>>>>> On Tue, 02 Jan 2024, Eli Schwartz wrote: > +++ b/2024-01-02-separate-usr-now-requires-an-initramfs/2024-01-02-separate-usr-now-requires-an-initramfs.txt The short-name is rather long. GLEP 42 strongly recommends to stay below 20 characters: https://www.gentoo.org/glep/glep-0042.html#news-item-identities > +Title: Separate /usr now requires an initramfs > +Author: Eli Schwartz > +Content-Type: text/plain > +Posted: 2024-01-02 > +Revision: 1 > +News-Item-Format: 2.0 > +Display-If-Installed: sys-apps/baselayout[split-usr] This is not a valid header. (Format 2.0 doesn't have Content-Type.) > +In 2013, Gentoo policy determined that separate /usr without an initramfs was > +officially no longer supported: > + > +- https://projects.gentoo.org/qa/policy-guide/filesystem.html#pg0202 > +- https://gitweb.gentoo.org/data/gentoo-news.git/tree/2013/2013-09-27-initramfs-required/2013-09-27-initramfs-required.en.txt?id=a79dd69b0cca439bc0c483c9193c79e0554819d0 The 2013-09-27-initramfs-required news item already said: | Linux systems which have / and /usr on separate file systems but do not | use an initramfs will not be supported starting on 01-Nov-2013. | | If you have / and /usr on separate file systems and you are not | currently using an initramfs, you must set one up before this date. | Otherwise, at some point on or after this date, upgrading packages | will make your system unbootable. It is also in the Handbook since 2014: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Kernel#Optional:_Building_an_initramfs What has changed that we would need another news item? Ulrich