Hello, I believe it's necessary to bring this matter here. I think it's a good idea to expand the categories' descriptions (found in the corresponding /metadata.xml/ files) with more accurate descriptions of which packages are welcome to fit in which categories. The current descriptions are very vague and aren't probably in the best shape to bring users' a good idea what certain category is about and what packages are to be found there. This can also be an issue for (new) ebuild-writers (either user-contributing ebuilds or just gentoo developers that are not sure about it). This is of course checked by a gentoo developer if new ebuilds are to be submitted via the bugzilla, but I still think we should provide a better understanding of the categories. If expanding the /metadata.xml/ files does not seem a good idea, we should at least make a little bit more comprehensive description somewhere in the /gentoo.org/doc// or /wiki.gentoo.org/ pages. What do you think about it? Regards, Denis M. (Phr33d0m)