From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Received: from ([] by with esmtp (Exim 4.43) id 1E0Gc9-0007DN-1j for; Wed, 03 Aug 2005 10:36:50 +0000 Received: from (localhost []) by (8.13.4/8.13.4) with SMTP id j73Aa1bb026499; Wed, 3 Aug 2005 10:36:01 GMT Received: from ( []) by (8.13.4/8.13.4) with ESMTP id j73Aa0vD021343 for ; Wed, 3 Aug 2005 10:36:00 GMT Message-Id: <> Received: from ([] by with smtp (Exim 4.43) id 1E0Gbt-0002Sd-0N for; Wed, 03 Aug 2005 10:36:29 +0000 Received: by (sSMTP sendmail emulation); Wed, 3 Aug 2005 10:36:19 +0000 From: "Xavier Neys" Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 10:36:19 +0000 To: Subject: [gentoo-doc-cvs] cvs commit: l-posix1.xml Precedence: bulk List-Post: List-Help: List-Unsubscribe: List-Subscribe: List-Id: Gentoo Linux mail X-BeenThere: Reply-to: X-Archives-Salt: 2e489183-c88f-4bcb-bdf6-be6a457e60ae X-Archives-Hash: 32dfbf7da30c4ad60ae747042a714f62 neysx 05/08/03 10:36:19 Added: xml/htdocs/doc/en/articles l-posix1.xml l-posix2.xml l-posix3.xml Log: #100538 xmlified posix articles Revision Changes Path 1.1 xml/htdocs/doc/en/articles/l-posix1.xml file : plain: Index: l-posix1.xml =================================================================== POSIX threads explained, part 1 Daniel Robbins Łukasz Damentko POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) threads are a great way to increase the responsiveness and performance of your code. In this series, Daniel Robbins shows you exactly how to use threads in your code. A lot of behind-the-scenes details are covered, so by the end of this series you'll really be ready to create your own multithreaded programs. 1.0 2005-07-27 A simple and nimble tool for memory sharing
Threads are fun The original version of this article was published on IBM developerWorks, and is property of Westtech Information Services. This document is an updated version of the original article, and contains various improvements made by the Gentoo Linux Documentation team.

Knowing how to properly use threads should be part of every good programmer's repertoire. Threads are similar to processes. Threads, like processes, are time-sliced by the kernel. On uniprocessor systems the kernel uses time slicing to simulate simultaneous execution of threads in much the same way it uses time slicing with processes. And, on multiprocessor systems, threads are actually able to run simultaneously, just like two or more processes can.

So why is multithreading preferable to multiple independent processes for most cooperative tasks? Well, threads share the same memory space. Independent threads can access the same variables in memory. So all of your program's threads can read or write the declared global integers. If you've ever programmed any non-trivial code that uses fork(), you'll recognize the importance of this tool. Why? While fork() allows you to create multiple processes, it also creates the following communication problem: how to get multiple processes, each with their own independent memory space, to communicate. There is no one simple answer to this problem. While there are many different kinds of local IPC (inter-process communication), they all suffer from two important drawbacks:

  • They impose some form of additional kernel overhead, lowering performance.
  • In almost all situations, IPC is not a "natural" extension of your code. It often dramatically increases the complexity of your program.

Double bummer: overhead and complication aren't good things. If you've ever had to make massive modifications to one of your programs so that it supports IPC, you'll really appreciate the simple memory-sharing approach that threads provide. POSIX threads don't need to make expensive and complicated long-distance calls because all our threads happen to live in the same house. With a little synchronization, all your threads can read and modify your program's existing data structures. You don't have to pump the data through a file descriptor or squeeze it into a tight, shared memory space. For this reason alone you should consider the one process/multithread model rather than the multiprocess/single-thread model.

