Hi everyone.<br><br>I emerge things on a target root to build a minimal filesystem.<br>When I tested it, some binaries complained about lack of libstdc++.so.6<br><br>So I ran &#39;equery belongs libstdc++.so.6&#39; on my host. Which told me that I wanted to have &#39;sys-devel/gcc-4.3.4&#39;.<br>

The point is that I don&#39;t want gcc on my target filesystem.<br>Is there any other way to get libstdc++ by emerging something to my target ?<br>Would a simple copy from host to target lib/ be enough ?<br><br>Thanks in advance.<br clear="all">

<br>-- <br>Pierre.<br>&quot;Sometimes when I&#39;m talking, my words can&#39;t keep up with my thoughts. I wonder why we think faster than we speak. Probably so we can think twice.&quot; - Bill Watterson<br>