On 07/23/2017 07:13 AM, Manuel Rüger wrote: > The following packages are up for grabs: > > app-admin/gixy > app-admin/mei-amt-check > app-admin/ngxtop > app-admin/passwordsafe > app-arch/lz5 > app-crypt/acme > app-crypt/certbot > app-crypt/certbot-apache > app-crypt/certbot-nginx > app-crypt/easy-rsa > app-crypt/libmd > app-crypt/manuale > app-crypt/pgpdump > app-emulation/docker-gc > app-misc/jira-cli > app-misc/pdfpc > app-text/blahtexml > app-text/itex2mml > app-text/mathtex > dev-go/cli > dev-go/delve > dev-go/go-gitlab-client > dev-go/glide > dev-go/toml > dev-python/parsley > dev-python/safety > dev-python/txsocksx > dev-python/vcversioner > dev-libs/libgit2 > dev-lua/luadbi > dev-lua/luasocket > dev-lua/lua-zlib > dev-util/bloaty > dev-util/cookiecutter > net-analyzer/linkchecker > net-libs/libssh2 > net-misc/kafkacat > x11-misc/flow-pomodoro > x11-plugins/pidgin-opensteamworks > x11-plugins/pidgin-xmpp-receipts > > There is another set of packages, which have a backup project > maintaining it. Please talk to the respective project if you're > interested in maintaining those: > > app-office/texstudio > dev-python/cookies > dev-python/freezegun > dev-python/future > dev-python/hiro > dev-python/hvac > dev-python/parsedatetime > dev-python/parsley > dev-python/pyhcl > dev-python/pykka > dev-python/pyrfc3339 > dev-python/pytest-capturelog > dev-python/pytest-localserver > dev-python/responses > dev-python/vcrpy > dev-python/zope-component > dev-python/zope-event > net-firewall/nftables > net-libs/libnftnl > > Best regards, > Manuel Rüger > > I have a machine using certbot (Rpi 3 Model B) now that I might be switching to Gentoo in the future. I'd be willing to co-maintain app-crypt/certbot with other interested developers. The catch is I don't use Apache or nginx; others would need to maintain certbot-apache and certbot-nginx. Anyone interested? -- Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer OpenPGP Key: 0x1EA055D6 @ hkp://keys.gnupg.net fpr: AE03 9064 AE00 053C 270C 1DE4 6F7A 9091 1EA0 55D6