Threads are nimble

But there's more. Threads also happen to be extremely nimble. Compared to a standard fork(), they carry a lot less overhead. The kernel does not need to make a new independent copy of the process memory space, file descriptors, etc. That saves a lot of CPU time, making thread creation ten to a hundred times faster than new process creation. Because of this, you can use a whole bunch of threads and not worry too much about the CPU and memory overhead incurred. You don't have a big CPU hit the way you do with fork(). This means you can generally create threads whenever it makes sense in your program.

Of course, just like processes, threads will take advantage of multiple CPUs. This is a really great feature if your software is designed to be used on a multiprocessor machine (if the software is open source, it will probably end up running on quite a few of these). The performance of certain kinds of threaded programs (CPU-intensive ones in particular) will scale almost linearly with the number of processors in the system. If you're writing a program that is very CPU-intensive, you'll definitely want to find ways to use multiple threads in your code. Once you're adept at writing threaded code, you'll also be able to approach coding challenges in new and creative ways without a lot of IPC red tape and miscellaneous mumbo-jumbo. All these benefits work synergistically to make multithreaded programming fun, fast, and flexible.

I think I'm a clone now

If you've been in the Linux programming world for a while, you may know about the __clone() system call. __clone() is similar to fork(), but allows you to do lots of things that threads can do. For example, with __clone() you can selectively share parts of your parent's execution context (memory space, file descriptors, etc.) with a new child process. That's a good thing. But there is also a not-so-good thing about __clone(). As the __clone() man page states:

    "The __clone call is Linux-specific and should not be used in programs
    intended to be portable. For programming threaded applications (multiple
    threads of control in the same memory space), it is better to use a library
    implementing the POSIX 1003.1c thread API, such as the Linux-Threads
    library. See pthread_create(3thr)."

So, while __clone() offers many of the benefits of threads, it is not portable. That doesn't mean you shouldn't use it in your code. But you should weigh this fact when you are considering using __clone() in your software. Fortunately, as the __clone() man page states, there's a better alternative: POSIX threads. When you want to write portable multithreaded code, code that works under Solaris, FreeBSD, Linux, and more, POSIX threads are the way to go.

Beginning threads

Here's a simple example program that uses POSIX threads:

#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void *thread_function(void *arg) {
  int i;
  for ( i=0; i<20; i++ ) {
    printf("Thread says hi!\n");
  return NULL;

int main(void) {

  pthread_t mythread;
  if ( pthread_create( &mythread, NULL, thread_function, NULL) ) {
    printf("error creating thread.");

  if ( pthread_join ( mythread, NULL ) ) {
    printf("error joining thread.");



To compile this program, simply save this program as thread1.c, and type:

1.1 xml/htdocs/doc/en/articles/l-posix2.xml file : plain: Index: l-posix2.xml =================================================================== POSIX threads explained, part 2 Daniel Robbins Łukasz Damentko POSIX threads are a great way to increase the responsiveness and performance of your code. In this second article of a three-part series, Daniel Robbins shows you how to protect the integrity of shared data structures in your threaded code by using nifty little things called mutexes. 1.0 2005-07-27 The little things called mutexes
Mutex me! The original version of this article was published on IBM developerWorks, and is property of Westtech Information Services. This document is an updated version of the original article, and contains various improvements made by the Gentoo Linux Documentation team.

In my previous article, I talked about threaded code that did unusual and unexpected things. Two threads each incremented a global variable twenty times. The variable was supposed to end up with a value of 40, but ended up with a value of 21 instead. What happened? The problem occurred because one thread repeatedly "cancelled out" the increment performed by the other thread. Let's take a look at some corrected code that uses a mutex to solve the problem:

#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int myglobal;
pthread_mutex_t mymutex=PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

void *thread_function(void *arg) {
  int i,j;
  for ( i=0; i<20; i++ ) {
  return NULL;

int main(void) {

  pthread_t mythread;
  int i;

  if ( pthread_create( &mythread, NULL, thread_function, NULL) ) {
    printf("error creating thread.");

  for ( i=0; i<20; i++) {

  if ( pthread_join ( mythread, NULL ) ) {
    printf("error joining thread.");

  printf("\nmyglobal equals %d\n",myglobal);


Comprehension time

If you compare this code to the version in my previous article, you'll notice the addition of the calls pthread_mutex_lock() and pthread_mutex_unlock(). These calls perform a much-needed function in threaded programs. They provide a means of mutual exclusion (hence the name). No two threads can have the same mutex locked at the same time.

