>>>>> On Mon, 16 Dec 2019, Michał Górny wrote: > Proposed solution > ================= > The current proposal is based on extending the current URI syntax to > permit excluding individual files from the restriction. The idea is to > prepend 'fetch+' to protocol to undo fetch restriction, or to prepend > 'mirror+' to undo fetch & mirror restrictions. > Example 1: removing mirror restriction from files > RESTRICT="mirror" > SRC_URI="https://example.com/you-cant-mirror-this.tar.bz2 > mirror+https://example.com/but-you-can-mirror-this.tar.gz" > Example 2: removing fetch & mirror restriction from files > RESTRICT="fetch" > SRC_URI="https://example.com/you-cant-fetch-this.zip > mirror+https://example.com/but-you-can-mirror-this.tar.gz" > Example 3: removing fetch restriction while leaving mirror restriction > RESTRICT="fetch" > SRC_URI="https://example.com/you-cant-fetch-this.zip > fetch+https://example.com/you-cant-mirror-this.tar.bz2" Looks good, but what is slightly confusing is that it doesn't map one-to-one to the RESTRICT tokens: - RESTRICT="mirror" enables mirror restriction, and it is undone by "mirror+", as expected. - RESTRICT="fetch" enables both fetch and mirror restriction, but it is undone by "mirror+" as well, not by "fetch+" (which disables only fetch restriction). I had already asked this in bug 371413 [1], but is there an actual usage case for example 3? Because if there isn't, we might get away with only supporting "mirror+", which should be less error prone. Ulrich > [1] https://bugs.gentoo.org/371413