2009/12/1 Peter Stuge > Hm, what is ports version? Do you mean the portage snapshot? That can > be set in the spec files though? > I wanted to say for instance "gcc-3.4.3" and not "current gcc". Because I want some targets to be built against a specific version of glibc. > > > > I really don't want to build a profile because they're hard to > > maintain in a wide use scheme, and because that's overkill. > > Would it not work to put a profile in /etc/catalyst/mytarget/profile > and give a relative path like ../../../etc/catalyst/mytarget/profile > in the catalyst spec file? > I thought about that. But : 1) That's a dirty hack. What if gentoo decides to put profiles in /usr/portage/boringstuffs/profiles/ ? They can because of official transparent "eselect profile" way of selecting a profile. 2) Each of my target can be different. WCS, we have one profile per target, per architecture, per type of target... per version. I want my target build env to be self-containing, so I don't want 10K profiles moving around my host tree. Plus, I lost profiles parenting if I put things in /etc/catalyst/mytarget/ > > > - I want to be able to just emerge one new port or update one on a > > target, and with Catalyst I cant. > > Sure you can. I do this a lot with my systems. > > > > I must rebuild all (yeah, cache is there but...), > > But what? I find that the most time is spent in the rsync, done first > for a catalyst stage. Binpkgs install very quickly. > I would have to audit catalyst code to tell cache won't break some of my needs. Because I will do nasty things on the portage tree. I don't want catalyst to think it can "pick a bin in a cache" (that's sound funny isn't it ?), but in fact ebuild with same version has changed because of some patches I applied. Cache is really a killing feat of catalyst, but I can't afford it for my things. I fear the cache. > Right. I get tbz2s which I install on my target. > That's fine. But I can do this with simple emerges too. > "system" is not a great term. Yes, your stage4 will not have a build > environment, so the next catalyst run will take a little longer. > Maybe that's a big problem in your scenario, but if you can live with > that, I don't see a problem. > I don't want my "stage4" to have a build env. I want my stage4 to be very minimal. I would expect catalyst to do this in fact : 1) Take a official stage3. 2) Build a build env with this stage3. Build env would have specified arch/gcc/libc/binutils version, and portage with a specified tree. 3) From this build env, catalyst would build a target with JUST the packages I specified, so the target would be totally empty at begining. Then I would like the kernel comp on build env, and image cped to my target. Then I would like catalyst to emerge kernel dependant packages to my target. Then I would be done with a "stage4", which is my target. 4) Then my target could be put on a live cd with some more mechanic catalyst already offers. For all step there would be a spec file, and possibility to specify each dest dirs. > > Ned Ludd wrote: > > catalyst can do none of the above > Hey that was a little rude I think ! > > In this case it will work, since build is amd64 and target x86. > I confirm in my case it would work. I build on amd64, I target x86 and amd64, but with different glibc bases. > Hey - another, more novel, idea would be to create some new catalyst > targets, that combines both these methods and builds from nothing, > but with direction. > > I insist on catalyst because it takes care of a good deal of things > that have to be done manually otherwise - documentation, filesystem > overlay, create binpkgs, create tarball, create iso.. > I really liked catalyst when I read it spec examples. After dealing a little with basic scenarios and totally outdated examples, I started to find that I had needs it can't answer. I was really sad, I promise. What I miss the most is the "I will just have to write 2 spec files per target, YAY !!!" dream, and the "I take care of the Live CD boring stuffs". Catalyst should provide a "solar glasses stuffed cowboy" mode, where it could act as an evolved spec-files base cross compiler/emerger, and where we could build from nothing. -- Pierre. "Sometimes when I'm talking, my words can't keep up with my thoughts. I wonder why we think faster than we speak. Probably so we can think twice." - Bill Watterson