This is how mutexes work. If thread "a" tries to lock a mutex while thread "b" has the same mutex locked, thread "a" goes to sleep. As soon as thread "b" releases the mutex (via a pthread_mutex_unlock() call), thread "a" will be able to lock the mutex (in other words, it will return from the pthread_mutex_lock() call with the mutex locked). Likewise, if thread "c" tries to lock the mutex while thread "a" is holding it, thread "c" will also be put to sleep temporarily. All threads that go to sleep from calling pthread_mutex_lock() on an already-locked mutex will "queue up" for access to that mutex.

pthread_mutex_lock() and pthread_mutex_unlock() are normally used to protect data structures. That is, you make sure that only one thread at a time can access a certain data structure by locking and unlocking it. As you may have guessed, the POSIX threads library will grant a lock without having put the thread to sleep at all if a thread tries to lock an unlocked mutex.

The thread in this image that has the mutex locked gets to access the complex data structure without worrying about having other threads mess with it at the same time. The data structure is in effect "frozen" until the mutex is unlocked. It's as if the pthread_mutex_lock() and pthread_mutex_unlock() calls are "under construction" signs that surround a particular piece of shared data that's being modified or read. The calls act as a warning to other threads to go to sleep and wait their turn for the mutex lock. Of course this is only true if your surround every read and write to a particular data structure with calls to pthread_mutex_lock() and pthread_mutex_unlock().

Why mutex at all?

Sounds interesting, but why exactly do we want to put our threads to sleep? After all, isn't the main advantage of threads their ability to work independently and in many cases simultaneously? Yes, that's completely true. However, every non-trivial threads program will require at least some use of mutexes. Let's refer to our example program again to understand why.

If you take a look at thread_function(), you'll notice that the mutex is locked at the beginning of the loop and released at the very end. In this example program, mymutex is used to protect the value of myglobal. If you look carefully at thread_function() you'll notice that the increment code copies myglobal to a local variable, increments the local variable, sleeps for one second, and only then copies the local value back to myglobal. Without the mutex, thread_function() will overwrite the incremented value when it wakes up if our main thread increments myglobal during thread_function()'s one-second nap. Using a mutex ensures that this doesn't happen. (In case you're wondering, I added the one-second delay to trigger a flawed result. There is no real reason for thread_function() to go to sleep for one second before writing the local value back to myglobal.) Our new program using mutex produces the desired result:

$ ./thread3
myglobal equals 40

To further explore this extremely important concept, let's take a look at the increment code from our program:

thread_function() increment code: 

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Index: l-posix3.xml

POSIX threads explained, part 3

  Daniel Robbins

  Łukasz Damentko

In this article, the last of a three-part series on POSIX threads, Daniel takes
a good look at how to use condition variables. Condition variables are POSIX
thread structures that allow you to "wake up" threads when certain conditions
are met. You can think of them as a thread-safe form of signalling. Daniel wraps
up the article by using all that you've learned so far to implement a
multi-threaded work crew application.


Improve efficiency with condition variables
Condition variables explained The original version of this article was published on IBM developerWorks, and is property of Westtech Information Services. This document is an updated version of the original article, and contains various improvements made by the Gentoo Linux Documentation team.

I ended my previous article by describing a particular dilemma how does a thread deal with a situation where it is waiting for a specific condition to become true? It could repeatedly lock and unlock a mutex, each time checking a shared data structure for a certain value. But this is a waste of time and resources, and this form of busy polling is extremely inefficient. The best way to do this is to use the pthread_cond_wait() call to wait on a particular condition to become true.

