Preso da There are other ways to express "combination". If you think that a plus-sign is clearer, please use that. In French, a dash is clear: "GNU-Linux". In Spanish, we sometimes say "GNU con Linux". ^_^ 2005/10/22, Sergio Bevilacqua : > > On Sat, 2005-10-22 at 12:52 +0200, Danilo Bazzani wrote: > > Perchè non GNU+Linux ? > > Ciao, Danilo > > > nei documenti ufficiali è sempre riportato GNU/Linux. la forma GNU+Linux > non la usa nessuno, e personalmente non so nemmeno se è corretta > > > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux) > > iD8DBQBDWiC1ZCYbYmIn75sRAoSXAJ92lKWJsz0YTBrvM/dm5AgjFwZl+wCg2Oex > EA76c7YAu6zfEDopJ64lapg= > =HoJG > -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- > > > -- ~-- Free Software Foundation Member #3844 ---~ ~--------------------------------------------------------------~ Free software is a matter of liberty not price. You should think of "free" as in "free speech". ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Linux is the kernel, one of the essential major components of the system. The system as a whole is more or less the GNU system, with Linux added. When you're talking about this combination, please call it ``GNU/Linux''. ~ Richard Stallman ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~