>CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" >>FEATURES="buildpkg" >> >>VIDEO_CARDS="chips" >>UCLIBC_CPU="586MMX" >>*/ >> >># Set profile to use 2.6 kernel. >># The current stage uses 2.4 by default, and for most cases you are >>going >># to want a 2.6.x kernel. >>cd /etc/ >>unlink make.profile >>ln -s ../usr/portage/profiles/uclibc/x86 make.profile >> >># Start the bootstrap script. >>cd /usr/portage/scripts >>./ -p -v >>./ >> >># Emerge the system ebuild for the development_rootfs. >>emerge -e system >> >>#----- Step 3 - Build the embedded_rootfs >>------------------------------------ >> >># Create the embedded_rootfs directory. >>mkdir /embedded_rootfs >> >># Emerge baselayout-lite into embedded_rootfs. >># This gives your system a basic file structure. >># 1.0_pre1 is the only one that is stable, right? >>cd /usr/portage/sys-apps/baselayout-lite/ >>ROOT=/embedded_rootfs emerge baselayout-lite-1.0_pre1.ebuild >> >># Workaround 1 >># Baselayout-lite is still beta, so a few fixes are needed. >># There needs to be a directory "log" in /var. >># Inittab calls for /usr/bin/tail, but it needs to /usr/bin. >>mkdir /embedded_rootfs/var/log >>nano -w /embedded_rootfs/etc/inittab >>/* >>#tty3::respawn:/usr/bin/tail -f /var/log/messages >>tty3::respawn:/bin/tail -f /var/log/messages >>*/ >> >># Emerge uclibc into the embedded_rootfs. >># Use the -K option because we don't get the extra files created by >> >> >the > > >># build/emerge process into our embedded rootfs which needs to be as >># small as possible. >>ROOT=/embedded_rootfs emerge -K uclibc >> >># Emerge busybox into the embedded_rootfs. >># First you must emerge it into your development_rootfs. >># This does not create the symlinks in our development embedded >> >> >rootfs. > > >>emerge busybox >>ROOT=/embedded_rootfs emerge -K busybox >> >># Create the symlinks for busybox in the embedded_rootfs. >>mkdir /embedded_rootfs/proc >>mount -o bind /proc/ /embedded_rootfs/proc/ >>chroot /embedded_rootfs /bin/busybox --install -s >>umount /embedded_rootfs/proc >> >># Set time zone in your embedded_rootfs. >># See for details. >># For central standard time in the US, use "CST6CDT". >>nano -w /embedded_rootfs/etc/TZ >>/* >>CST6CDT >>*/ >> >># Install a boot loader (usually grug or lilo). >># Once you copy/deploy your embedded_rootfs to your target SBC you >> >> >will > > >># have to run grub on the command line to write to the master boot >>record >># (MBR). >># For some reason not all of /boot/grub is copied over to the >># embedded_rootfs, so a extra manual copy step is needed. >># The --nodeps gets rip of the run time need of ncurses. >>emerge --nodeps grub >>ROOT=/embedded_rootfs emerge -K --nodeps grub >>cp -R /boot/grub /embedded_rootfs/boot/ >> >># Modify your boot configure file. >># The example below is for a gurb, for a boot partition on /dev/hda1 >> >> >and > > >>only >># one partition on the target SBC system. >>nano -w /embedded_rootfs/boot/grub/grub.conf >>/* >>default 0 >>timeout 10 >>splashimage=(hd0,0)/boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz >> >>title=Linux 2.6.x >>root (hd0,0) >>kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.x root=/dev/hda1 vga=792 >>*/ >> >># Set root password for the embedded_rootfs >>chromm /embedded_rootfs >>passwd >>rm /embedded_rootfs/etc/passwd- >>exit >> >># Modify fstab. >># Below is mine, yours may vary. >>nano -w /embedded_rootfs/etc/fstab >>/* >>/dev/hda1 / reiserfs defaults >>0 0 >>none /proc proc defaults >>0 0 >>none /sys sysfs defaults >>0 0 >>none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0 >>*/ >> >># Clean up the embedded_rootfs. >># Don't know why these files are there in the first place, so if >> >> >anyone > > >># can tell me why..... >>rm -R /embedded_rootfs/var/db/pkg/ * >>rm -R /embedded_rootfs/var/lib/portage/ >> >>#---- Step 4 - Build and install non-system programs to the >>embedded_rootfs -- >> >># Emerge other software you need for you embedded target. >># This is very wildly depending on your needs. >># Also your proprietary application will be done here. >>emerge foo* >>ROOT=/embedded_rootfs emerge -K foo* >> >> >>#---- Step 5 - Build and install a kernel to the embedded_rootfs >>------------- >> >># Install a kernel into embedded_rootfs. >># First we will emerge it into our development_rootfs, then configure >>and >># build it. >>emerge vanilla-sources >>cd /usr/src/ >>cd linux >>make menuconfig >># Configure your kernel for your TARGET SBC here. I HIGHLY suggest >> >> >you > > >># configure the kernel to compile everything into the kernel, and >>nothing >># as a module. >>make >>ROOT=/embedded_rootfs make modules_install >>cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage >>/embedded_rootfs/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.x >> >># A few notes on compiling your kernel. >># If deploying to Compact Flash/DiskOnChip/SD use ext2, as the >>journaling >># filing systems "write" to much for a flash device. >># If deploying to a hard drive use a journaling filing system, such as >># ext3 or reiserfs. >> >> >>#---- Step 6 - Deploy embedded_rootfs to target >>------------------------------ >> >># Prepare a Gentoo (or any Linux distro) system on the target SBC >> >> >using > > >>a >># harddrive. This is known as the target development rootfs. >># We will create a partition (/embedded_rootfs) that will server as >> >> >our > > >># "test" partition to deploy our embedded_rootfs that we generate on >> >> >our > > >># development_system. >># >># I use the following partitions to speed development (yours may >> >> >vary): > > >># /dev/hda1 - /embedded_rootfs - 1 GB >># /dev/hda2 - /boot - 100 MB >># /dev/hda3 - swap - (size varies, 512 MB is a good number) >># /dev/hda4 - / - (what is left, at least 1.5 GB per 2005.0 install >>guide >>specs) >># >># Copy over your embedded_rootfs from you development system to your >>target >># system and the directory /embedded_rootfs. This needs to be done >> >> >via > > >>NFS as >># need to preserve the permissions. >># >>#The following commands are done from the >># target development rootfs. >>mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/embedded_rootfs >>mount -t nfs\ >>\ >>/mnt/nfs_embedded_rootfs >>cp -adpR /mnt/nfs_embedded_rootfs/* /mnt/embedded_rootfs >> >> >># Modify your target system's gurb.conf (or lilo.conf) for allow you >> >> >to > > >>boot >># to the embedded_rootfs partition. >># >># Reboot, and if all goes well you'll be greeted with a login prompt. >># >># Fin. >> >> >> >>-- >>heath holcomb >>liquidcable at >> >>-- >> mailing list >> >> > > > -- mailing list