It's important to understand what pthread_cond_wait() does -- it's the heart of the POSIX threads signalling system, and also the hardest part to understand.

First, let's consider a scenario where a thread has locked a mutex, in order to take a look at a linked list, and the list happens to be empty. This particular thread can't do anything -- it's designed to remove a node from the list, and there are no nodes available. So, this is what it does.

While still holding the mutex lock, our thread will call pthread_cond_wait(&mycond,&mymutex). The pthread_cond_wait() call is rather complex, so we'll step through each of its operations one at a time.

The first thing pthread_cond_wait() does is simultaneously unlock the mutex mymutex (so that other threads can modify the linked list) and wait on the condition mycond (so that pthread_cond_wait() will wake up when it is "signalled" by another thread). Now that the mutex is unlocked, other threads can access and modify the linked list, possibly adding items.

At this point, the pthread_cond_wait() call has not yet returned. Unlocking the mutex happens immediately, but waiting on the condition mycond is normally a blocking operation, meaning that our thread will go to sleep, consuming no CPU cycles until it is woken up. This is exactly what we want to happen. Our thread is sleeping, waiting for a particular condition to become true, without performing any kind of busy polling that would waste CPU time. From our thread's perspective, it's simply waiting for the pthread_cond_wait() call to return.

Now, to continue the explanation, let's say that another thread (call it "thread 2") locks mymutex and adds an item to our linked list. Immediately after unlocking the mutex, thread 2 calls the function pthread_cond_broadcast(&mycond). By doing so, thread 2 will cause all threads waiting on the mycond condition variable to immediately wake up. This means that our first thread (which is in the middle of a pthread_cond_wait() call) will now wake up.

Now, let's take a look at what happens to our first thread. After thread 2 called pthread_cond_broadcast(&mymutex) you might think that thread 1's pthread_cond_wait() will immediately return. Not so! Instead, pthread_cond_wait() will perform one last operation: relock mymutex. Once pthread_cond_wait() has the lock, it will then return and allow thread 1 to continue execution. At that point, it can immediately check the list for any interesting changes.

Stop and review!
/* queue.h
** Copyright 2000 Daniel Robbins, Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
** Author: Daniel Robbins
** Date: 16 Jun 2000
typedef struct node {
  struct node *next;
} node;
typedef struct queue {
  node *head, *tail; 
} queue;
void queue_init(queue *myroot);
void queue_put(queue *myroot, node *mynode);
node *queue_get(queue *myroot);
/* queue.c
** Copyright 2000 Daniel Robbins, Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
** Author: Daniel Robbins
** Date: 16 Jun 2000
** This set of queue functions was originally thread-aware.  I
** redesigned the code to make this set of queue routines
** thread-ignorant (just a generic, boring yet very fast set of queue
** routines).  Why the change?  Because it makes more sense to have
** the thread support as an optional add-on.  Consider a situation
** where you want to add 5 nodes to the queue.  With the
** thread-enabled version, each call to queue_put() would
** automatically lock and unlock the queue mutex 5 times -- that's a
** lot of unnecessary overhead.  However, by moving the thread stuff
** out of the queue routines, the caller can lock the mutex once at
** the beginning, then insert 5 items, and then unlock at the end.
** Moving the lock/unlock code out of the queue functions allows for
** optimizations that aren't possible otherwise.  It also makes this
** code useful for non-threaded applications.
** We can easily thread-enable this data structure by using the
** data_control type defined in control.c and control.h. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "queue.h"
void queue_init(queue *myroot) {
void queue_put(queue *myroot,node *mynode) {
  if (myroot->tail!=NULL)
  if (myroot->head==NULL)
node *queue_get(queue *myroot) {
  //get from root
  node *mynode;
  if (myroot->head!=NULL)
  return mynode;
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