Hi Sam,

On 2024/01/10 13:02, Sam James wrote:
Jaco Kroon <jaco@uls.co.za> writes:

How critical is it that they do?
Even for the bump PR they do not, they fail with the below, and
frankly my knowledge of ruby is outright scary.  The below to me
indicates that the tests are designed specifically to run from a git
checkout, there are two possible "fixes":

1.  patch the code to not require this.
2.  disable tests.

Looking at the code it's simply looking for the .git folder, so mkdir ..../.git may circumvent this problem if we can solve the below.

Test phase: app-admin/fluentd-1.16.3
 * Running test phase for ruby31
`require': cannot load such file -- rr (LoadError)
Try adding a test dep on dev-ruby/rr.

Tests are busy running now.  Seem to be slow.  Updated ebuild pushed to the PR.  Will advise test outcome on the PR.

Someone will probably need/want to look at this circular dependency at some point.

 * Error: circular dependencies:

(dev-ruby/rspec-expectations-3.12.3:3/3::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) depends on
 (dev-ruby/rspec-3.12.0:3/3::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) (buildtime)
  (dev-ruby/rspec-expectations-3.12.3:3/3::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) (buildtime)

[test] for each depends on the other, so setting a global FEATURES=test breaks things.  I don't think this is a critical issue.

Anyway, if it works for you in production, and you're willing to
(reluctantly) adopt it, then we can work on the tests later.

"no choice", so please do proceed to merge the PR.

Kind regards,